4ad-l Mail for 06-13-1996

Mail in Archive

Subject: Miki's humongous house? How much do 4ad artists make
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 22:26:14 -0700
From: "Scott, Mari & Brian" ([email protected])
Subject: Lame joke sandwich between two slices of karma.
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 02:57:00 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: karma/religion/descartes/latin/waffles
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 08:50:34 +0100
From: Chris Limb ([email protected])
Subject: Buying music/Locust/Em:t
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 1996 09:27:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Robert William Weisend ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Dekarte?
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 12:28:13 +0100
From: lbo ([email protected])
Subject: Descartes
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 06:54:37 -0400
From: rotavator ([email protected])
Subject: Fwd: yes ~:*:~ Mission Possible ~:*:~ please fwd :)
Date: 96-06-13 06:19:51 EDT
From: Viziondanz
Subject: Re: Dekarte? -Reply
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 07:23:37 -0400
From: "WILLIAM D. BARRY" ([email protected])
Subject: Re: karma/religion/descartes/latin/waffles
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 07:25:38 -0400
From: daniel klyn ([email protected])
Subject: Re: karma/religion/descartes/latin/waffles
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 13:02:45 +0100
From: Chris Limb ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Miki's humongous house? How much do 4ad artists make
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 07:21:30 -0400
From: daniel klyn ([email protected])
Subject: off-topic stuff
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 11:11:52 GMT
From: "Booth, Giles" ([email protected])
Subject: Re: off-topic stuff
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 09:31:20 -0400
From: Viz I Ondanz ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Fwd: yes ~:*:~ Mission Possible ~:*:~ please fwd :)
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 16:01:07 +0200
From: snailhead ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Re[2]: this religion thing
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 10:46:41 -0400
From: Joseph Burns ([email protected])
Subject: off-topic stuff
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 15:59:18 +-200
From: Booth, Giles[SMTP:[email protected]]
Subject: Re: Re[2]: this religion thing
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 16:40:19 +0100
From: Chris Limb ([email protected])
Subject: Re: off-topic stuff
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 16:37:11 +0100
From: Chris Limb ([email protected])
Subject: Re[4]: this religion thing
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 08:08:00 -0400
From: Alex Mayo ([email protected])
Subject: Re: unsubscribe
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 11:38:44 -0400
From: Alice Palumbo ([email protected])
Subject: CT a-touring, help to resubscribe
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 12:15:59 -0500
From: Kendal Myka Obermeyer! ([email protected])
Subject: no foretene
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 09:31:49 -0700
From: Dewdrops Records ([email protected])
Subject: mojave pics 4 u 2 c.
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 16:14:37 -0400
From: "[spiral]" ([email protected])
Subject: joinning the language game
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 23:06:20 PDT
From: naor ([email protected])
Subject: Re: no foretene
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 14:50:03 -0700
From: Dewdrops Records ([email protected])
Subject: Re: no foretene
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 14:37:37 -0700
From: the mystery parade ([email protected])
Subject: Re: off-topic stuff
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 14:33:03 -0700
From: einexile the meek ([email protected])
Subject: Mailing problem solved!
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 00:48:22 +0200
From: Matthias Walzner ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Miki's humongous house? How much do 4ad artists make
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 19:00:58 -0400
From: "James M. Renaud" ([email protected])
Subject: Spiritchaser vinyl
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 01:57:25 +0200
From: Frank Brinkhuis ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Miki's humongous house? not nose!!!!
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 17:27:04 -0700
From: "Scott, Mari & Brian" ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Miki's humongous house? How much do 4ad artists make
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 17:40:52 -0700
From: Jens Alfke ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Re[4]: this religion thing
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 04:38:02 +0200
From: snailhead ([email protected])
Subject: Londoners and Canucks
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 22:51:43 -0500
From: Steven Venn ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Miki's humongous ...?
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 21:55:16 -0500
From: a bear of very little brain ([email protected])
Subject: Re: dcd in bay area
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 20:37:06 -0700
From: wart ([email protected])

Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 22:26:14 -0700
From: "Scott, Mari & Brian" ([email protected])
Subject: Miki's humongous house? How much do 4ad artists make

    I think someone posted here about Miki's huge house. How huge is
Miki's house and how can she afford such a house? Did she just buy it?
How much money do Lush make? How much money do 4-ad artists make in
general? How much to they tax in Britian?


Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 02:57:00 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: Lame joke sandwich between two slices of karma.

naor added to this religion thing thread (rope)

>what you meant, surely, was:
>        "I think therefor I am "
>         -rene dekarte

So I'm at a party, and I'm mingling.  Drink in one hand, left hand helping
out with various descriptions as I'm (surely) making witty conversation.
I'm smiling with folks they're smiling back.  Ohh, take a glance at my face
(subtly) on the back of this spoon.  My lord I look smashing, if I do say so
myself.  Enough of this.  I must spread my manner on this gathering like St.
Nick spreads Christmas cheer.  Who shall I floor first? Ta-ta-ta
da-da-de-dum-dum-dada-de  eeeyow, there we go.  I've eyed my (victims) err my
"company".   I slide with brisk confidence to a group of people in which
Descartes is a part of.  They're commenting on the upcoming elections, which
I am very interested in.  I nod my head to various points being brought up in
silent agreement.  Smiling like a pro with a lengthy pearl drops contract.
 There is a pause in the action, and I add my two cents.  I look at Descartes
directly and ask, "What chance do you think the Republicans have in a unified
concord in Mr. Dole?"   He chuckled mildly and condescendingly I might add
(at my obvious absurd not to mention mundane question) and answered glibly,
"Well, I don't think that..."

and he disappeared.

Now who's chuckling?  On with the show...


[email protected]

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 08:50:34 +0100
From: Chris Limb ([email protected])
Subject: karma/religion/descartes/latin/waffles

>>But the original latin 'COGITO ERGO SUM' should be 'COGITO EGGO
>>SUM'..."I think...therefore I am a waffle."
>Doesn't that translate to "I think I am a waffle" ?

But that's enough waffling on for now...

But as the old dog-latin saying goes:
"Non illegitimati te carborundum" ;->

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 01:39:01 -0700
From: einexile the meek ([email protected])
Subject: Who to order from, period.

Think of this as a sort of faq.


---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Sat, 8 Jun 1996 09:27:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Robert William Weisend ([email protected])
Subject: Buying music/Locust/Em:t

Because people STILL seem to be asking these questions.....

> I can't find the _____ CD by ____, where can I....

> I'm tired of paying $28 for....

> Are there any good mailorder companies....

> Hi, I live in BFE, where can I....

saying how really dark and dreary this is, but it's not THAT dark.
Robert Rich's "Trances/Drones", now that is dark!

Also, check out my em:t pages.  They're a bit incomplete right now.

|  Bob Weisend                     |  "I'm not an actor, |
|  [email protected] |   but I play one    |
|  Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo       |   on TV."           |

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 12:28:13 +0100
From: lbo ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Dekarte?

At 20:38 12/06/96 -0500, you wrote:

>Check any book... it=B4s Descartes!

well, in Italy we call him Cartesio, in and outside academies...

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 06:54:37 -0400
From: rotavator ([email protected])
Subject: Descartes

>Alex Mayo  wrote:
>>      Actually, it's Rene DESCARTES, I think....but that's splitting hairs.
>>      But the original latin 'COGITO ERGO SUM' should be 'COGITO EGGO
>>      SUM'..."I think...therefore I am a waffle."
>Doesn't that translate to "I think I am a waffle" ?

Yes. "I think, therefore I am a waffle" would be "Cogito, ergo Eggo sum",
which kinda destroys the structure.

How about: "Cogito ergo spud" - I think, therefore I yam

"...Hobbes was fond of his dram
And Rene Descartes was a drunken fart
'I drink therefore I am' "


And no, Latin's not dead. Who can guess what song this is:

"Dies lunes potest diffringere..."

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 06:30:12 -0400
From: Viz I Ondanz ([email protected])
Subject: Fwd: yes ~:*:~ Mission Possible ~:*:~ please fwd :)

This seems to me to be important for all of us to read and forward
Forwarded message:

Date: 96-06-13 06:19:51 EDT
From: Viziondanz You can make a big difference by the simple act of reading & forwarding this message ~:*:~ IF WE DO NOT CREATE OUR FUTURE OUR PAST WILL CREATE IT FOR US * ~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~* The outcome of the Russian elections in a few days has the potential to throw the planet back into the quagmire of global polarization - a resumption of the �cold� war. ? THIS IS AN INVITATION TO EXPLORE WHAT WE CAN DO ? Please take the time to read on ? THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE ARE FRIGHTENED, They are facing a very difficult choice, they feel desperate abandoned and disheartened, it appears to them that it may be safer to go back to the apparent stability of comunism than to go forward into the abyss of the unknown that seems to offer them nothing more than chaos. ? What can we do ? ~:*:~ YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE ~:*:~ Please send this letter to whoever, where ever. Fax it, mail it, E mail it, post it, hand it out, send it to the press. Translate it. Network this letter so widely that it will some how penetrate the �conversation� of the Russian people and encourage them to keep moving forward on the path of freedom CONTENTS OF THIS E MAIL: ------------------------------------------ * Letter to the Russian people from the global community. * Question. * Suggestions for action (please add) * Useful Phone #'s (please add) * Ancient Chinese Proverb * Proverb from the 90's * Social Accupuncture - activism in the 90's - definition * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To the Russian People from the Global Community * * ===================================== * * We are extremely concerned about the outcome of your upcoming * * presidential election. We understand your desperation having had * * the courage to embrace change / reform, yet not being able to * * enjoy the fruits of that reform as yet. * * * * We understand that we have not supported you adequately * * in your transition. * * * * We understand that you are faced with a distinct lack of * * positive choices in your candidates for president. * * * * We urge you to continue on the path of courage; and to vote * * from that courage, with faith in the highest possibility * * for both your nation and the world at large. * * * * We urge you to keep moving forward on the path of freedom * * and to be patient as your nation goes through the process of change. * * * * We the world community commit to creating the conversation that will * * support you through your transition. * * * * This world has spent too much time in a state of war * * * * IF WE DO NOT CREATE OUR FUTURE * * OUR PAST WILL CREATE IT FOR US * * ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * What else ? ? What actions can we take that will be effective in supporting ? the Russian people in making a decision that will serve both themselves and the the rest of our Global Community ? ? Suggestions : ------------------- # Forward this E mail to others in your circle and the cybercommunity at large. # Make a hard copy of this e mail & give this to at least one person, outside of cyberspace making an agreement with them to do the same. # Call / fax / E mail the Russian embassy expressing your concern and your support. # Call / fax / E mail President Clinton and your representatives expressing your concern & requesting their action NOW in supporting the Russian people during their transision # Call talk radio shows, generate critical mass in the conversation about this issue. # Burn a candle and/or create some form of expression of support for the Russian people during their day of choice Sunday June 16th - do this with your family and friends. # Use your imagination and work in your own circles to generate support for the Russian people, not just this week but beyond. # Add to this Email and/or generate your own and broadcast it widely. TAKE IT ON ! This issue can effect all of our lives, it is not "over there" the world is now too small for that way of thinking. RUSSIAN EMBASSY - 202 298 5700 BILL CLINTON FAX - 202 298 5735 OPINION LINE -202 456 11 CONSULATE FAX - 202 483 7579 FAX - 202 456 2461 E [email protected] ~:*:~ Mission Possible ~:*:~ The beat of a butterfly's wing can, at a critical moment, create a disturbance that will result in the occurrence of a hurricane on the far side of the ocean. When " we the people" lead, the leaders will follow. The power of cyberspace "Cyberaction" This is an experiment in the power of the �gentle art of Social Acupuncture� Social Acupuncture : -- activism in the 90's ----------------------------- * Every individual raindrop that enters the ocean instantly becomes the ocean. * �The �conversation� is the ocean * Our civilization is a reflection of our �conversation� * There are critical areas of the �conversation� that carry the potential to accelerate the evolution of the collective �conversation�. * At a point of critical mass the "conversation" transforms into action. * We are the �Powers that be� You can make a big difference by the simple act of reading & forwarding this message. ~:*:~ Mission Possible ~:*:~ " Changing the world by changing the conversation"

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 07:23:37 -0400
From: "WILLIAM D. BARRY" ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Dekarte? -Reply

"Recedite plebis, gero rem imperielum!"

my 2 drachmas...

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 07:25:38 -0400
From: daniel klyn ([email protected])
Subject: Re: karma/religion/descartes/latin/waffles

On Thu, 13 Jun 1996, Chris Limb wrote:

> "Non illegitimati te carborundum" ;->

        translation? (took ancient greek instead.....)


Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 13:02:45 +0100
From: Chris Limb ([email protected])
Subject: Re: karma/religion/descartes/latin/waffles

On Thu, 13 Jun 1996 daniel klyn responded:

>> "Non illegitimati te carborundum" ;->
>translation? (took ancient greek instead.....)

"Don't let the bastards grind you down"

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 07:21:30 -0400
From: daniel klyn ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Miki's humongous house? How much do 4ad artists make

On Wed, 12 Jun 1996, Scott, Mari & Brian wrote:

>     I think someone posted here about Miki's huge house. How huge is
> Miki's house and how can she afford such a house? Did she just buy it?
> How much money do Lush make? How much money do 4-ad artists make in
> general? How much to they tax in Britian?

        i think it was big NOSE. as in nasal organ. nadiz.
        altho im not sure i agree.

        grabbing the 'lush' ball and running with it, did
        anyone catch 120 minutes last week? matt pinfield
        (aka uncle fester) interviewed lush who were playing
        a festival in D.C.. as is his custom, the questions
        all required a simple yes or no answer, and revealed
        little about the group.

        they played the ladykillers video after, and i must say
        that the shaving the pavement tape, coupled with
        seeing this video often on 120 minutes has changed
        my opinion about what lush seem to be doing, sound-wise.

        its growing on me. i presently own no lush lps, and
        would like a referral.  being a rabid CT fan, is
        spooky the natural place for me to dip my toe


Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 11:11:52 GMT
From: "Booth, Giles" ([email protected])
Subject: off-topic stuff

Is anyone else bemused by the almost total absence of on-topic discussion
on this list over the past few days..?


-   [email protected]

-   'Trapper, why do people take an instant dislike to me?'

-   'Saves time, Frank'


Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 09:31:20 -0400
From: Viz I Ondanz ([email protected])
Subject: Re: off-topic stuff

I enjoy it, its fun to see what everyone is up to - all rivers lead to the

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 16:01:07 +0200
From: snailhead ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Fwd: yes ~:*:~ Mission Possible ~:*:~ please fwd :)

please don't send political stuff to music mailinglists.



   .;''        ``;.   Guy Vandekerckhove                    "If I mail
   ::   :::::::    :  [email protected]             this letter,
 ::    :       :   :: [email protected]                        you can send it
 :: .:'        `:. :: [email protected]                back to me"
 ::  :    O     :  ::          O                                 -KH-
   :: `:.      .:' ::          /
  `;..``::::''..;',,,,,,,,,,,/. ______________________________________________

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 10:46:41 -0400
From: Joseph Burns ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Re[2]: this religion thing

Its little known that his famous 'cogito ergo sum' was a response in sort
to St. Augustine's remark :
                Si Enim Fallor Sum
Which means 'If I am its because I err'

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 15:59:18 +-200
From: Jason Curtis ([email protected])
Subject: Re: off-topic stuff

------ =_NextPart_000_01BB5941.47F363A0

Bemused beyond belief !!! - How about talking about something novel like =
the artwork on the SCHEER album - Most CD stores here in SA are afriad =
to put up the poster - so the backing boards (which are great) are being =
used instead. Personally I think it's great....

Thank you for understanding....


From: Booth, Giles[SMTP:[email protected]]
Subject: off-topic stuff

Is anyone else bemused by the almost total absence of on-topic =
on this list over the past few days..?


-   [email protected]

-   'Trapper, why do people take an instant dislike to me?'

-   'Saves time, Frank'


------ =_NextPart_000_01BB5941.47F363A0


------ =_NextPart_000_01BB5941.47F363A0--

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 16:40:19 +0100
From: Chris Limb ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Re[2]: this religion thing

On Thu, 13 Jun 1996 10:46:41 -0400 Joseph Burns  wrote:

>Its little known that his famous 'cogito ergo sum' was a response in sort
>to St. Augustine's remark :
>                Si Enim Fallor Sum
>Which means 'If I am its because I err'

..but sounds suspiciously like a backwards message.

"Tnip a Si Enim"

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 16:37:11 +0100
From: Chris Limb ([email protected])
Subject: Re: off-topic stuff

"Booth, Giles"  wrote:
>Is anyone else bemused by the almost total absence of on-topic discussion
>on this list over the past few days..?

Bemused, but amused!

Sorry to stray back on topic for a second, but I for one am looking forward to
Scheer @ King's Cross Water Rats tomorrow.

"I can't wear that!  People will think I'm just an ordinary person!"

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 08:08:00 -0400
From: Alex Mayo ([email protected])
Subject: Re[4]: this religion thing

>>Alex Mayo  wrote:

  >      Actually, it's Rene DESCARTES, I think....but that's splitting hairs. >
     But the original latin 'COGITO ERGO SUM' should be 'COGITO EGGO
  >      SUM'..."I think...therefore I am a waffle." >

  Doesn't that translate to "I think I am a waffle" ?<<

   I Think so...

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 11:38:44 -0400
From: Alice Palumbo ([email protected])
Subject: Re: unsubscribe

              digest processor" at Jun 13, 96 00:02:53 am

 I'm sorry to have to send this to the list, but I destroyed my saved
 mail files when trying to do something else, so I no longer have the
 information on how to unsubscribe. Could someone tell me how?

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 12:15:59 -0500
From: Kendal Myka Obermeyer! ([email protected])
Subject: CT a-touring, help to resubscribe

              Mari & Brian" at Apr 13, 96 08:11:30 pm

     I was mysteriously catapulted from the list over two months ago.
Consequently I have NO idea what's going on and someone just said the
cocteau twins are touring. I have limited access these days, but if
you could mail me directly with tour sites/dates, and the simple
resubscribe guidelines, that would be infinitely kind.



        ==>> http://www.teleport.com/~obee/kendal.html <<==

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 09:31:49 -0700
From: Dewdrops Records ([email protected])
Subject: no foretene

Based on some soul searching and conversations with
the bands involved, Dewdrops has decided NOT to release
another 4AD tribute. Even though we're sure we could
completely surpass Thurtene in quality, we reasoned that
a compilation of original material would be taken more
seriously, and the bands would be heard on their own
terms doing their own thing, without the baggage of trying
to live up to the original 4AD track and being judged by
their relative success (or lack of...). So, there WILL
be a compilation of bands we admire, but it won't be
Foretene. We haven't completely given up on doing
another tribute, but for now it has almost zero priority.

This compilation will be the next release on our label,
and it may be out by the end of the year. There are at least
20 bands we'd like to include, and most have been contacted
already by us. There is the possibility of including a
"big name" or two, but everything is still very uncertain.
We have several bands committed already, and in a month or two
we should be closer to having a better defined list, at which
point I'll post it here.

At least one band is working on a 4AD cover, and
another has already been recorded and released, so there may
well be a few covers included. It will be strictly limited
to "a few" though.

In the meantime, all of our other five releases are still
available, and all the ordering info is at our web site.
All copies we owe of Dewdrops fanzine #15 should have been
received already. If you're a subscriber and didn't get yours
yet, contact me. A few have been returned from bad addresses.

|     Brant Nelson | 1817 Corinth Ave. #10 | open your eyes
| Dewdrops Records | LA, CA 90025-5567     | to northern skies
| Uncommon music that deserves to be heard |
| http://www.astro.ucla.edu/students/nelson/dewdrops.html

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 16:14:37 -0400
From: "[spiral]" ([email protected])
Subject: mojave pics 4 u 2 c.

yeah. check out this guys
homepage fer cool mojave pictures
from the shaving the pavement tour.
i think thats it... and if not mail me.
pretty neato.

                ---> [spiral]
                [email protected]

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 23:06:20 PDT
From: naor ([email protected])
Subject: joinning the language game

oh, oh  I wanna play too but I don't know much latin.
maybe this will do

3 2 1 gong, time's up
and the answer is: spoken arabic for " who cut the cheese? "

attacks on my grammar, spelling, tasteless humour or general
character are welcome.


mud shield-check  asbestos suit-check  scale armour-check
alright cap'n we're ready. post the massage.

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 14:50:03 -0700
From: Dewdrops Records ([email protected])
Subject: Re: no foretene

> On that note, not counting Thurtene, have there been any good covers of 4AD
> songs (by non-4AD artists)?

Faith and Disease did a cover of "Louise" by Clan Of Xymox
on their first album.
I think it's definitely worth hearing, and it will be included
as one of the possibly "few" cover songs on "not foretene".
Another band is working on a Lush cover of "Thoughtforms,"
my favorite Lush song, so I'm letting them do it for a
possible spot on the compilation. Other than that, circumstances
would have to be really special to include any more covers.

|     Brant Nelson | 1817 Corinth Ave. #10 | open your eyes
| Dewdrops Records | LA, CA 90025-5567     | to northern skies
| Uncommon music that deserves to be heard |
| http://www.astro.ucla.edu/students/nelson/dewdrops.html

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 14:37:37 -0700
From: the mystery parade ([email protected])
Subject: Re: no foretene

>Based on some soul searching and conversations with
>the bands involved, Dewdrops has decided NOT to release
>another 4AD tribute.

Unless you're This Mortal Coil, I never felt that 4AD songs could be
covered and at the same time be given a fresh take. No offense to the
Thurtene bands, but like many fellow listies I was very disappointed with
the first tribute CD and am somewhat relieved that there will not be
another one. I agree with Dewdrops that a regular compilation will be much
better received.

On that note, not counting Thurtene, have there been any good covers of 4AD
songs (by non-4AD artists)?

t h e   m y s t e r y   p a r a d e
esoteric graphic design
                   [email protected]

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 14:33:03 -0700
From: einexile the meek ([email protected])
Subject: Re: off-topic stuff

On Thu, 13 Jun 1996, Booth, Giles wrote:

> Is anyone else bemused by the almost total absence of on-topic discussion
> on this list over the past few days..?

If all we discussed on this list was good music on or loosely associated
with 4AD, the list would come to a grinding halt and we'd all forget who
each other is. Just think of these stupid messages as the online
equivalent to those useless television ads that just tell you the name of
a corporation without supplying one iota of information re what they do,
etc. Sometimes it's better that way.

On a more enthusiastic note, we have a new The The album to look forward
to in about eight months.

Political messages like the recent "mission impossible" post are not
necessarily inappropriate to the list, but should be added onto the end
of a relevant post (if any) or simply as a pointer in your sig, etc.
There's no reason to post a huge message like that. I doubt the
alt.politics.* hierarchy wants to see our auction information, eh? My
assessment of the Russian situation is that the real reason the election
upsets Americans is because a politician who in the US would be thought
of as a moderate "conservative" is gladly (and appropriately) calling
himself a communist. You can be a communist without forcing the masses
into farmin co-ops and so forth. Tax incentives and regulatory arm
twisting count, too. Zyuganov, unless he is a liar like Zhirinovsky,
presents mainly a threat to corrupt former members of the Communist Party
who have used their power to get away with murder in the poorly-named
"free" market that has emerged. I don't agree a bit with his politics,
personally, but I seriously doubt we have in this man a monster on the
order of Yeltsin. Folks ought to calm down some about this election.


Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 00:48:22 +0200
From: Matthias Walzner ([email protected])
Subject: Mailing problem solved!

>Hi mailing experts,
>maybe someone can help me. The problem is the folowing:
>I am subscribe twice to the list with:
>[email protected]
>[email protected]
>The address though is sctually the same while the second is supposed to be
the reply-address.
>I am trying to sign off the second one, but nothing works!
>Every time I am sending a command, the listserver detects me as
10267@rzuws13... even >though I have put in the reply address!

Hi you all,

at first thanks for the replies to my problem.

I finally found a pretty easy way: Drop Eudora and use the MS Internet Mail
and News software for Win95...at least to sign off...

I put in the [email protected] address as reply address and used a
different mail server: rzserv2.fh-lueneburg.de

This worked with MS software, but not with Eudora...

Hope this might help some others....



Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 19:00:58 -0400
From: "James M. Renaud" ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Miki's humongous house? How much do 4ad artists make

On Wed, 12 Jun 1996, Scott, Mari & Brian wrote:

>     I think someone posted here about Miki's huge house. How huge is
> Miki's house and how can she afford such a house? Did she just buy it?
> How much money do Lush make? How much money do 4-ad artists make in
> general? How much to they tax in Britian?
>                                         Brian
lush aren't british... scottish...
they are not the same

**************************** star vein ***********************************
**************************** http://www.science.wayne.edu/~jrenaud *******
**************************** [email protected] ***************
"since feeling is first who pays any attention to the syntax of things" **
***** e.e. cummings ******************************************************

Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 01:57:25 +0200
From: Frank Brinkhuis ([email protected])
Subject: Spiritchaser vinyl

the Dead Can Dance 'Spritchaser' vinyl edition is a double-LP (DAD 6008),
not a double 10" (as suggested earlier on). Got it in the mail today. Nice
sleeve, nice inner bags.

Frank Brinkhuis
[email protected]

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 17:27:04 -0700
From: "Scott, Mari & Brian" ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Miki's humongous house? not nose!!!!

You wrote:
>On Wed, 12 Jun 1996, Scott, Mari & Brian wrote:
>>     I think someone posted here about Miki's huge house.

Someone posted that it was Miki's nose instead of house they were
talking about. No! No! No!  Some teenybopper mag in Britan had an
interview with Miki in her house and stated something about how huge
her house was at all that good stuff. I guess I read about this
somewhere else, sorry for the mix up!

>lush aren't british... scottish...
>they are not the same

Are you joking? Lush are from Camden England. Maybe you have Miki and
the lead singer from Garbage mixed up, she's from Scotland. Get your
damn facts straight man! This is the 4-ad list!


Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 17:40:52 -0700
From: Jens Alfke ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Miki's humongous house? How much do 4ad artists make

James Renaud wrote:
>lush aren't british... scottish...
>they are not the same

(1) Scotland is part of Britain. It's not part of England. Northern
Ireland is not part of Britain (it's in the UK.)
(2) If Lush are Scottish that's the first I've heard of it! None of them
have Scottish accents and the band was formed in London...

I have heard, on the other hand, that His Name Is Alive are actually from
Michigan, which is not part of America; apparently it's part of Canada.
Michigan, as you may have heard, is the Canadian province that's been
arguing about secession due to most of its people having a different
accent from the rest of the people in Canada and supporting different
hockey teams.

Scott, Mari and/or Brian asked:
>How much money do 4-ad artists make in general?

I'm told that 4AD artists earn 500 pounds a year, which in England (or
Scotland) is enough money to buy a palatial house stocked with slaves.
(See any Jane Austen novel, esp. "Clueless".) The reason the Cocteau
Twins left 4AD is that they wanted Lucy Belle to draw a salary as well,
as she'd been giving Liz voice lessons, which Ivo refused. At Fontana
they got this written into their contract plus all the haggis they can

>How much to they tax in Britian?

Britain has no taxes as such -- Margaret Thatcher abolished them while
she was Queen, in favor of a new law (the "Magna Carta") that allows the
Queen to come visit your house unannounced and take anything she wants if
it'll fit in her handbag. This explains why British (and Welsh) currency
is so large and hard to fold up.

__________          ___________________          ________________________
Jens Alfke          OpenDoc Optimizator          [email protected]     [work]
                                                 [email protected] [play]

Want to be * Got to be * Witty * Don't want to * Be inert * Inert * WITTY

Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 04:38:02 +0200
From: snailhead ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Re[4]: this religion thing

On Thu, 13 Jun 1996, Alex Mayo wrote:

> >>Alex Mayo  wrote:
>   >      Actually, it's Rene DESCARTES, I think....but that's splitting hairs.
>      But the original latin 'COGITO ERGO SUM' should be 'COGITO EGGO
>   >      SUM'..."I think...therefore I am a waffle." >
>   Doesn't that translate to "I think I am a waffle" ?<<


   .;''        ``;.   Guy Vandekerckhove                    "If I mail
   ::   :::::::    :  [email protected]             this letter,
 ::    :       :   :: [email protected]                        you can send it
 :: .:'        `:. :: [email protected]                back to me"
 ::  :    O     :  ::          O                                 -KH-
   :: `:.      .:' ::          /
  `;..``::::''..;',,,,,,,,,,,/. ______________________________________________

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 22:51:43 -0500
From: Steven Venn ([email protected])
Subject: Londoners and Canucks

Lush are definetely Londoners...Miki and
Emma have unmistakeable Londoner accents.
You may be confusing them with Cocteaus
which may be Scottish, well Robin is.

I made the mistake (and lost a STP shirt
in the process) by mistakenly saying that
Audrey Gallagher of Scheer was from Ireland.
Well she is but its North Ireland which is
part of the UK and not Ireland a country
on its own. Which reminds me. Would anyone
be interested in pictures of STP'ers at HMV
in Toronto? I will have to track down a scanner
but I would pass them along to someone
if they wanted to put them on their web page.
They are more snapshot in quality, but there
are a few good ones of Audrey and Miki.

>I have heard, on the other hand, that His Name Is Alive are actually from
>Michigan, which is not part of America; apparently it's part of Canada.
>Michigan, as you may have heard, is the Canadian province that's been
>arguing about secession due to most of its people having a different
>accent from the rest of the people in Canada and supporting different
>hockey teams.

ha ha this is hilarious...as a native of Canada. I can assure you
that Michigan never was nor will be a province of Canada. Everyone
knows that the Leafs wouldn't stand for the Red Wings sharing
their turf. Thankfully now that Mulooney is gone, Canada will
remain the country that it is and not the new acquisition of the
Home of the Brave. Better radio in urban centres (ya that's how you
spell it) here and more colour.


You wanna see me? Know about me?
Look on this web page under Stevenn:

Atelier Design Communications
Steven Venn, b.f.a. - Graphic Designer
139 Golfclub Court, Richmond Hill,
Ontario, CANADA L4C 5E1

(905) 884-2601

"Listen pal, you can't just waltz in here, use my toaster
 and spout universal truths without qualification!"
                                                    -Jude from Hal Hartley's
                                                     "Surviving Desire"

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 21:55:16 -0500
From: a bear of very little brain ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Miki's humongous ...?

Jens Alfke wrote:
> I have heard, on the other hand, that His Name Is Alive are actually from
> Michigan, which is not part of America; apparently it's part of Canada.
> Michigan, as you may have heard, is the Canadian province that's been
> arguing about secession due to most of its people having a different
> accent from the rest of the people in Canada and supporting different
> hockey teams.

Erm, wrong, dear Jens.  The dearly beloved mitten-shaped state of Michigan is
not a part of any country; rather, it is the center of the universe.
Livonia, in fact, is the absolute spindle around which all things revolve.
Plato has philosophised over it, Nostradamus has foreseen it, and Robert
Tilton has spoken in tongues about it ever since 1973.  Grand Funk Railroad
hails from Michigan, along with the J. Geils Band, Ed B. Chaffee, and the
mighty practitioners of post-post-pre-post-rock, Ohio.

hk the mitten-centric, eh?
[email protected] [email protected] http://www.neosoft.com/~hk/home.htm
"the universe is all around, the universe is falling down" - hnia

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 20:37:06 -0700
From: wart ([email protected])
Subject: Re: dcd in bay area

My Tang wrote:
> does anyone know when the show and when do tickets go on sale for a san
> francisco bay area show for dcd. i know that they sell out quick. i went to
> tower yesterday and they dont even have it listed. i though it was on the
> 11th of aug. please someone cure me of this confusion.

Yeah they go on sale  July 7 for the Aug 11th show.  BTW
Can you buy extra just in case I dont get any because last time I
rememeber they came they did sale out.  And this time I dont want to be
left out.  I will do the same for you too.

[email protected]

[email protected], last updated by Eyesore Automation on 6-13-1996