Pixies/Throwing Muses/Belly/Breeders family tree

Written by "Norrish, Andrew" on Mon, 10 Oct 1994 08:54:00 EST.

While seeing Frank Black live last Friday, I had some time to kill (the show
being so boring, and all). So, I began thinking about all the intertwined
4AD bands, and the twins, brothers and half-sisters they're comprised of,
and constructed this 'Family Tree' (you'll need a non-proportional font):

Charles Emmerson Winchester III born
After cruel jokes from M*A*S*H ------------>Changed name to S*M*A*S*H during
viewers, changed name to                    embarrasing 'New Wave of New
Charles Michael Kitteridge Thompson IV      Wave' fad
Changed name to Black Francis to form:
Pixies Mk I
Black Francis (guitar, UFOs) --------(changed name to Frank Black)------+
Kim Deal (guitar) ----------------------------------------------------+ |
Joey Santiago (guitar) ---------------------------------------------+ | |
The Other Bloke (drums) -------> returned to obscurity              | | |
                                                                    | | |
Kept this line up for the entire time. Boring twits.                | | |
                                                                    | | |
                                                                    | | |
Throwing Muses Mk I                                                 | | |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                 | | |
Kristin Hersh (guitar)                                              | | |
Tanya Donelly (play more of my songs)                               | | |
Leslie Langston (bass) -------------------------------------------+ | | |
David Narcizo (drums)                                             | | | |
            |                                                     | | | |
            v                                                     | | | |
Throwing Muses Mk II                                              | | | |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                              | | | |
Kristin Hersh (distant stares into space)                         | | | |
Tanya Donelly (that's it, I'm outta here) ----------------------+ | | | |
Fred Abong (smoking paraphenalia) ----------------------------+ | | | | |
David Narcizo (drums)                                         | | | | | |
                                                              | | | | | |
This line up released the 'The Ramones' LP,                   | | | | | |
prompting the real Ramones to release                         | | | | | |
'The Real Ramones' LP.                                        | | | | | |
            |                                                 | | | | | |
            v                                                 | | | | | |
Throwing Muses Mk III                                         | | | | | |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                         | | | | | |
Kristin Hersh (cobra movements) ----------------------------+ | | | | | |
David Narcizo (drums)                                       | | | | | | |
                                                            | | | | | | |
Released 'Where'd everybody go?'                            | | | | | | |
                                                            | | | | | | |
His Name is Alive                                           | | | | | | |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                           | | | | | | |
Band members unknown, but a compulsory inclusion            | | | | | | |
for any 4AD-L article (I've got numba 734)                  | | | | | | |
                                                            | | | | | | |
        +---------------------------------------------------+-+-+-+-+-+ |
        |  +------------------------------------------------+-+-+ | |   |
        |  |                                                | |   | |   |
        v  v                                                | |   | |   |
The Breeders Mk I                                           | |   | |   |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                           | |   | |   |
Kim Deal (hey, guitar's pretty easy as well)                | |   | |   |
Tanya Donelly (still second banana, hmmph)                  | |   | |   |
Jo Wiggs (bass)                                             | |   | |   |
Shannon Doughton (drums) ----> to Beverley Hills 90210      | |   | |   |
Carrie Bradley (violin) -----> changed name to Craig,       | |   | |   |
                               and can be seen on the       | |   | |   |
                               Carlton half-forward line    | |   | |   |
                               dodging the hard ball and    | |   | |   |
                               calling for a pass.          | |   | |   |
                                                            | |   | |   |
Produced one LP, which was fine until someone pointed       | |   | |   |
out to me that it wasn't a string bean on the sleeve,       | |   | |   |
but a man with a string bean for a willy.                   | |   | |   |
        |                                                   | |   | |   |
        v                                                   | |   | |   |
The Breeders Mk II                                          | |   | |   |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                          | |   | |   |
Kim Deal (guitar)                                           | |   | |   |
Tanya Donelly (grumble, I'm off again) ---------------------+-+-+ | |   |
Jo Wiggs (bass)                                             | | | | |   |
Kelley Deal (hey, you're right, Kim)                        | | | | |   |
Mike Hunt (joke names) -----------------> "Porky's" films   | | | | |   |
                                                            | | | | |   |
Only together for the 'Daktari' EP.                         | | | | |   |
        |                                                   | | | | |   |
        v                                                   | | | | |   |
The Breeders Mk III                                         | | | | |   |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                         | | | | |   |
Kim Deal (grins)                                            | | | | |   |
Jo Wiggs (bass)                                             | | | | |   |
Kelley Deal (sibling rivalry)                               | | | | |   |
Jim MacPherson (drums)                                      | | | | |   |
                                                            | | | | |   |
'Last Splash' LP and infinite rehashes of                   | | | | |   |
'Do you love me now?'                                       | | | | |   |
        |                                                   | | | | |   |
        v                                                   | | | | |   |
The Breeders Mk IV                                          | | | | |   |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                          | | | | |   |
Kim Deal (wing)                                             | | | | |   |
Kelley Deal (drumstick)                                     | | | | |   |
Red Rooster fast food chain (sponsorship dollars)           | | | | |   |
                                                            | | | | |   |
The ill-fated 'Two dollar meal Deal'                        | | | | |   |
advertising campaign.                                       | | | | |   |
                                                            | | | | |   |
   +--------------------------------------------------------+-+ | | |   |
   | +------------------------------------------------------+---+ | |   |
   | | +----------------------------------------------------+-----+ |   |
   | | |                                                    |       |   |
   v v v                                                    |       |   |
Belly Mk I                                                  |       |   |
~~~~~~~~~~                                                  |       |   |
Tanya Donelly (into the spotlight, at last)                 |       |   |
Tom Gorman (guitar)                                         |       |   |
Chris Gorman (drums)                                        |       |   |
Fred Abong (bass)                                           |       |   |
Leslie Langston (bass)                                      |       |   |
Dylan Roy (bass) --------------------------------+          |       |   |
                                                 |          |       |   |
Going one better than Ned's Atomic Dustbin       |          |       |   |
(but not even close to Big Pig's 73 drummers),   |          |       |   |
Belly Mk I wanted to call themselves 3rd Bass,   |          |       |   |
but that was already taken.                      |          |       |   |
     |                                           |          |       |   |
     |                                           |          |       |   |
     |   The Australian Bob Dylan Band Mk I <----+          |       |   |
     |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                 |       |   |
     |   The Australian Bob Dylan (guitar, harmonica)       |       |   |
     |   Dylan Roy (guitar, harmonica)                      |       |   |
     |   Dylan Hersh (toy guitar, toy harmonica)            |       |   |
     |   Dylan Thomas (deceased, subterranian)              |       |   |
     |   The real Bob Dylan (subterranian homesick blues)   |       |   |
     |                                                      |       |   |
     v                                                      |       |   |
Belly Mk II                                                 |       |   |
~~~~~~~~~~~                                                 |       |   |
Tanya Donelly (guitar)                                      |       |   |
Tom Gorman (guitar)                                         |       |   |
Fred Abong (bass)                                           |       |   |
Chris Gorman (I see what you mean about this sibling thing) |       |   |
     |                                                      |       |   |
     v                                                      |       |   |
Belly Mk III                                                |       |   |
~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                |       |   |
Tanya Donelly (guitar)                                      |       |   |
Tom Gorman (guitar)                                         |       |   |
Gail Greenwood (kicked out of L7 for being 'too rough')     |       |   |
Chris Gorman (drums)                                        |       |   |
                                                            |       |   |
         +--------------------------------------------------+       |   |
         |                                                          |   |
         v                                                          |   |
Kristin Hersh solo Mk I                                             |   |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                             |   |
Kristin Hersh (well, what else would you expect?)                   |   |
                                                                    |   |
One LP, two EPs, made up of songs ripped off from her old man.      |   |
         |                                                          |   |
         v                                                          |   |
Kristin Hersh solo Mk II                                            |   |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                            |   |
Slash from G'n'R (guitars, CBGB shirt, Jim Beam,                    |   |
                  cigarette stapled to bottom lip)                  |   |
                                                                    |   |
In a shock move, Kristin Hersh quits her solo band,                 |   |
due to 'musical differences' and is replaced by                     |   |
Slash (from G'n'R), who is the only other person on                 |   |
the planet who can relate her sensitive tunes.                      |   |
                                                                    |   |
      +-------------------------------------------------------------+   |
      | +---------------------------------------------------------------+
      | |
      v v
Frank Black Mk I
Frank Black (guitar)
Joey Santiago (guitar)
Eric Drew Feldman (bass)
Bob Giusti (drums)

Self-titled LP, single 'Hang on to your Lego'
Frank Black Mk II
Frank Black (shortarse, impossible to see at the Palace)
The Grateful Dead (fuzzy long hair)

Toured Australia and had me wondering how many little mirrors made up that
mirror ball up there.
Telstra Corporation Limited Mk I
Frank Black (Chief Executive Officer)

Coming up next, the even more complex list of possible sleeve colours for
some obscure promo (probably).

Andrew 'glad I only get the digest' Norrish.

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