4ad-l Mail for 06-09-1996

Mail in Archive

Subject: his name is alive
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 00:38:30 -0400
From: "James M. Renaud" ([email protected])
Subject: DCD correction
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 11:54:28 CET
From: Tomek ([email protected])
Subject: Re: recommendations
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 07:22:02 -0400
From: daniel klyn ([email protected])
Subject: Re: recommendations
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 10:55:48 -0400
From: my own haze ([email protected])
Subject: Re: recommendations
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 17:18:07 +0100
From: lbo ([email protected])
Subject: dcd in A2
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 09:54:33 -0700
From: sean devine ([email protected])
Subject: Re: his name is arrive
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 14:53:21 -0400
From: daniel klyn ([email protected])
Subject: Re: dcd in A2
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 15:05:02 -0400
From: daniel klyn ([email protected])
Subject: Re: his name is arrive
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 12:45:34 -0700
From: Doug Reith-Hart ([email protected])
Subject: dcd in bay area
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 16:11:21 -0400
From: My Tang ([email protected])
Subject: PV
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 18:32:18 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: His Name Is A Jive Bombers
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 18:48:47 -0700
From: Jeff Keibel ([email protected])
Subject: Re: The Blue Nile
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 1996 10:28:00 +1000
From: Geoff Elgey ([email protected])
Subject: More Blue Nile
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 20:09:59 -0500
From: Lebron ([email protected])
Subject: Dif Juz
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 20:20:23 -0500
From: Lebron ([email protected])
Subject: DCD Q's
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 19:50:46 -0700
From: "E. Coli" ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Western New York State Listy Record stores
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 23:36:48 -0500
From: Steven Venn ([email protected])

Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 00:38:30 -0400
From: "James M. Renaud" ([email protected])
Subject: his name is alive

this world is not my home is a variation on lyric by mr. guthrie. he is in
the folk section. universal frequencies is basically a beach boys song (i
forget which one) with different lyrics.
i like the album...
the picture is of warren defever. i asked him. he said oh my god. he said
that he never saw it before. he said in classic warren tone, "ya know i
just do the music and ivo gets vaughan to do all that packaging stuff. if
it was up to me i'd never get it done."
warren is fun.
**************************** star vein ***********************************
**************************** http://www.science.wayne.edu/~jrenaud *******
**************************** [email protected] ***************
"since feeling is first who pays any attention to the syntax of things" **
***** e.e. cummings ******************************************************

Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 11:54:28 CET
From: Tomek ([email protected])
Subject: DCD correction

Of course I know the concert in Berlin is on June 24. Still, is anyone going?

 "An eye for an eye only ends up
  making the whole world blind"
                    from "Gandhi"
                                            Tomek Oljasz
                                            [email protected]
                                            Warsaw University

Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 07:22:02 -0400
From: daniel klyn ([email protected])
Subject: Re: recommendations

On Sat, 8 Jun 1996, einexile the meek wrote:

> Carma...isn't that the spiritual magic that comes from the enchanted land
> where people regularly set their wives on fire? No thanks. ;)


   karma ka.rma. Also karman. Skr. karma, karman-, action, fate. In
   Buddhism, the sum of a person's actions in one of his successive
   states of existence, regarded as determining his fate in the next;
   hence, necessary fate or destiny, following as effect from cause. Also
   in Hinduism.Latterly adopted by Western popular `meditative' groups.

     * 1971 Nat. Geographic Mar. 321/2 Officials, too, are subject to the
       law of karma-that sooner or later every action brings its
       retribution, in this existence or in one to come.


        oxford english dictionary.  Please, mr. e, your flippancy
        and seeming carelessness toward my (and various billion +
        hindus and buddhists worldwide) religious beliefs is
        for lack of a better word vulgar.  perhaps you should
        open your mind?  hindu and buddhist scholars have understood
        this concept, which western quantum physicists call Bells Theorem
        or QUIP (quantum inseparability principle), for aeons. and
        without the intention of creating bombs with the technology.
        krazy, huh?

> > >Fields of the Nephilim - The Nephilim (pretty goth with a Morricone flair)
> >
> Their name does come from the Biblical reference, I believe, and they are
> all very mixed up in that ancient mideast pre-Noah lore and whatnot.
> (Didn't God create the Nephilim just so he could exterminate them or
> something like that? I remember reading this somewhere; It's probably
> crap.)

   Nephilim - (Gen. 6:4; Num. 13:33, R.V.), giants, the Hebrew word left
   untranslated by the Revisers, the name of one of the Canaanitish
   tribes. The Revisers have, however, translated the Hebrew gibborim, in
   Gen. 6:4, "mighty men."

   [Gen 6:1] When men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and
   daughters were born to them,

   [Gen 6:2] the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and
   they took to wife such of them as they chose.

   [Gen 6:3] Then the LORD said, "My spirit shall not abide in man for
   ever, for he is flesh, but his days shall be a hundred and twenty

   [Gen 6:4] The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also
   afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and
   they bore children to them. These were the mighty men that were of
   old, the men of renown.

        interbreeding between the heavenly beings and the earthlings
        produced a mighty race of hybrids who lived longer and
        were more powerful than the judeo/christian god's favored
        batch of primates, and so the flood was devised as a way
        of getting rid of these more-evolved rivals for the
        control of terra.  the book of judges, however, seems
        to confirm along with the passage above that jehovah
        was not entirely successful in wiping them out with
        the deluge.  they were on the earth in those days
        (pre flood) and _after_.  hmmmmmm.


Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 10:55:48 -0400
From: my own haze ([email protected])
Subject: Re: recommendations

>> >certain Nick Cave records I can't recommend cuz I hate him
>> you shouldn't go around hating people e. it's not good for you
>> you know. bad carma and all that...  :-)
>Carma...isn't that the spiritual magic that comes from the enchanted land
>where people regularly set their wives on fire? No thanks. ;)

It is indeed. It's estimated that on average, 3 are burned to death every day.

Larry, who thinks that if they ever make a film about the life of Nick Cave,
Noah Taylor should play the young Nick

Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 17:18:07 +0100
From: lbo ([email protected])
Subject: Re: recommendations

>        oxford english dictionary.  Please, mr. e, your flippancy
>        and seeming carelessness toward my (and various billion +
>        hindus and buddhists worldwide) religious beliefs is

sorry for the ot, don't want to offend anyone, but I live in Roma and we are
full of say very concerned people that sometimes get angry when they think
their belief are offended and are called bigots.  this is because
catholicism is the main religion here and it seem nice to be an offsider.

but then I see that we take a lot of care to not offend other people with
words we would give to the catholics without thinking twice, and also we
don't tell this people what we tell to the catholics, that is they are
bigots.  this is strange to me.  we are much kinder with minorances.

also, I don't think that light or hilarious word should be offensive all the

>        open your mind?  hindu and buddhist scholars have understood
>        this concept, which western quantum physicists call Bells Theorem

come on, this is like to say that Democrito really discovered atoms... he
talked about something that now could resemble atoms, but has and could not
have had any experimental evidence of what he said.

Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 09:54:33 -0700
From: sean devine ([email protected])
Subject: dcd in A2

        who all is going to the july 21st DCD show in Ann Arbor? is it
sold out yet?

Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 14:53:21 -0400
From: daniel klyn ([email protected])
Subject: Re: his name is arrive


        do either/any of you warren-befriending listies know
        anything further about hnia touring this summer?
        recent posts have mentioned an 'east coast' tour
        with godzuki in the future. how about the midwest?

        also, on an unrelated note, could somebody remind
        me of the title of the dif juz album co-produced
        by robin guthrie and featuring liz? is it still in print?

        much grass,

Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 15:05:02 -0400
From: daniel klyn ([email protected])
Subject: Re: dcd in A2


Twas recently queried:

>         who all is going to the july 21st DCD show in Ann Arbor? is it
> sold out yet?

        the crew with whom i will be attending this much anticipated
        event is comprised of 12 people, aged between 23 and 40.
        i was having this conversation with mr. devine privately,
        but would anyone like to comment on what or why it is that
        dcd out of all the 4ad groups i dig has this universal
        appeal? such a diverse sampling from all age and culture
        groups who have so little in common musically other than

        deep forest (gag) and enigma (puke) dont pull this off.
        cocteaux maybe, but certainly to a lesser extent.

        my own thinking is that it cannot be that all these
        various people have such good tastes in music. alot
        of the other shit they dig is shit.  is it perhaps
        that dcd have tapped into something...sorry... precognitive
        in the rhythms and sounds they create. like the music
        finds a switch or trigger inside of us which activates
        pleasures and reactions which for some fans with
        otherwise abhorrant musical diets (tori amos, for example)
        never gets tickled?  why dont these same people learn
        from the experience, and denounce their schwag once
        electrafied by dcd?  one can only wonder...

Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 12:45:34 -0700
From: Doug Reith-Hart ([email protected])
Subject: Re: his name is arrive

daniel klyn wrote:
>         do either/any of you warren-befriending listies know
>         anything further about hnia touring this summer?
>         recent posts have mentioned an 'east coast' tour
>         with godzuki in the future. how about the midwest?
>         also, on an unrelated note, could somebody remind
>         me of the title of the dif juz album co-produced
>         by robin guthrie and featuring liz? is it still in print?
>         reviews?
>         much grass,
>         dan

I think the Dif Juz was called "extractions" if I'm not mistaken.  I'm
not sure if it's in print anymore but I know I've seen a couple of
copies in the used bins here on the canadian west coast....


Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 16:11:21 -0400
From: My Tang ([email protected])
Subject: dcd in bay area

does anyone know when the show and when do tickets go on sale for a san
francisco bay area show for dcd. i know that they sell out quick. i went to
tower yesterday and they dont even have it listed. i though it was on the
11th of aug. please someone cure me of this confusion.

Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 18:32:18 -0400
From: [email protected] That Dog!! Where are you???

Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 18:48:47 -0700
From: Jeff Keibel ([email protected])
Subject: His Name Is A Jive Bombers

For those in the Toronto area, here's a brief concert update:

Jun 10  GUIDED BY VOICES        Opera House
        with Railroad Jerk and Super Friendz

Jun 14  COCTEAU TWINS           Concert Hall
        with Spain

Jun 24  VELOCITY GIRL           Lee's Palace
        with Starkicker

Jul 05  LOLLAPALOOZA            Molson Park
        featuring: Metallica, Soundgarden, The Ramones, Rancid,
        Girls Against Boys and more...

Jul 06  CAST                    Lee's Palace
        with Self and The Hollow Bodies

Jul 12  EDEN MUSICFEST          Mosport Park
        featuring: Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Love And Rockets, Poe,
        Cibo Matto, Seven Year Bitch, Tracy Bonham and more...

Jul 15  DEAD CAN DANCE          Massey Hall

Aug 06  KISS                    Skydome

Aug 17  RED ATKINS              Jeff's House
        with Richenel, Sort Sol, David Curtis (from Dif Juz) and Bearz

There's lots of stuff too numerous to mention!  Keep an eye out for more
concert announcements in all the usual places.

Jeff Keibel
[email protected]

Date: Mon, 10 Jun 1996 10:28:00 +1000
From: Geoff Elgey ([email protected])
Subject: Re: The Blue Nile


Someone recently wrote:

> > The music and tunes are amazing and different from anything you've
> >ever heard (especially on their first album, "A Walk Across The Rooftops"),
> >but keep in mind that their singer is an acquired taste.  Technically, he's
> >got a _very_ weak and thin voice.  However, I love it, and wouldn't want
> >anyone else to sing their songs.  For all his technical limitations, I
> >think he's the most expressive vocalist there is.  I get a lump in my
> >throat every time he sings the last line in "Headlights on the Parade."
> Jeff! Stand at the back of the class now. Paul Buchanan has one of the great
> voices in modern music. Those pipes are to die for. This is not just my
> opinion

Paul Buchanan's voice always reminds me of Peter Gabriel for some reason
(especially 'Let's Go Out Tonight' from Hats).

Anyway, the best thing about The Blue Nile (IMHO) is not the vocals, but
the *texture* of each song. Every sound, every note is absolutely
perfect. Just listen to 'A Walk Across The Roooftops' to see what I mean.
I was trembling the first time I played 'Hats', because I didn't think
they could match the aural masterpiece of its predecessor. Luckily, I
wasn't disappointed.

Mind you, this habit of releasing an album every 6 or 7 years is probably
overdoing the 'let's not rush this thing' ethic. Oh well, the price of


Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 20:09:59 -0500
From: Lebron ([email protected])
Subject: More Blue Nile

To the very informed out there:=20

I only have 'Hats' and I absolutely love it! I=B4m waiting for this tuesday=
buy the new one. However, I need a review (we  listies are VERY good at it)
for the 'A wlk across ....' since I=B4m planning on getting it too.=20



'Just give me an easy life and a peaceful death.'
                               The Sundays

Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 20:20:23 -0500
From: Lebron ([email protected])
Subject: Dif Juz

>I think the Dif Juz was called "extractions" if I'm not mistaken.  I'm
>not sure if it's in print anymore but I know I've seen a couple of
>copies in the used bins here on the canadian west coast....

Correct! It contains 9 tracks + 4 more from an early EP. I got my capy 6
months ago via 4AD mail order. I=B4m sure they still have it. In general, it
is a good album, not one to die for, but a good one. The 4 tracks from the
Ep are, IMO, the best from the album. The overall sound is very similar to
the track 'No Motion' from LIAE. Check out 'Love Insane' with vocals by Liz

Nos Vemos...

'Just give me an easy life and a peaceful death.'
                               The Sundays

Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 19:50:46 -0700
From: "E. Coli" ([email protected])
Subject: DCD Q's

I am not currently subscribed due to e-mail problems, so please excuse my
ignorance (and cc back to me directly hopefully), but...

I saw on a release date list at a store the other day that Dead Can Dance
was releasing a new album on 6/25.  Is this accurate?  Any details known
about this?

Also, what the hell ever happened to Brendan Perry's solo album?  I knew
that it had been pushed back, but I thought it would be out by now.
Anyone know?

Thanks in advance for any info, and apologies if this is old news on
4ad-L (wish I could keep up with it).

Much appreciated,

Skye Williamson
Bellingham, WA                Honk if you like my .sig

Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 23:36:48 -0500
From: Steven Venn ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Western New York State Listy Record stores

Can anyone advise me on finding thislisty record stores
in the Buffalo to Rochester area of western New York
State. I am heading down there to Rochester in the next
few weeks and I would like to cut down the amount of
time I'd have to spend looking around for cool stuff.

If you can help please email me privately or through
the list.


You wanna see me? Know about me?
Look on this web page under Stevenn:

Atelier Design Communications
Steven Venn, b.f.a. - Graphic Designer
139 Golfclub Court, Richmond Hill,
Ontario, CANADA L4C 5E1

(905) 884-2601

"Listen pal, you can't just waltz in here, use my toaster
 and spout universal truths without qualification!"
                                                    -Jude from Hal Hartley's
                                                     "Surviving Desire"

[email protected], last updated by Eyesore Automation on 6-9-1996