Re: Anti-Post Modernism in the Nuclear Era.

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Posted by Sean Murphy on February 07, 1997 at 14:01:56:

In Reply to: Anti-Post Modernism in the Nuclear Era. posted by GOD on February 07, 1997 at 11:35:44:

Doesn't your last name mean 'shameful joy' in German? I don't speak German, but I do watch the Simpsons.

I hope you don't think of me as the PC police (is that personal computer or politically correct?). I have no authority - I just was tired of reading all those strange messages & I didn't like the tone I was reading in some of them. Maybe I read them wrong and saw too much in them. People are welcome to do as they please - crowd the feedback board with any kind of message if you want. But don't be offended if people bitch about it.

I enjoy coming to this site and reading messages about a band whose music I love. I would hope nobody thinks I am infringing on their right to free speech when I bitch a little. Asking for a little decorum is free speech also.

One last item: What exactly is anti-post modernism? Being a geeky engineer, I have no idea about the current labels for art.

Yours, Sean

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