What's New

Throwing Muses Live To Tape

Throwing Music will release a limited edition 750 copies of "Live To Tape" - a new 6-song CD recorded by the band live at Stable Sound studio, Portsmouth, RI, on May 20, 1996. The CD was engineered by Steve Rizzo and produced by the band.

Tracks are as follows: Shark; Ruthie's Knocking; Night Driving; Serene; Bright Yellow Gun; Bea.

Price will be US $4.98 + US $1.50 for postage and handling. The CD will be sold on a first-come first-served basis. You will be able to pay for them even if you have no credit card. Details will be included in the ordering information to come...Watch this space!

Freeloader: The Next Single

Throwing Muses next "official" release will be "Freeloader," featuring the title song taken from the Limbo album. The Freeloader CD will also include three other tracks: If (a Latin Playboys cover); Take (a remix of the live track from The Curse); and Heel Toe (a new TM original).

Freeloader will be released January 21st in all Ryko/Throwing Music territories.

Have You Ever Been In LIMBO?

Limbo cover artwork
by Gilbert (Beto) Hernandez

Throwing Muses have released their new album, "Limbo." Now, for those who haven't yet purchased it, you can preview the entire album right here! To hear the sound samples, you'll need SoundApp or another compatible player.

Buzz (655k; 1:23)
Ruthie's Knocking(458k; 0:58)
Freeloader(503k; 1:02)
The Field(468k; 1:00)
Limbo(596k; 1:15)
Tar Kissers(488k; 1:03)
Tango(672k; 1:24)
Serene(790k; 1:12)
Mr. Bones(820k; 1:15)
Night Driving(589k; 1:12)
Cowbirds(797k; 1:42)
Shark(495k; 1:04)

You can also try the RealAudio samples at Rykodisc's Limbo Site

The cover art (pictured above) was produced by Gilbert (Beto) Hernandez, best known for his work on Fantagraphics' Love and Rockets. Release information is as follows.

NOTE: 4AD catalog numbers and dates are for UK/Europe. Throwing Music catalog numbers and dates are for North America.

RealAudio Event Coverage

Kristin Hersh's acoustic performance at SxSW is NOW AVAILABLE for your listening pleasure through the magic of RealAudio. To learn more, visit the Real Audio page dedicated to SxSW.

More Sources For Muses News

Throwing Music Hotline

Need to hear a friendly voice? Call the Throwing Music Hotline and hear a message that will be changed quarterly. The hotline number is (401) 849-2468.

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by Motivational Marketing Associates, LLC