Tanya on MSN November 18, 1996
hair_Bear_Bunch has been made a participant.
hair_Bear_Bunch: Hi welcome to the Tanya Donelly chat!
Tanya_Donelly has been made a participant.
Tanya_Donelly: hello
hair_Bear_Bunch: hello tanya how ya doin
Tanya_Donelly: i'm fine how are you
hair_Bear_Bunch: good but a bi t chilly
Tanya_Donelly: me too
hair_Bear_Bunch: When did you first pick up a guitar and why?
Tanya_Donelly: i started playing when i was 15 because i was bored and lonely
hair_Bear_Bunch: did you not enjoy your playtime then
Tanya_Donelly: there is very little playtime where i come from
hair_Bear_Bunch: Can you tell us about your early relationship with Kristen as a half sister, before your first band?
Tanya_Donelly: kristin and i were friends before we became sisters...
Tanya_Donelly: we were 6 when we met and we haven't stopped talking since
hair_Bear_Bunch: I know you started your first band when you were only fifteen so do you have any suggestions or advice for wannabes who would like to get into the music industry?
Tanya_Donelly: the music industry is very mysterious to me even now...
Tanya_Donelly: it's random and fickle.
hair_Bear_Bunch: its stranger to outsiders, give us something
Tanya_Donelly: concentrate on songs first of all, and play your butt off and send tapes and tapes and tapes and don't be easily cowed
hair_Bear_Bunch: top answer never be put off the hairbear bunch wern't
hair_Bear_Bunch: What is your favorite Throwing Muses album?What is your favorite Throwing Muses album?
Tanya_Donelly: house tornado house tornado
hair_Bear_Bunch: why?
Tanya_Donelly: it's the spookiest and the instrumentation is great (i think)
hair_Bear_Bunch: what are your top 5 favourite cartoons?
Tanya_Donelly: ren and stimpy, the simpsons, bugs bunny...
Tanya_Donelly: real monsters, and josie and the pussycats
hair_Bear_Bunch: Alternative rock has hit the big time over the last few years. Have you found any of the new breed of bands inspiring?
Tanya_Donelly: i like radiohead, the catherine wheel, ...
Tanya_Donelly: pj harvy
Tanya_Donelly: kim deal
hair_Bear_Bunch: what do you think of oasis
Tanya_Donelly: he writes really great songs
Tanya_Donelly: and the other he is a great rock star
hair_Bear_Bunch: did you prefer belly to the muses and the breeders?
Tanya_Donelly: i'm going to make you throw up and say that i'm equally proud of everything i've done, ...
Tanya_Donelly: but of course belly was closer to my heart
hair_Bear_Bunch: steve_thorley: Ask Tanya if her new stuff is similar to her work in Belly. Cheers lads!
Tanya_Donelly: i used more instruments and the people who play them on this record...
Tanya_Donelly: there are some (tasteful) strings and loops and machines
hair_Bear_Bunch: is it strange not working with a band
hair_Bear_Bunch: as opposed to session musicians
Tanya_Donelly: it's starnge using my name on it's own, which i wanted to avoid...
Tanya_Donelly: but i've really loved playing with a variety of musicians
hair_Bear_Bunch: why do you want to avoid using your own name
Tanya_Donelly: i don't use session musicians -- my friends played everything
Tanya_Donelly: i feel more exposed with my name out there
hair_Bear_Bunch: you chose belly cos it was your fave word what's your fave word now
Tanya_Donelly: wine
hair_Bear_Bunch: davidhudsonakarocky: Dear Tanya - When are you playing London, belly 8 thought it might be Camden this month ?
hair_Bear_Bunch: how about more wine
hair_Bear_Bunch: please
Tanya_Donelly: i'm playing dingwall's on thursday (i think)
Tanya_Donelly: is there a band called wine?
hair_Bear_Bunch: we don't think so and we know loads
Tanya_Donelly: someone should nab it
hair_Bear_Bunch: Matrix: Tanya, what would you have used for a stage name if not Tanya Donelly?
Tanya_Donelly: somebody out there name your band wine right now
Host JoBarry_MSN: lol
Tanya_Donelly: taffy
hair_Bear_Bunch: kenickie: Question to Tanya- Are you thinking of doing anymore work with kim deal?
Tanya_Donelly: i'm wouldn't avoid it, but kim and i are pretty separately busy
hair_Bear_Bunch: Do you think Shearer is worth £15million?
Tanya_Donelly: i don't know who that is
Tanya_Donelly: steve morton is a nail-biter
hair_Bear_Bunch: he's englands football captain
Tanya_Donelly: i'm sure he's well worth every cent
hair_Bear_Bunch: Helen: Tanya do you like styles of music like Dina carroll or do you think they are Spammy?????
Tanya_Donelly: again, i have to plead ignorance -- who is she
hair_Bear_Bunch: she makes the kind of music we'll never play
Tanya_Donelly: then i don't like it
hair_Bear_Bunch: The listener of an album often associates it with a time in their lives. Does the same apply only more so for the artist?
Tanya_Donelly: absolutely. i can't listen to certain things without regressing
hair_Bear_Bunch: e.g
Tanya_Donelly: the first muses record was made at a scary time for me and so was star and i was tipsy all through pod and making weird personal choices
hair_Bear_Bunch: if the sky wasn't blue what colour would it be?
Tanya_Donelly: blood red
hair_Bear_Bunch: Is there such thing as a perfect album? Once an album is finished and put out can you switch off from the creative process?
Tanya_Donelly: music is kinetic and so it's impossible (i think) to perfectly record something that moves so constantly
hair_Bear_Bunch: Drug problems seem to have been hounding the US rock scene recently (Jimmy Chamberline, Kristen Pfaff, Kurt etc), how have you managed to avoid it all? Is the drug scene kind of thrust onto all rock stars?
Tanya_Donelly: musicians are targeted in drug issues because they are a public focus anyway, ...
Tanya_Donelly: drugs are everywhere
hair_Bear_Bunch: what top 3 things would you insist on having in your dressing room?
Tanya_Donelly: water, wine, and cheese
hair_Bear_Bunch: When you teamed up with Kim Deal to form the Breeders you must have felt that you were in the ultimate supergroup, especially after the release of "Pod". Was it difficult to keep the Muses going at the same time?
Tanya_Donelly: when i was a breeder, it was strictly a side project
hair_Bear_Bunch: ah but kim deal said it was never intended as a side project
Tanya_Donelly: steve morton is a nose-picker
Tanya_Donelly: she's revising, then
hair_Bear_Bunch: Once youd left both the Muses and the Breeders both bands carried on regardless. That must have brought home the fact that no band member is indispensable. Was that difficult to handle? Did you keep thinking "Oh I wouldnt have played that like that".
Tanya_Donelly: no band member is dispensable if the band in question is strong
Tanya_Donelly: i meant indispensable i really did i can't type
Tanya_Donelly: :o)
hair_Bear_Bunch: jo_whiley: Ask Tanya how Ivo is,and what he's up to
hair_Bear_Bunch: we'll let you off
Tanya_Donelly: ivo is happy and healthy and well and living with his lovely and fiesty wife in l.a.
hair_Bear_Bunch: what's the most digusting thing you've ever done at a party?
Tanya_Donelly: i burned off my eyebrows trying to light a cig
hair_Bear_Bunch: What are the main reasons for you going solo?
Tanya_Donelly: we all needed to do other things and we were about to implode
hair_Bear_Bunch: jo_whiley: Ask Tanya about her shoulder pads,fashion plus or minus,we should vote now!
Tanya_Donelly: shoulder pads are not for the weak-hearted
hair_Bear_Bunch: Touring for so long sometimes, do songs lose their personality and become a sequence of things to do?
Tanya_Donelly: i try very very hard not to let this happen, but sometimes i do robot through and that sucks
hair_Bear_Bunch: tell us about your new single burn
Tanya_Donelly: the song itself or the ep?
hair_Bear_Bunch: the song!!!!!!!!!
Tanya_Donelly: it's about brats and the ruthless pruning of them
hair_Bear_Bunch: what about its double meaning
Tanya_Donelly: all in good fun, of course
hair_Bear_Bunch: what is us brits don't get it man
Tanya_Donelly: it's a loaded word, to be sure
Tanya_Donelly: bum has three meanings in the states -- A) one's ass B) a homeless person C) a loser and user
Tanya_Donelly: i am referring to the latter
Tanya_Donelly: C
hair_Bear_Bunch: we were just joking
hair_Bear_Bunch: we just couldn't believe the title
hair_Bear_Bunch: What is your favourite drink?
Tanya_Donelly: wine
Tanya_Donelly: water
Tanya_Donelly: cheese
hair_Bear_Bunch: SSSSDDDD: Tanya- If we call our band Wine, will you jam with us ?
Tanya_Donelly: that depends -- where are you and are you any good
hair_Bear_Bunch: Brett_Foster: When will your new material be released in North America? And when do you plan to tour over here? I'm especially hoping you visit Canada.
Tanya_Donelly: the e.p. will be on import in N.A. and the album comes out in March
hair_Bear_Bunch: Christine_Birkett: Are your parents musical and did they have much influence on you and Kristin's choice of "career"?
Tanya_Donelly: both of our fathers play guitar and her dad is a great songwriter on his own...
hair_Bear_Bunch: Will you always be guitar orientated or can you see a time when you experiment with other formats?
Tanya_Donelly: i think the fact that nothing was expected of us helped?
hair_Bear_Bunch: what was your nick name at skool?
Tanya_Donelly: i'm interested in getting into the "other side" more
Tanya_Donelly: t
hair_Bear_Bunch: SSSSDDDD: Tanya-We live near cambridge and we are s*it
Tanya_Donelly: come to my cambridge (MA) and get better
hair_Bear_Bunch: when is your single and album due for release?
Tanya_Donelly: the single is Nov. 25 and the album is March
hair_Bear_Bunch: thanks aload top lass! hope to see you again love the hairbears
Tanya_Donelly: love from me and thank you much
hair_Bear_Bunch: thank you
Tanya_Donelly: Bye
Host ajackson: Thanks Tanya and many thanks Jamie and Justin - Top job lads!