Re: other music.--DAR WILLIAMS

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Posted by Morgan F on February 11, 1997 at 13:14:20:

In Reply to: other music.--DAR WILLIAMS posted by Anthony on February 03, 1997 at 12:07:49:

hey, no knocking Dar Williams!! :)

Dar's main strength, I think, is the fact that she seems to approach writing the lyrics to her songs the way most writers would approach writing a short story- this is especially clear when you see her in concert. She's very funny and smart, both in her lyrics and her interaction with an audience.

But I admit that the songs that fail to compel me REALLY fail to compel me. Luckily, they're in the minority.

To segue to another one of my favorite and relatively obscure female-fronted bands (okay, Dar Williams isn't a band), the Geraldine Fibbers are well worth checking out, especially by someone who enjoys the Muses and PJ Harvey.

Morgan F

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