

Best Album Vote

What's the best Throwing Muses album? Silly question ... they're ALL incredible! But this extremely unscientific poll lets you cast your vote for your favorite.

Photo Gallery

Take a look at our small collection of Throwing Muses and Kristin Hersh photographs.


The following sounds require Sound Machine, Sound App or another compatible player.

Check the News page for previews from Throwing Muses' latest album, "Limbo."

Guitar tabs

The tabs included here have been kindly donated by Francois Wolmarans, Edmond Hum and Emily Arkin. I'll try to add some myself soon.


By popular demand, the University interactive multimedia thing is here for your downloading enjoyment. It comes in both Mac and PC flavors. Beware, it's a LONG download!

Virtual reality

Gratuitous use of technology ... cutting edge stuff ... call it what you will. Wander through the new Throwing Music Virtual Gallery and see our exhibit featuring some of the artwork David Narcizo has put together for this web site.

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