colors, Diamond Jim, set list for Kristin...

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Posted by Brian on February 02, 1997 at 15:37:23:

In Reply to: Re: Lumber, orgasms, deserts? posted by noelle on February 01, 1997 at 14:37:23:

noelle, I didn't have you pegged as the easily embarassed type. That mischievous glimmer in your eyes must just be a smoke screen; though it does make me wonder what's going on behind them. There's more to the joke, but I should probably tell that privately. Maybe we could meet at that bar... you know the one... you'll be the one in a garter and plastic skirt, right?... or are you the one with the gun?... I get confused... maybe I should just e-mail it... the airfare would kill me right now.

GOD, isn't Labia the capitol of Anatolia? Where Lotus blooms line the streets, ripe for plucking. Or is it just a sudden fascination you've fastened onto? I had thought Freudian Psychoanalysis was a little out of date... but diamond jim should probably read about it anyway... I recommend "Some Psychical Consequences of the Anatomical Distinction Between the Sexes"... careful where you point that Ming.

I seem to remember playing a board game when I was very young (not Jung) that had a character called "Diamond Jim." I can't for the life of me recall anything more about it; I'll give my granny a call (who was a telephone operator in the 30's) and see if she remembers something.

Seeing as no help has arrived:

This yuppie is driving in LA (actually, he's parked 'cuz of the traffic) and talking on his cellphone when he drops it out the window accidentally. As he opens the door to retrieve it, a speeding motorcyclist (love those wingriders) smashes into it. It's a horrific accident. When the cop gets there, the driver is sitting in his car, sobbing, "Look what happened to my beautiful Beemer!" The cop says, "You yuppies make me sick, you're so worried about the car, you haven't even noticed that your left arm was ripped off!" The yuppie quiets up for a second, then says, "Oh shit! Where the fuck is my Rolex?"

You guys didn't really think I was arrogant enough to make a set list for K, did you?


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