What's New?
- 08 February
- Brought the site up to date again, after Lars' Eyesore CD
offer thing spurred me on. I figured that if the site was to
be on a CD, it may as well be up to date. I did all the lyrics
and stuff ages ago, like, months ago, and then uni took over,
and I was working again, blah blah. To tell the truth, Chris'
death knocked me sideways a bit. Anyay, here it all is.
- 18 October
- Added Chris' obituary. Not a happy occasion, but I think it
said what should have been said.
- 27-28 August
Now the site is at a truly permanent location, and one that is
faster to respond to everyone as well, I hope, things are once
more on the move. Updated graphics, added Java power, new and
updated links, more credits and - at last - lyrics. And this is
just the beginning (or so). I've got some good ideas brewing...
- 20 August
- We've moved. Again. You probably know that, seeing as you're reading this.
- 20 June
- 11 June
- 03 June
- Plus, the Lush Times is updated on a regular basis
- Coming soon..
- More pictures in the Gallery
- More articles of varying nature
- Reviews of older Lush
- The lyrics page needs sorting, but it's a fairly big job. Bear with me! :)