The postcards has images from L'Esclave Endormi, Baby I Love You So,
Colourbox (CAD508), Peppermint Pig, Sunburst And Snowblind, Head Over
Heels (CAD313CD), Treasure, The Pink Opaque, Victorialand, Le Mystere
Des Voix Bulgares Volume 1, Ricochet Days/Chapter 12 and It'll End In
The posters has images from Cocteau Twins (�Head Over Heels�,
�Aikea-Guinea�, �Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops�, �Treasure�, �Tiny
Dynamine�, �Victorialand�), Modern English (�Ricochet Days�,
�Someone's Calling�), �Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares vol. 1�, This
Mortal Coil (�16 Days�, �It'll End In Tears�), Colourbox
(�Colourbox�), Richenel (�L'Esclave Endormi�), Clan of Xymox (�A
Day/Stranger�) and Xmal Deutschland (�Incubus Succubus II�). The size
of these posters are about 12x18 inches.
Sleeve by Robert Schackleton and Vaughan Oliver.