Blue and white, the path to enlightenment.

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Posted by GOD on February 02, 1997 at 18:27:05:

In Reply to: colors, Diamond Jim, set list for Kristin... posted by Brian on February 02, 1997 at 15:37:23:

Dearest Brian,

Lucky you, I wish I could keep my pretentious arogant buffoonery in check, however fortunate or unfortunate that might be.

As for Freud, I beg of you dear sir, please read my missive again. I believe you will find Freud listed behind the term 'antiquated'. You see, in my humble bloated opinion, seeing as how everything at some point in the future will be obsolete, I am of the resolve that one should apply ones self to that which is already considered 'obsolete', in hopes of staying one step ahead of these so called 'intellectuals'. The problem with intellectualism is that no matter how strong a theory you may formulate, you must accept that at some point in the future your theories will be deemed 'antiquated'. It is the nature of our evolution. Why be on the forefront of intellectual discovery, when one can willingly evolve to 'antiquated' in one lifetime?

I think if you meditate upon this paradox, you will reach enlightenment.


P.S. Rock and Roll is just an enigmatic delusion.

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