Re: The Eightfold Way

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Posted by noelle on February 04, 1997 at 18:25:13:

In Reply to: The Eightfold Way posted by Brian on February 04, 1997 at 00:32:47:

ok ok enough about the blushing thing you just cought me off guard...and no more insults about platipi i happen to have an effinity for that the existance of the cock roach is a much better example....tell me this why would god crate a creature that if decapitated would live until it starved t death?...this brings up other questions like why even put a head on the thing?could have put his mouth somewhere else just as easily. and god no offence or anything...but the whole subject of philosophy is based upon speculation....and the gerneral fact that well as humans we *dont know* so we are trying to figure it out....brings up the idia that as god shouldnt you already*know*? dosnt htat kind of go along with the whole *god* pacage? philosophy should be irrelivent to you.but what do i know i am only one of those human types...
love noelle
just something to think about...the term *post modern*?
(just to keep this message consistant with the website)
l like the throwing muses a lot....(kind of sounds like a sport dosnt it
you know along with migit bowling and stuff like that)

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