If you don't stop, you'll go blind

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Posted by Brian on February 05, 1997 at 00:23:50:

In Reply to: sinners in the hands of puritan sermons posted by diamond jim on February 04, 1997 at 21:32:39:

Hi diamond jim,
A late 'welcome' to you.
BSK is/are my intitials. I sometimes use them when I get lazy or just want to do something different. If you want to make something up about them, I'm partial to the "B" standing for "Bonkers." Let your id run wild. Just remember to wash your hands afterwards. And be careful of soap-poisoning, should you find yourself washing too much too often.
The deer and the howitzer comment was me admonishing GOD not to indulge in overkill; it's the hallmark of the sloppy. (It was also a little warning to you, but If you didn't get that... )
Gila Monsters are pretty rare, even in my neck of the woods. Are you sure that's what it was? Maybe you were thinking about something else and mistook it for one? (Go ahead and look, I'll wait)
How's Brown Jenkins doing? Remember what I warned about him! Be especially careful if he has mud on his paws.
Maybe we'll meet on the tour,
Brian Steven Kemp

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