The Eightfold Way

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Posted by Brian on February 04, 1997 at 00:32:47:

In Reply to: Blue and white, the path to enlightenment. posted by GOD on February 02, 1997 at 18:27:05:

How embarrassing (luckily, *I* don't blush easily). I guess my hubris wouldn't allow me to see the word 'antiquated' in your post. I don't necessarily equate that with obsolete, though; Diamond Jim should still take a look at FDA, however scary the subject may be.

I've found the best way to stay *way* ahead of the intellectuals is to sneak up behind them and take them out at the knees. They usually have a low tolerance for pain.

Careful, said intellectuals might latch onto your ideas about applying one's self to old ideas and beat you to the punch, STS. Without realizing or wanting it, you could become the antithesis to your own existence, rational or reflexive.

I'm glad you brought up evolution. Pardon me for saying so, but isn't the mere existence of... Ohhh... the platypus clear proof that you, GOD, don't actually exist? No sane Initiator could have made such a creature; the fact that you hid it down in Oz makes me think you're ashamed of it. Faced with an incoherent Creator, how are we to make sense of the Universe around us? Without an idea of our place in it, or a sense of perpective, how are we to have faith? And without faith, you are nothing. QED. (I think my causal chain has a weak link or two!)

I think if you ruminate on this pile of crap, even *You* will get nauseous.

Before I go, I've a confession: I tuned in MTV the other day, in the hopes of maybe finally seeing 'Shark'; no such luck. (Damn them for me, please) There was a video on that you've quoted from, though... "The roof, the roof is on fire... ", love the Frank Black references... can't remember the band name... anyway, that's not the bad part. The bad part is: afterwards, the video for 'Wannabe' by The Spicy Girls or whoever came on... and I watched it... the whole thing... I can't even remember blinking. I feel so sullied, like I was ridden hard and put away wet. Name the penance I must perform to cleanse myself of this evil. Thanks.

Worshipfully Sarcastic,

PS Sorry, no actual joke today

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