The end is just the begining.

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Posted by Dr. Seymour on February 09, 1997 at 13:48:55:

In Reply to: my final word on all this stuff posted by diamond jim on February 08, 1997 at 11:55:09:

I'm sorry diamond jim, your in a NO GROVELING ZONE. Your gonna have to pull over so I can give you a ticket.

You've been a naughty boy. As you already know, Mrs. Oniontits is going to have to make you stay after school. Not that you'll mind.

GOD sends you a tender embrace, a big wet kiss, and reminds you to take your medication.

Dr. Seymour know's your feeling down, so he's arranged for your free root canal. Call Sheneequa for an appointment.

Dr. Seymour

P.S. "Keep a stiff upper lip, this isn't the WHAM! Feedback Board."

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