List of people
- Abbey Road, London
- Fred Abong
(Throwing Muses)
- Chris Acland
- Adamedes
- Elaine Adamedes
- Bob Adams
- Barry Adamson
- John Agnello
- John Agneus
- Daníel Ágúst
(Gus Gus)
- Steve Albini
(Big Black)
- Miles Aldridge
- P. J. Allan
- Michele Allardyce
(Frazier Chorus)
- Ethan Allen
- Hugh Allen
- Lincoln Allen
- Michael Allen
(The Wolfgang Press)
- Chris Allison
- Ally
- Amazon Studios, Liverpool
- The American Bandana
- American, Calabasas, California
- Humongous Fungus Amongus
- Billy Anderson
- Crane Anderson
- Emma Anderson
- Jim Anderson
- Jon Anderson
- Kjól & Anderson
- Benny Andersson
- Richard Andrew
(Underground Lovers)
- Andy
- Annie Anxiety
- Steve Appleby
- Dominic Appleton
- Archer
- Archipelago
- Maurice Argiro
(Underground Lovers)
- Ben Arion
- Harold Arlen
- Stefán Árni
(Gus Gus)
- Kenny Aronoff
- Charles Arthur
- Pete Ashby
- Daniel Ash
- Petra von Asperen
- Gary Asquith
(Renegade Soundwave)
- Peter Astor
(The Weather Prophets)
- At home in Gippsland, Australia
- Mike Atkinson
- James Atom
- Jymn Auge
- Phil Ault
- Richard Avison
- Axis
- Axis Studio
- Tony Ayres
- David Badrick
- G. D. Bailey
- Bair Tracks, New York
- Andrew Ballard
- Gini Ball
- Paul Butterfield Blues Band
- The Tintwhistle Brass Band
- Dan Barbee
- Julia Bardsley
- Blixa Bargeld
(Einstürzende Neubauten)
- Meriel Barham
(Pale Saints)
- Lou Barlow
- Nick Barnard
- Jeremy Barnes
- Syd Barrett
- Tony Barrett
- Zannie Barrett
- Michelle Barry
- Pete Bartlett
- Don Bartley
- James Bates
- James Baton
- Sally Beamish
- Beck
- Andrew Beesley
- Katherine Beickmann
- Chris Bell
(Big Star)
- Peter Bellendir
(Xmal Deutschland)
- Mark Bell
- Belly
- Glenn Bennie
(Underground Lovers)
- Miki Berenyi
- Christopher Berry
- Cristopher Berry
- Heidi Berry
- Berry House, Sussex
- Paul Berry
- David Bianco
- Terry Bickers
(House Of Love)
- Chris Bigg
- Christopher Bigg
- Smokin' Billy Bill
- David Bird
- Isabel Bishop
- BJG Studios, London
- Bjorn
- Blackfield Studios, Wales
- Frank Black
(Frank Black)
- Molly Black
- Richie Blackmore
- Ron Black
- Otis Blackwell
- Blackwing
- Stephen Blake
- Tchad Blake
- Dirk Blanchart
- Peter Blegvad
- Paul Bliss
- Block
- Scott Blockland
- Bloodsucker Studios
- Slow Blow
- Myles Boisen
- Marc Bolan
- Bonham
- John Bonnar
- Simon le Bon
- Páll Borg
- Palli Borg
- Botany Lithographics
- Bill Bottrell
- Goetz Botzenhardt
- Charlie Bouis
- Pieter Bourke
- Veronique Bour
- Oswald «Wiz» Bowe
- Soozy Bowler
- Davyd Boyd
- Steve Boyer
- (b.p.m.)
- Carrie Bradley
- The Man With 2 Brains
- Alan Branch
- Steve Bray
- Everett Breadley
- Geoff Breadley
- Bertolt Brecht
- Breeders Digest, P. O. Box 5090, Hoboken NJ 07030
- Roman Breslin
- Brian Eno's studio
- Brilliant Studios, San Francisco
- Wally Brill
- Danny Briottet
(Renegade Soundwave)
- Gary Bromley
(Dif Juz)
- Jacqui Brookes
- Jon Brookes
- Michael Brook
(Michael Brook)
- Colleen Browne
(Pale Saints)
- David Browne
- James Brown
- J. H. Brown
- Justin Hobart Brown
- Phill Brown
- Richard Brown
(Modern English)
- Robin Brown
- Warren Bruleigh
- James Brummell
- Robert F. Brunner
- Franklin Bruno
- Cyrus Bruton
(Dance Chapter)
- Joe Buben
- Dave Buchanan
- Sarah Buckley
- Tim Buckley
- Ed Buller
- Herman Bunskoeke
(Bettie Serveert)
- Jo Burgess
- Jay Burnett
- Malcolm Burn
- Mike Burns
- Bleddyn Butcher
- Michael Butterworth
- David Byrne
- Joe Byrnes
- Yuma Joe Byrnes
- Francisco Cabeza
- Richard Caldicott
- John Cale
- Randy California
- Phil Calvert
(The Birthday Party)
- Glenn Campling
(Daniel Ash & Glenn Campling)
- Can-Am, Los Angeles, California
- Lynn Canfield
- Christine Cano
- Ian Caple
- Rob Carmichael
- Honor Carmody
- Angie Carozzo
(His Name Is Alive)
- Tom Carr
- Beverley Carruthers
- A. P. Carter
- Bob Carter
- Cassia
- Patrick Cassidy
- Castle Sound
- Nell Catchpole
- Andrew Catlin
- Andy Catlin
- Cava Sound Workshops, Glasgow
- Cava Studios, Glasgow
- Nick Cave
(The Birthday Party)
- Michelle Cernuto
- Vicky Cessna
- Hollis Chambers
- Champagne Studios, Nashville
- Gibbs Chapman
- Guy Charbonneau
- Panni Charrington
- Mark Chase
- A. J. Chearno
- Suze Chebib
- Alex Chilton
(Big Star)
- Tracy Chisholm
- Chris Chisnall
- Robert Christiansen
- Doris Chrysler
- Dorrit Chrysler
- Duric Chrysler
- Brian Clague
- Clapton's Club
- Guy Clarbonneau
- Clark
- Dane Clark
- Simon Clarke
- Vince Clarke
- Gene Clark
(The Byrds)
- Josh Clark
- Andrew Claxton
- Al Clay
- Alistair Clay
- Simon Cleave
- Br. Cleve
- Richard Close
(Ultra Vivid Scene)
- Perrin Cloutier
- Clubhouse, Burbank, California
- Coast Recorders, San Francisco
- Co-Co-T
- Bryce Coggin
- Leonard Cohen
- Tamar Cohen
- Tony Cohen
- B. J. Cole
- Judy Collins
- Compass Point, Nassau, Bahamas
- Zack Condon
- Linda Connor
- Conny's studio
- Wayne Conolly
- Michael Conroy
(Modern English)
- Angela Conway
(AC Marias)
- Conway, Los Angeles
- Mick Cooke
- Steve Cook
- Bill Cooper
- Chris Cooper
(Pale Saints)
- Dave Coppenhall
- Paul Corkett
- Carolyn Costin
- Tony Cousins
- Chantal Coves
- Lol Coxhill
- Mark Cox
(The Wolfgang Press)
- Carl Craig
- Roberty Crash
- Caroline Crawley
(Shellyan Orphan)
- Melora Creager
- Marc Crellin
- Crescent
- Tom Croes
- Cro Magnon, Dayton, OH
- Bridget Cross
- Craig Cross
- Mark Cross
- Rodney Crowell
- Samantha Cunningham
- Nicholas Currie
(The Happy Family)
- Debian Curry
- Alan Curtis
(Dif Juz)
- D. Curtis
- Dave Curtis
- David Curtis
(Dif Juz)
- Cybertechnics, Dayton
- Jack Daley
- Danger Video
- Dara
- Ben Darlow
- David Wellhousen's Studio, San Francisco
- Dominic Davies
- Ray Davies
- Davis
- Kelley Deal
(The Breeders)
- Kim Deal
- Dee
- Jonathan Dee
- Warn Defever
- Warren Defever
(His Name Is Alive)
- Steve Dellay
- Paul Delvaux
- Kurt DeMunbrun
- Sue Dench
- Dante Desole
- Tim Dever
- Howard Devoto
- Victor Deyglio
- Ray Dickaty
- Dif Juz
- Carol van Dijk
(Bettie Serveert)
- Bill Dillon
- Joe Dilworth
- Dine
- Pandit Dinesh
- Dittany Dingus
- Stephen DiRado
- Martin Ditcham
- Dead Dog
- Donelly
- Richard Donelly
- Tanya Donelly
(Throwing Muses)
- King & Donovan
- Tony Doogan
- Trow Doolittle
- Dorothy
- Dave Dorrell
- Dave Doughman
- Shannon Doughton
(The Breeders)
- Douglas Brothers
- Dina Douglass
- Jimmy Douglass
- John Douglass
- Michelle Douglass
- Terry Dowling
- N. Downer
- Downtown Recorders
- Paul Doyle
- Mike Drake
- Mike "Spike" Drake
- Bob Draper
- Dreamland, Kingston, NY
- Dreamland, Loleta, CA
- Dreamland, Woodstock
- Berend Dubbe
(Bettie Serveert)
- Mark Dumais
- Stuart Dunbar
(Dance Chapter)
- G. Duncan
- The Duvet Bros
- Susanne Dyer
- Doug Easley
- Easley Studios, Memphis
- Doug Eastley
- Eastley Recording, Memphis, TN
- Echo Park, Bloomington IN
- Echo Park, Bloomington, Indiana
- Eden Studios
- Michael Edwards
- Victoria Edwards
- Wolfgang Ellerbrock
(Xmal Deutschland)
- Dave Ellington
- Melissa Elliott
- Emix
- Modern English
- Touhami Ennadre
- Brian Eno
- Roger Eno
- 23 Envelope
- the Estate of Isabel Bishop
- Chris Ethridge
- Evan
- Richard Evans
- Tony Evans
- Fabi
- Carla Fabrizio
- Faith
- Sara Fanelli
- M. Farina
- The Farm, Cornwall
- The Farm, Tywardreath, Cornwall
- Rae Farnborough
- Jason Farrell
- Eric Drew Feldman
(Pere Ubu)
- Jef Feldman
- Cathy Fenwick
- Mark Ferda
- Gus Ferguson
- Garrison Fewell
- Arthur Fiacco
- William Fichtner
- Howard Hall / Oxford Scientific Films
- First Protocol, London
- Dean Fisher
- Patrick Fitzgerald
(Kitchens of Distinction)
- Steve Fitzmaurice
- Claude Fixler
- Guy Fixsen
- John Flansburgh
(They Might Be Giants)
- Flea
(Red Hot Chili Peppers)
- Flood
- Heather Flora
- Heather Flower
- Fluss
- Lincoln Fong
- Claudia Fontaine
- Richard Formby
- Al Forrester
- Alan Forrester
(Mojave 3)
- Fort Apache, Cambridge, MA
- Fort Apache, Canbridge, MA
- Christian Forte
- The Fortress, London
- Apollo 440
- Black Francis
- Fedja Franklin
- Elizabeth Fraser
(Cocteau Twins)
- Fraser/Guthrie/Hinnigan
- Henry Frayne
- Paula Frazer
- Mark Freegard
- Tim Freeman
(Frazier Chorus)
- Ace Frehley
- Jim Friedman
- Tim Friese-Green
(Talk Talk)
- Mitchell Froom
- John Fryer
- Slender Fungus
- Wally Gagel
- Tony Gamage
- Brendan Gamble
- Ken Gardner
- Chrius Garnham
- Tony Garnier
- Anne Garrigues
- Gary Smith, One Camp Street, Suite 2, Cambridge, MA 02140, USA
- Piero Gasparini
- M. Ali Gassemi
- Lyn Gaza
- Rob Genadek
- George
- Bernard Georges
(Throwing Muses)
- Lisa Germano
(Lisa Germano)
- Lisa Germano, PO Box 93595, Los Angeles, CA 90093, USA
- Lisa Gerrard
(Dead Can Dance)
- Mark Gerrard
- Russ Gershon
- Vincent Giarrusso
(Underground Lovers)
- Tony Gibson
- Wilf Gibson
- Bruce Gilbert
- Rich Gilbert
- Chad Gilchrist
- Simon Gillham
- Joe Gillingham
- Lou Giordano
- Bob Giusti
- Glass
- Mick Glossop
- John Goddard
- Emily Goethals
- Goffen
- Bryce Goggin
- Dylan Hersh Going
- Scott Goldstein
- Diedrik van der Gonk
- Gooseberry
- Kim Gordon
- Joe Gore
- Chris Gorman
- Thomas Gorman
- Rachel Goswell
(Mojave 3)
- Robert Gotobed
- G. Gouldman
- Lorita Grahame
- Diana Grandi
- Chick Graning
- Darren Grant
- Hugh Grant
- Andrew Gray
(The Wolfgang Press)
- Colin Gray
- Howard Gray
- Stephen Gray
- Tim Gray
- Trevor Gray
- Kenny Greenbaum
- The Greenhouse
- Gail Greenwood
- Niall Gregory
- Robbie Grey
(Modern English)
- Nigel Grierson
- Robin Grierson
- Dale Griffin
- Mike Griffith
- Tom Grimley
- Frank Gryner
- Guerilla Euphonics, Oakland, CA
- Steve Gullick
- David Gunstone
- Byron Guthrie
(Ultra Vivid Scene)
- Robin Guthrie
(Cocteau Twins)
- Petra Haden
(That Dog.)
- Rachel Haden
(That Dog.)
- Tanya Haden
- Steve Hadfield
(Dance Chapter)
- Frans Hagenaars
- Steve Haigler
- Rene Halkett
(Rene Halkett / David Jay)
- Giles Hall
- Howard Hall
- R. Halliday
- Michael Halsband
- Neil Halstead
(Mojave 3)
- Tom Halter
- Walter Halvorson
- Händel
- John Hanlon
- Hans
- Brian Harden
- Tim Hardin
- Alison Harling
- Roy Harper
- George Harrison
(The Beatles)
- Jo Harvard
- Mick Harvey
(The Birthday Party)
- Mark Harwood
- Kevin Haskins
- Juliana Hatfield
- Lee Hazelwood
- Head
- Edwin «Hank» Heath
- Hecht
- Mark van Hecke
- Mike Hedges
- Will Heggie
(Cocteau Twins)
- Joshua Heller
- Neil Henderson
(My Captains)
- Richard Henderson
- Jimi Hendrix
- Joe Henry
- Sally Herbert
- Gilbert Hernandez
- Efren Herrera
- Dennis Herring
- Hersh
- Kristin Hersh
(Kristin Hersh)
- William James Hersh
- W. J. Hersh
- Matt Heslop
- Graham Hethrington
- Preston Heyman
- Glenn Hicks
- John Hicks
- D. Hidago
(Latin Playboys)
- Phil Hide
- Bob Higgins
- Hikmet
- Steve Hill
- Nigel K. Hine
- Mark van Hoen
- Christian Hoffman
- Erika Hoffman
- Kurt Hoffman
- Erika Hoffmann
- Lance Hogan
- Simon Hogg
- Holland, Dozier, Holland
- Nicky Holland
- Rocky Holman
- Kate Holmes
(Frazier Chorus)
- George Holt
- Mark Hood
- S. Huskey Hoskulds
- Demian Hostetter
- Harry Howard
- Mark Howard
- Rowland Howard
(The Birthday Party)
- Rowland S. Howard
(Rowland S. Howard / Lydia Lunch)
- Kees Hubers
- Hafdís Huld
(Gus Gus)
- Mike Hunt
- Kevin Hurley
- Andrew Hutton
- Anja Huwe
(Xmal Deutschland)
- Hybrid Studio
- Hybrid Studios
- Hyde Street Studios, San Francisco
- Paige Imatani
- Nick Ingham
- Ink in the small hours
- Insides
- IQ videographics
- unknown; from Shiraz, southern Iran
- Crazy Ivan
- Peter Ivers
(New Wave Theatre)
- Ivo
(This Mortal Coil)
- John Jackson
- Rebecca Jackson
- Jacobs
- Jake
- Daniel James
- Denise James
- Ruby James
- James Upton Limited
- Vicky St. James
- Spike Janze
- Jason
- David Jay
- Jean
- Allan Jenkins
- Jenny
- Russell Jewell
- Magnús Jónsson
(Gus Gus)
- Orri Jónsson
- Kate St. John
(Dream Academy)
- Glyn Johns
- Daryl Johnson
- Joe Johnson
- Matt Johnson
(The The)
- Robert Johnson
- Tom Johnson
(The The)
- Hugh Jones
- John Beverly Jones
- Kenny Jones
- Ronald Jones
- Stacey Jones
- Stacy Jones
- Serena U. Jost
- Dr. Dwyer Joyce
- Dr. Robert Dwyer Joyce
- Jay Joyce
- Joy Joyce
- A. R. Kane
- Sue Kappa
- Kar
- Chris Karan
- Karen Karlsrud
- Dave Katznelson
- David Katznelson
- Ken Kavanagh
- Lenny Kaye
- John Keane
- Ian Kearey
- Pat Keating
- Dennis Keeley
- Matt Kelly
- Mike Kemp
- Greg Kendall
- Julia Kent
- Peter Kent
- Steve Kettley
- Smith & Key
- Madjid Khaladj
- Travis Kidd
- Steve King
- Kingsway Studios, New Orleans
- Kingsway USA, New Orleans
- Bill Kinsley
- Siggi Kjartansson
(Gus Gus)
- Jason Kleinberg
- Julius Klepacz
- Brett Klinker
- D. Knight
(The Fast Set)
- Dave Knowles
- Chris Knox
- Ted Koehler
- Paul Kolderie
- Paul Q. Kolderie
- Ichiro Kono
- Anthony Koutsos
(Red House Painters)
- Andy Kowalski
- Mark Kozelek
(Red House Painters)
- Ikuko Kozu
- Kristin Kramer
(Ultra Vivid Scene)
- Phil Krauth
- Krieger
- Vivian Kubrick
- Scott Kuckler
- Dimitry Kyryakou
- S. Lake
- Lakuna
- Peter Lale
- Bill Lamb
- Anita Lane
- Malt Lane
- Matt Lane
- Damian Lang
- Leslie Langston
(Throwing Muses)
- Daniel Lanois
- Larabee Studio
- Simon Larbalestier
- Larrabee North Studios, N. Hollywood
- Nick Launey
- Laura
- Louise Laurence
- Caroline Lavelle
- Keith Laws
(The The)
- Claire Lazarus
- Keith LeBlanc
- Arthur Lee
- Peter Lees
- Herb Legowitz
- Herr Legowitz
(Gus Gus)
- Lennon
- John Lennon
- Sean Leonard
- Zoe Leonard
- Michelle Levi
- Michael Levine
- Graham Lewis
- Jason Lewis
- John Lewis
- Nicola Lewis
- Sara Leigh Lewis
- Alison Limerick
- Linelle
- John Linnell
- John Lisle
(My Captains)
- Ian Little
- Dan Littleton
- John Loder
- Lones
- Longview Farm, North Brookfield, MA
- Looking Glass Studios, NYC
- David Lord
- Robert Lord
- Wayne Lorenz
- Roddy Lorimer
- Jason Love
- Dave Lovering
- David Lovering
- Jonnie Lowrence
(Dance Chapter)
- Gary Lucas
- Bob Ludwig
- Chris Ludwinski
- Lydia Lunch
- Mark Lusardi
- Lush Information Service, P.O. Box 2406, London, NW1 5NE
- Lush Information Service, P.O. Box 2406, London, NW10 5NE
- Lush information service, 3 Alveston Place, Leamington Spa, CV32 4SN
- David Lynch
- Pete Maben
- Gorden Mack
(Red House Painters)
- C. J. Mackintosh
- Drostan Madden
- John Madden
- Fred Maher
- Mark Maher
- Paul Mahern
- Kevin Majors
- Calum Malcolm
- Bilken Mancini
- Mann
- Trey Many
(His Name Is Alive)
- Marco
(Adam and the Ants)
- Buffy St. Marie
- Chelle Marie
- R. Marina
- Jerry Marotta
- Gareth Marshal
- Garry Martin
- Neil Martin
(The Happy Family)
- J. Mascis
(Dinosaur, Jr)
- Jen Maser
- Mike Mason
- Paul Mason
(The Happy Family)
- Master Control, Burbank
- Master Rock
- Ian Masters
(Pale Saints)
- Peter Masters
- Mary Mathieson
- John Matlock
- Max
- Tony Maxwell
(That Dog.)
- Graham Maybe
- J. Maybury
- The Mayfair Theatre, Santa Monica, California
- Robbie Mayhew
- Richard Mazda
- Davis McCain
- Kimberlee McCarrick
- Martin McCarrick
(Siouxie and the Banshees)
- McCartney
- Paul McCartney
- Gillian McCormick
- Kirsteen McCormick
- Ian McCutcheon
(Mojave 3)
- Melodie McDaniel
- Skip McDonald
- John McDonnell
- Gary McDowell
(Modern English)
- David McGain
- Anna McGarrigle
- Billy McGee
- Genevieve McGuckin
- Rob McKahey
- Bunny McKenzie
- Kevin McKillop
- Iain McKinna
- Ian McKinnell
- Les McKuen
- Dan McLoughlin
- John McManus
- Paul McMenamin
- Dave McNaughton
- Brian McNeil
- Jim McPherson
(The Breeders)
- Jamie Meagan
- Elden M
- Regan Merante
- Dave Mercer
- S. Merritt
- Corine Metter
- Miamo-Tutti
- Duane Michals
- Michell Alorim, P.O. Box 1909, Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA 02238, USA
- Michiel
- J. Miller
- S. Miller
- Lisa Millet
- Mills
- Russell Mills
- Minnie
- Misha
- Phil Mister
- Keith Mitchell
- Murray Mitchell
- Hafez Modirzadeh
- Liam Molloy
- Monnow Valley
- Perry Montague-Mason
- Ando Montgomery
- Anthony Moore
- Pete Moore
(In Camera)
- Dave Morgan
- Van Morrison
- Bob Mould
(Hüsker Dü)
- Alan Moulder
- Sandra Moussempès
- S. Moxham
(Young Marble Giants)
- Eva Mueller
- Nick Muir
- John Murphy
- Peter Murphy
- Alexandra Murray
- Music Annex Recording Studios
- Toby Myers
- Willy Nagel
- David Narcizo
(Throwing Muses)
- Joseph Narcizo
- Dave Naughton
- Graeme Naysmith
(Pale Saints)
- C. N.
- Karen Neal
(Inside Out)
- Mark Needham
- Brant Nelson
- Neptune, Sheffield
- Annette Newman
- Colin Newman
- Nick Nichols
- Hugo Nicholson
- Philippa Nihill
(Underground Lovers)
- Harry Nilsson
- Protein 93
- Nintendo
- Erika Noise
- Noko
- Nomis Studios
- Pieter Nooten
- Normandy Studios, Warren, RI
- Tim Northam
- Gil Norton
- Omid Nuorizadeh
- Claude Nuridsany
- Ric Ocasek
- Oceanway Studios, Hollywood
- Michael O'Conell
- Billy O'Connell
- Ryder James O'Connell
- John O'Donnell
- Timothy O'Donnell
- Timothy O'Donnel
- Gary Ogan
- Tim O'Hair
- Mary Margaret O'Hara
- Shinro Ohtake
- Laurence O'Keefe
- Karin Oliver
(His Name Is Alive)
- Vaughan Oliver
- On-U Sound Studio
- Opal
- Alex Orapeza
- William Orbit
- Steve Orborne
- Victorian Philharmonic Orchestra
- Orinoco
- Alex Oropeza
- Ross Orton
- Steve Osborne
- Ivan O'Shead
- Ivan O'Shea
- Ronan O'Shodaigh
- Ronan O'Snodaigh
- Bernard Oudin
- The Outpust, Stoughton, Massachusetts
- Phil Overhead
- Matt Packuko
- Paddle Ranch, Solomon Creek, CA
- Page
- Pale Saints, P.O. Box 1880, London N16 0DZ
- Palladium
- Palladium Studios, Edinburg
- Palladium Studios, Edinburgh
- Michael Papenbury
- Rain Parade
- Paradise
- The Sabres of Paradise
- Mike Paragone
- Arthur Parker
- Steve Parker
- Parr Street Studios, Liverpool
- Gram Parsons
- Tony Parsons
- Jim Passarell
- Brian Paulsen
- Brian Paulson
- Leo Payne
- Marie Perennou
- Jesse Peretz
- L. Perez
(Latin Playboys)
- Brendan Perry
(Dead Can Dance)
- Robert Perry
- Andy Peters
- John Peters
- Csaba Petocz
- Tracy Pew
(The Birthday Party)
- Lance Phillips
- Valerie Phillips
- Adrian Philpott
- Pie, Long Island
- Pier House Studio
- Pierrot
- Pine
- Dave Pine
- Maria Piñeres
- James Pinker
(Heavenly Bodies)
- Renaud Pion
- Lovetta Pippen
- Pirate Design
- Chris Pitsillides
- The Plan, Bausalito
- Planet Earth Pictures
- Planet, Sausalito
- Conny Plank
- Plant
- Michael Plaster
- Latin Playboys
- Martin Pleass
- P. O. Box 410772, San Francisco, CA 94141-0772
- R. Pollard
(Guided by Voices)
- Poly
- Jocelyn Pook
- Poop Alley Studios, Los Angeles
- Jay Posner
- Power Station, NYC
- P.P.P.
- Prarie Sun, Cotati, CA
- Peter Prescott
(Volcano Suns / Misson of Burma)
- Daniel Presley
- The Wolfgang Press
- The Pretenders
- Huw Price
- Protocol Studios, London
- T. W. P
- Lloyd Puckitt
- Jack Joseph Puig
- Chris Pye
(Press Gang)
- Ed's Redeeming Qualitites
- The Brothers Quay
- Quinell
- Quivvy Church
- Eric Radcliffe
- Michael Radovsey
- Larry Ragent
- Kurt Ralske
(Ultra Vivid Scene)
- Janet Ramus
- Hossam Ramzy
- Alan Rankine
- Thomas Rapp
(Pearls Before Swine)
- Simon Raymonde
(Cocteau Twins)
- Razors Edge, San Francico
- Paul Read
- Giles Reaves
- Allana Redecki
- Reed
- Reed/Cale/Morrison/Tucker
- Refraze, Dayton
- Jim Reid
(The Jesus And Mary Chain)
- William Reid
(The Jesus And Mary Chain)
- Audrey Reily
- Rema-Rema
- Mark Mooka Rennick
- Rew
- Ricardo
- Albert Ricci
- Elisa Richards
- Richenel
- Keith Richmond
- Richmond Recorders
- Manuela Rickers
(Xmal Deutschland)
- Rico
- Ridge Farm
- Rik Rak
- Audrey Riley
- Steve Rippon
- Riverside Studios
- John A. Rivers
- Mike Rizzo
- Steve Rizzo
- David Roback
(Opal/Mazzy Star/Rain Parade)
- Gloria Robakowski
- Ian Robbins
- Phil Roberts
- Andrew Robinson
- Anne Robinson
- Lucy Robinson
- Mark Robinson
- Maggie A. Roche
- Rockfield
- Scott Rodger
- Simon Rodgers
- Rail Jon Rogut
- Larry Roland
- Patrick Roques
- Ann Rorich
- August Johann Von Rosenhof
- Craig Ross
- Ed «Big Daddy» Roth
- Roundhouse
- Hahn Rowe
- Simon Rowe
(Mojave 3)
- Richard Rowland
(My Captains)
- Ruth Rowland
- Dylan Roy
- Joy Roy
- U. Roy
- RPM Studios, NY
- Andy Rumball
- Alex Russell
- Robert Rust
- Louise Rutkowski
- Deidre Rutowski
- Louise Rutowski
- Ryder
- Chrisa Sadd
- John Patrick Salisbury
- Albert Sanches
- Fiona Sangster
(Xmal Deutschland)
- Joey Santiago
- David Sardy
- James Sayberth
- Peter Scammell
- Jane Scarpantoni
- Robert Schackleton
- Shaila Schat
- Sheila Schat
- Jerry Scheff
- K. Schenerbach
- Schengel
- Schoerner
- Steven Schuldt
- H. Schwaby
- Anton Schwartz
- Curtis Schwartz
- Nicola Schwartz
- Stine Schyberg
- Jimmy Scott
- Scruuv
- Caroline Seaman
- Brad Searles
- Segs
- The Senate
- William Sender
- D. Senechal
- Jeff Seopardie
- September Sound, London
- Steven Severin
(Siouxie And The Banshees)
- Jamie Seyberth
- Gordon Sharp
- Alison Shaw
- Gus Shaw
- Jim Shaw
- Jim Sheldon
- Shepherds Bush, London
- Mick Shepley
- Sherman & Sherman
- John Sherwin
- Adrian Sherwood
- Christine Shield
- Trina Shoemaker
- John Shough
- Roel Siebrand
- Mike Sikinger
- Josh Silbert
- Desmond Simmons
- Obigail Simon
- Paul Simon
- Neil Simons
- Emlyn Singleton
- John Singleton
- Sixteenth Avenue, Nashville
- Tom Skerrit
- Tom Skerritt
- Fiona Skinner
- Sean Slade
- Sonia Slaney
- David Slatoff
- Slowblow
- Syd Smart
- Robert Smisson
- Artie Smith
- Gary Smith
- Jake Smith
- Kendra Smith
- Matthew Smith
- Michael Smith
- Simeon Smith
- Paul «Graucho» Smykle
- Dave Snider
- Legion Of Universal Soul
- Sound Emporium, Nashville
- Sound Enterprise
- Sound Factory, Los Angeles
- Wally Sound
- Mary Ann Southard
- Southern
- Space Frontiers
- Spaceward
- Alexander Spaszt
- Spooky
- Stable Sound
- Stable Sound, Portsmouth
- Stable Sound, Portsmouth, RI
- Arch Stanton
- Star Artist Management, P.O. Box 114, Fraser, MI 48026, USA
- Gottfried von Stassburg
- Baldur Stefánsson
(Gus Gus)
- David Steiner
(In Camera)
- P. Steir
- Steph
(Gus Gus)
- Kent Stephenson
- Michael Stipe
- Michael Stone
- Ronnie Stone
- Stone Room
- The Stooges
- Stott
- Gabriel Stout
(Air Miami)
- Mike Stout
- John Strohm
- Studio 900, New York City
- Suga-D
- Matt Wendell Sullivan
- Hideki Sunada
- Billy Surgeoner
- David Navarro Sust
- Julian Swales
(Kitchens of Distinction)
- Swallow
- Swanyard Studios, London
- Matthew Sweet
- David Sylvian
- Ronen Tal
- J. Serge Tardo
- Richard Tarver
(My Captains)
- The Tasties
- Mitsuo Tate
- Andy Taub
- Mark Taylor
- Mr. Teasdale
- TeenBeat, P.O. Box 50373, Washington, DC 20091, USA
- Juergen Teller
- Morris Tepper
- That Dog.
- That Dog., P.O. Box 491999, Los Angeles, CA 90049-1999, USA
- Ken Thomas
- Pete Thomas
- Richard Thomas
(Dif Juz)
- Ritchie Thomas
- Danny Thompson
- Craig A. Thomson
- Thor
- Margaret Thorby
- Tracy Thorn
(Everything but the Girl)
- Biggi Thórarinsson
(Gus Gus)
- Eddie «Tan Tan» Thriller
- Wharton Tiers
- Jeremy Tilston
- timeSTEREO
- Paul Tipler
- John Tiven
- Sally Tiven
- Toad Hall, Pasadena CA
- Jan Tofferi
- Terry Tolkin
- Tom
- Chris Tombling
- Claire Tonkinson
- Jenny Toomey
- Chris Toplin
(Frazier Chorus)
- Topper
- Chris Toppin
- Ronnie Torrence
(The Happy Family)
- Totally Wired, Dublin
- Totally Wired, Dublin, Eire
- Lazlo Toth
- Philippe Tousche
- Town and Country
- TPP LTD, London
- Tracy
- Traditional
- Louise Trehy
- Triash
(The The)
- Heather Trost
- Chris Trout
(AC Temple)
- Sarah Tucker
- Brett Turnbull
- Anne Turner
- John Turner
- Jon Turner
- Michele Turriani
- Jacek Tuschewski
- Tuti
- 23 Envelope
- T. W. P. Studio
- Steve Tyler
- A. Phillip Uberman
- Peter Ulrich
- Ultra Vivid Scene, P.O. Box 4647, New York, N.Y. 10185-0040, USA
- Björn Ulvaeus
- unknown
- My Bloody Valentine
- Craig Vear
- Jeff Veitch
- Reinier Veldman
- Jerry Vessel
(Red House Painters)
- Armando Villasante
- Nick Vincent
- Victor Virreira
- Peter Visser
(Bettie Serveert)
- Klaus Vormehr
- Dimitri Voulis
- v23
- Tony Waerea
- Sarah Walker
- Stephen Walker
(Modern English)
- Wyndham Wallace
- Wally Sound, San Francisco
- Paul M. Walsh
- Peter Walsh
- Ian Walton
- Robert Warnock
- Anna Waronker
(That Dog.)
- Bernie Warrell
- Warren's House
- Warren's House, Livonia, MI
- Waters
- Sonya Waters
- J. Watson
- Ruth Watson
- Ivo Watts-Russell
(The Hope Blister)
- John Weber
- Cathy Weeks
- Mattew Welch
- Matthew Welch
- Eric Welsh
- David Wendell
(The Happy Family)
- Wessex Studio
- Kevin Westenberg
- Matt Westfield
- Paul West
- Red West
- Duncan Wheat
- Kate Whitney
- Josephine Wiggs
(The Perfect Disaster)
- Keith Wilkinson
- Dmitri Williams
- Hank Williams
- Jim Williams
- Jonathan Williams
- Astrid Williamson
- Peter Williams
- Butch Willis
- Mark Willis
- Jeff Wilmott
(In Camera)
- Brian Wilson
- Dennis Wilson
- Michael Wilson
- Wire
- Jah Wobble
- The Wolfgang Press
- Anne Wood
- Helen Woodward
- Lyle Workman
- Gavin Wright
- Lorna Wright
- Steve Wright
- Guy Yarden
- Kirsty Yates
- Russell Yates
- Yes
- Jesse Colin Young
- Martyn Young
- Neil Young
- Steven Young
- Yvonne
- Zabriskie Point
- Zach
- Mark Zaegar
- Hari Ziznewski
- Simon Van Zwananberg
- Manuela Zwingman
(Xmal Deutschland)