Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 16:19:39 +1030
96 00:29:42 am
Picked up a second hand copy of Lonely is an Eyesore from a local
shop for $5 (Australian) ... one of the guys behind the counter
was going spastic because he didn't even know he had it in the
shop !
\_/ "\/\/\__"\/ "\/ "\/\__"\_/
/ / / / / / / / / / / / ' / -= Serkul/CYDoNiA =-
/ /\/> / / / / / / / / / /__
\__/ \_/\__/\__/\/\/\/\/\/ \/
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 01:23:22 -0600
what for? wouldn't it just be easier to ignore the stupid mail and get on
with your lives.... i mean, this person just did this once, i doubt he'll do
it again. it would be a different thing if he bugged us several times a
week, now this is stupid, IMHO...
At 03:54 PM 3/10/96 CST, you wrote:
>i couldn't find MCI's customer service # (maybe someone else could post it?)
>here's their service/sales phone #: 1-800-950-5555. that's the consumer
>sales/service number. i strongly urge all of you to call and complain about
>this unwanted solicitation, (particularly since it's a toll-free number and
>thus their expense) so that it doesn't happen again in the future. just in
>case you didn't save your old mail, the guy's name is Brian Krater. make
>sure you give 'em the name.
>BiZ, who's got a phone call to make
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 01:28:58 -0600
okay, okay... after reading this, I take back what I said before...
seems like this guy is a real asshole and I am even willing to contribute to
whatever ends up happening to get this guy pissed off...
At 03:42 PM 3/10/96 CST, you wrote:
>here's what that bastard from mci had to say when i confronted him about
>posting commercial solicitations to newsgroups/mailing lists, and what i
>said back. as soon as i get offline, i'm going to find mci's customer
>service number, call them, and complain about this guy, who was foolish
>enough to give us his full name. i'll post the number when i'm online
>again. if all 400+ of us call and complain about this guy (and kind souls
>forward this to other lists he's hit), my guess is that they'll take some
>sort of action to deter his little spree.
>Sun, 10 Mar 96 15:37:55 CST
>>> >Mr. Brian Krater at [email protected]
>>Thank You I just made a simple mistake.
>it's obvious from the nature of your reply that you don't believe what you
>did was a mistake, seeing as how you plan to continue to do this and make
>MILLIONS of dollars.
>>I can't believe you would actually
>>spend the energy to respond with such an imature attitude.
>and i can't believe you don't know that immature is spelled with two m's.
>I plan on
>>becoming a millionare in 2 years with this program.
>in the meantime, think about the people who get internet access from a payed
>provider. (this does not include me.) they have to pay money to download
>commercial solicitations that they, for the most part, have no interest in
>reading. now why do you think that anonymous solicitation over the internet
>is frowned upon? because if it was rampant, the internet
>would slowly die as people thought, "i'm not paying x dollars/month just to
>get 30 messages about a topic that's relevant to my life and 300 commercial
>solicitations." not to mention the waste of bandwidth people such as
>yourself create.
>>Its too bad you don't
>>get it in this life.
>>Brian Krater
>>P.s. It's funny you tried to upset me by sending me several messages but
>>my computer is so fucking fast that its no problem.
>but you'll have to delete them all sometime, won't you? if it was no
>problem, why did you bother to write back to me in the first place?
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 09:18:12 +0000
On arrival in Buckley after a very quick hitch, I discovered that due to =
=0Athe recording of the Top of the Pops, the gig had been cancelled. =0ABu=
A (far too) small venue (Capacity approx 200?), the Lomax had been =0Asold =
out for weeks. Coast, the support were on first and they put on a =0Areaso=
nable show. Then it was Lush. The tiny room now packed solid =0Awith swea=
ty bodies, the band launched into =93Runaway=94, and performed a =0Aspirite=
d set of songs mainly from =93Split=94 and =93Lovelife=94, the earlier =0Am=
aterial represented solely by =93Deluxe=94, =93Sweetness & Light=94 and =93=
For =0ALove=94 (which Miki dedicated to the =93oldies=94 in the audience),.=
but the =0Aaudience was happy, preferring to dance with more enthusiasm t=
o the =0Alikes of =93Single Girl=94 and =93Hypocrite=94 than the older trac=
ks. =93Undertow=94 =0Amade its live debut tonight, as did =93Last Night=94=
, which was the first =0Aencore. Perhaps not surprisingly the second encor=
e (and final song) =0Awas the current hit =93Ladykillers=94, which most of =
the audience had =0Aprobably watched being performed on Top of the Pops bef=
ore coming out =0Atonight. Naturally, it brought the house down, and broug=
ht to a close the =0Afirst night of what looks to be a promising tour...
Another tiny venue, this time tucked away somewhere under Leeds =0ACentral=
Train Station, the Cockpit had such a late start time that the band =0Awer=
e forced to play only a half hour set, which ended up being pretty =0Amuch =
a =93greatest hits=94 package, giving the audience as much as =0Apossible i=
n the short time available. Bizarre that a band doing so well =0Aover here=
at the moment (Ladykillers is receiving A LOT of radio and TV =0Aairplay) =
should have such time and space restrictions foisted upon =0Athem.
Having drunk far too much at Leeds, I decided to stay sober for this one, =
=0Aand I=92m glad I did! The best gig of the tour so far, this reminded me=
just =0Ahow high music alone can make you. A larger venue this time, the =
=0ALeadmill was still packed almost solid even during Coast=92s set. By th=
e =0Atime Lush came onstage, the atmosphere was electric, and almost =0Astr=
aight away the audience were thrashing about wildly, one =0Acrowd-surfer ca=
tching the microphone stand with his boot, the =0Amicrophone hitting Miki i=
n the face. It looked like quite a hard blow, =0Aknocking the microphone o=
ut of its stand, but Miki didn=92t seem TOO =0Aperturbed (=93You nearly had=
my eye out there!=94). The crowd continued to =0Apogo and surf wildly eve=
n to such an atmospheric number as =93Light from =0Aa Dead Star=94 which wa=
s played for the first time tonight, and the antics =0Adown the front were =
making the band laugh. However, the band were =0Aeasily outperforming the =
audience, this was a blindingly brilliant gig; =0A=93Undertow=94 and =93S &=
L=94 in particular stick in my mind from tonight as =0Abeing two of the hi=
ghlights when the music really SOARED. Not =0Asurprisingly, a third encore=
was called for, a Wire cover version (NOT =0A=93Outdoor Miner=94) the name of w
ich escapes me for the mo=
ment. All in =0Aall: wonderful. I=92m looking forward to Edinburgh with e=
ager anticipation =0A(Newcastle and Middlesbrough being inaccessible to me =
due to work!).
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 09:19:17 GMT
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 03:07:09 -0700
At 03:21 AM 3/10/96 -0800, you wrote:
>We offer a flat 11.9 cents a minute rate to calls placed anywhere in the
>U.S. interstate including alaska and hawaii billed in 6 second
>increments 24 hours a day 7 days a week. No monthly service charge. No
>hidden fees. Free to switch. Business or Residential.
>Direct inquires to,
>Mr. Brian Krater at [email protected] Thank You
No, thanks
Tony Jacobson [email protected]
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 03:07:11 -0700
At 03:21 AM 3/10/96 -0800, you wrote:
>We offer a flat 11.9 cents a minute rate to calls placed anywhere in the
>U.S. interstate including alaska and hawaii billed in 6 second
>increments 24 hours a day 7 days a week. No monthly service charge. No
>hidden fees. Free to switch. Business or Residential.
>Direct inquires to,
>Mr. Brian Krater at [email protected] Thank You
I don't think so.
Tony Jacobson [email protected]
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 03:15:30 -0700
PLEASE accept my humble appology for the last several messages! I meant to
send them to our friend from MCI. SORRY!
Tony Jacobson [email protected]
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 03:07:14 -0700
At 03:21 AM 3/10/96 -0800, you wrote:
>We offer a flat 11.9 cents a minute rate to calls placed anywhere in the
>U.S. interstate including alaska and hawaii billed in 6 second
>increments 24 hours a day 7 days a week. No monthly service charge. No
>hidden fees. Free to switch. Business or Residential.
>Direct inquires to,
>Mr. Brian Krater at [email protected] Thank You
Sure sign yourself up!
Tony Jacobson [email protected]
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 03:10:58 -0700
At 03:21 AM 3/10/96 -0800, you wrote:
>We offer a flat 11.9 cents a minute rate to calls placed anywhere in the
>U.S. interstate including alaska and hawaii billed in 6 second
>increments 24 hours a day 7 days a week. No monthly service charge. No
>hidden fees. Free to switch. Business or Residential.
>Direct inquires to,
>Mr. Brian Krater at [email protected] Thank You
How fast is your computer?
Tony Jacobson [email protected]
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 03:07:16 -0700
At 03:21 AM 3/10/96 -0800, you wrote:
>We offer a flat 11.9 cents a minute rate to calls placed anywhere in the
>U.S. interstate including alaska and hawaii billed in 6 second
>increments 24 hours a day 7 days a week. No monthly service charge. No
>hidden fees. Free to switch. Business or Residential.
>Direct inquires to,
>Mr. Brian Krater at [email protected] Thank You
Can I call you collect?
Tony Jacobson [email protected]
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 1996 18:07:05 -0800
suzanne vega...)
Mike Toji
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 1996 23:17:50 -0500
[email protected]
bryan c. mickle
please, you
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 08:30:38 +0000
Through a few guesses, I think I've determined that the mci
administrator's address is [email protected] I suggest everyone
fire off a little note there expressing your displeasure.
[email protected]
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 08:16:43 -0500
On Fri, 8 Mar 1996 [email protected] wrote:
> just seems as if there
> is always someone on this list trying to provoke an arguement - and with the
> wrong person.
> (ex.: those blaming Guernica for accepting a bid of $42 on the "Mai..."
> sampler) this is totally obsurd
...seems that the only one wigging-out on this subject is b.b.k.,
refusing to let the thread die until somebody acknowledges the
wonderfulness of black-market profiteering...
nobody is blaming Guernica for paying her/his hard earned cash for an
item s/he really wants. or for anything at all, for that matter. the
point is simple, and simply this: somebody is making big bucks from
trafficking in goods they have no right to. 4ad isnt making money from
it. The artists arent receiving any royalties from it (it=promotional
samplers). And in a better world, the profit motive would be constantly
checked by a desire to help one's fellow man. like helping a fellow
listie get something they'd really like. that's it.
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 09:58:50 -0500
Heh, it happened again. A newspaper review of a showing of Quay Brothers
films mentioned their videos for the "British band" His Name Is Alive.
The sad thing is the paper was the Detroit Free Press and Livonia, the home
of HNIA, is just outside Detroit.
John McIntyre
Physics - Astronomy Domine Dept
Michigan State University
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 09:37:42 -0800
I was just ignoring this whole issue until daniel klyn spake:
>somebody is making big bucks from
>trafficking in goods they have no right to. 4ad isnt making money from
>it. The artists arent receiving any royalties from it (it=promotional
It is in general perfectly legal to resell CDs or anything else as long
as duplicates aren't made. As with any other good the manufacturer gets
his/her bux on the first sale. When we sold our '91 Prelude last fall
Honda didn't make any money on the deal, nor should they have. They
already got our bux in '91.
Now, I grant that promos have "not for resale" stamped on them. I don't
think these have any legal force behind them -- the most they can do is
stop sending you any more promos if they find out you've been selling
them. And of course someone who receives a promo second hand is under no
compunctions whatsoever. By then it's strictly "the price of an item is
exactly what someone is willing to pay for it." If you have several
people who want to buy some item, I don't know what fairer criteria to
use to decide which one gets it. Any ideas?
__________ __________________
Jens Alfke [email protected]
Dinosaurs early, dinosaurs later,
Dinosaurs jammed in an elevator! ________________________
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 12:20:56 -0600
well, I tried to sell some stuff on this list, and I still have a lot of
it..if I can't get rid of this stuff by next wed. (3/20), I am going to
take it to my local rip-off shop, and get rid of it there...please
respond to me, and not the list: [email protected]
all are on cd, the first response to an item get's it--this is not an
auction..if you don't like my price (all include postage), offer
something else!!
all are ppd!
moon cd-5 7trk us(small scratch on spine) $4ppd
slow dust cd-5 4trk uk $5ppd
cannonball cd-5 4trk us $4ppd
frank black
los angeles 1trk us promo $3ppd
delux 3trk us promo (3 different mixes $4ppd
pale saints
throwing back the apple 1 trk us promo $3ppd
kendra smith
valley of the morning sun 2trk(2 mixes) us promo $3ppd
this mortal coil
promo compilation from the boxed set(digipak in rough shape) cat#pro cd-5876
throwing muses
bright yellow gun 1trk us promo $3ppd
non 4ad
cocteau twins
twinlights us promo (sealed) $4ppd
otherness " " " $4ppd
twisterella 4trk usa $3ppd
vapour trail " " $3ppd
french disko 2trk uk $4ppd
lo-fi 4trk uk $5ppd
working holiday comp. $6 ppd
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 11:09:46 -0800
11, 96 09:37:42 am
Jens Alfke said:
> If you have several
> people who want to buy some item, I don't know what fairer criteria to
> use to decide which one gets it. Any ideas?
I don't think auctions are 'fair' by any means. The item just goes to the
person who has the most money (at least the most with which a person can
buy that item). What about people who can't afford such item or is in a
difficult position to acquire it (like not living in the same country as
the seller)? That doesn't mean they want it any less than the person
shelling out big money for it.
I always thought a lottery was a fair way of doing business, as long as you're
not interested in gouging the buyer. It could be something as simple as
'pick a number between 1-100' or you could set something up a little more
elaborate. Of course, this type of system means nothing to the person who
is only out to make a buck or people who feel they should be compensasted
for providing a 'service.'
Edward Wakabayashi /\ You've kissed everybody else's
\/ so you can kiss my ass as well
[email protected] /\ -*Her Majesty the Baby*-
[email protected] \/
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 11:55:05 -0800
The new album by Rollerskate Skinny is either out now,
or will be very soon, and is entitled "Horsedrawn Wishes".
The departure of Jimi Shields seems not to have mattered
much at all, since this album is every bit as quirky,
noisy, and just plain jaw-dropping-on-the-floor brilliant
as their debut album "Shoulder Voices". It actually goes
BEYOND my expectations, completely fulfilling my dreams
for another near perfect album. When's the last time
THAT happened?! Bands either have their sophomore slump
with crappy material or they decide to completely rework their
sound thereby alienating their fan base. But this second
album shows none of that. If anything it's better and more
consistent than the first, and is as much a work of genius
as Home Is In Your Head (HNIA), D.I. Go Pop (Disco Inferno)
or Skipper (Daniel Figgis) [and, if you can believe this,
has similar elements from all three of these bands].
To give you some idea what Rollerskate Skinny is all about,
I'll post my review from a few issues ago, when I have it
handy. They're compared frequently to Mercury Rev.
| Brant Nelson | 1817 Corinth Ave. #10 | open your eyes
| Dewdrops Records | LA, CA 90025-5567 | to northern skies
| Uncommon music that deserves to be heard |
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 15:45:03 -0500
If you check the liner notes to Livonia, they thank Damian Lang and he
appears courtesy of Elvis Hitler - Restless records, which leads me to
believe they are still togeather as of '90. Pretty Scary. I risked
US$1.99 on Disgraceland, but I never really listen to it, just kinda like
having it around. It really has little in common with any HNIA stuff
(duh, i guess). I guess [email protected]'s review was pretty on the mark,
matbe it would be good to listen to on you're way to the MONSTER TRUCK
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 15:07:52 -0600
flood him...
NOT THE LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 15:44:01 -0500
>you might be intrested in them. They drum on anything they can get their
>hands on (oil drums, plastic trash cans, saw blades, actual drums) an
>dthey have one of the better live shows I have seen. (The part where they
>take power grinders to oil drums is really impressive, who would have
>ever thought you could play a scale using only simple power tools) I
Actually, I think Die Warsaw got popular doing this a couple of years
not that it's not still cool, just thought you might be interested
(makes for a good stage show because big fat sparks fly into the audience)
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 13:58:21 +0000
This is what happened when I sent notice to briank's account
------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 10:30:13 -0700
*Thank you* for letting us know!!!!
We do noe tolerate this behavior on our service from our users, we are going
to warn him, and possibly remove his account!
Thank you for the information and PLEASE let us know if this happens again...
[email protected]
At 12:12 PM 3/10/96 +0000, you wrote:
>------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
>Today I recieved the following piece of drivel from
>> CALLS. We offer a flat 11.9 cents a minute rate to calls placed
>> anywhere in the U.S. interstate including alaska and hawaii billed
>> in 6 second increments 24 hours a day 7 days a week. No monthly
>> service charge. No hidden fees. Free to switch. Business or
>> Residential. Direct inquires to, Mr. Brian Krater at
>> [email protected] Thank You
>I recieved this advertisement on 4ad-list (address
>[email protected]); a mailing list dedicated
>to the discussion of the music released on the 4ad record label and
>other similar musics. I do not feel that this list is the
>appropriate place for Mr. Krater to be posting his advertisements, as
>this is an audience that neither asks for nor appreciates these
>posts. I ask that you will please forward to Mr. Krater our
>displeasure and suggest that he not do it again, and if he does I
>would request that some disciplinary action be taken against him.
>thank you
>[email protected]
Owen Jones
Cyberhighway Internet services
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 16:48:42 -0500
And for all of the self righteous, pompus, petty, worthless people in the
world I send you a a heart felt "FUCK YOU!!!" For your information I
followed your damn instrunctions mabye you ar the ignorant one who cant
express themselves enough that common people can understand the
instructions. So get of your fucking high horse and just do what was asked
of you and get me and anyone else who askes off of this fucking worthless list.
>On Wed, 6 Mar 1996, Emiel Efdee wrote:
>> >D
>> Cool! Lets make a word:
>> U
>yeah! better yet, let's write a whole sentence to all morons who don't read
> the FAQ and don't know how to unsub. it makes me wonder, these people
> who don't know the right way to unsub, are they the same geniuses who
> go to a club for the hype, get bored, then keep asking everyone where
> the exit is?
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 22:03:50 +0100
I've been to a Tarnation concert in Amsterdam yesterday. First time I saw
the faces behind the music. They've got many fans over here. About twenty.
The other twenty people in the audience were friends and family of the
worst support act ever (I can't remember the name but they were playing
cheap country covers whith a bad american accent - cause they were Dutch)
So I could say it was just like Tarnation was playing in my living room...
I liked the concert, a lot of non-gentle creatures songs. The bass-player
looked just like he could fell asleep at any time.
In a few weeks Bel Canto is playing at the same location (should I go?)
Emiel Efdee
the Netherlands, March 11, 1996
... [email protected]
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 17:06:34 -0500
clue me in if Nick Cave is not thislistie...
but for those in the nyc area who enjoy NC's work, he will be promoting his
new album this coming wednesday (March 13th) at Tower 4th & Broadway,
at 5pm. hope he signs my Birthday Party Hits album. :)
mine always;
Joherius Rex
"For worse to be Love's lover
Than the lover that Love has scorned."
I Let Love In (Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds)
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 16:21:37 -0600
>flood him...
>NOT THE LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don't flood him anymore. his list admins have temporarily suspended his
account (he was violating the terms of his service agreement with the
company by soliciting) until they can "sit down" with him and get things
straightened out:
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 13:42:32 -0700 (MST)
We are a local Internet Service provider. The message you got was from
one of our users. This is against the contract that he signed with our
company and we are taking action to make sure this user won't do it again.
His account is disabled until we can discuss with him what he has done. This
is the first time this has happened on our service. So far it looks like
he is just a "clueless newbie" that was probably trying to post to a
classified "ads" list and your lists name popped up in his queries.
I appoligize for this and hope we can fix this problem NOW, all admins
here are aware of what has happened and action is being taken.
Dan Thibadeau
Chief System Admin.
CyberHighway Inc.
"i know a place, a beautiful place, where the moon kisses the sea in a
nighttime embrace. forever and ever. . ."
-pram "sea swells and distant squalls"
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 03:03:19 +0600
20:19:39 -0800
Sorry to dwell on this but ...
In response to Brian Krater's spam i said:
> > Please DO NOT send this to lists on unrelated topics.
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 1996 20:45:37 -0600
>We offer a flat 11.9 cents a minute rate to calls placed anywhere in the
>U.S. interstate including alaska and hawaii billed in 6 second
>increments 24 hours a day 7 days a week. No monthly service charge. No
>hidden fees. Free to switch. Business or Residential.
>Direct inquires to,
>Mr. Brian Krater at [email protected] Thank You
_|^^^^^^^ -"Why are you banging your head against that wall?"
_|| | -"Because it will feel so good when I stop!"
-|o> @ |
-|< / [email protected]
-|} /
-| \ | +h3 6r& & 6l0r10u5 kumQu@+ "Ouch, My head hurts"
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 18:42:50 -0800
On Mon, 11 Mar 1996, Dewdrops Records wrote:
> The new album by Rollerskate Skinny is either out now,
> or will be very soon, and is entitled "Horsedrawn Wishes".
Do you have label/number information?
> The departure of Jimi Shields seems not to have mattered
Why did he leave?