4ad-l Mail for 12-21-1995

Mail in Archive

Subject: The Amps Plus
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 13:56:37 EST
From: David Boughey ([email protected])
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 01:11:41 -0500
From: Brendon Macaraeg ([email protected])
Subject: td's legend on cd, ein halp vangelis
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 22:37:17 -0800
From: einexile the meek ([email protected])
Subject: Re: shit guitar(TM)/schizophrenia/sound file attachments
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 09:13:02 +0000
From: Andrew Norman ([email protected])
Subject: Re: The Amps Plus
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 02:32:21 -0700
From: Russell Martin ([email protected])
Subject: Re. Sound files and decent computers
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 06:36:31 -0500
From: Andrew Massey ([email protected])
Subject: new BC sinlge
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 23:52:45 -0500
From: einexile the meek ([email protected])
Subject: Re: japan stores
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 22:59:40 +0900
From: Masaya Toyokawa ([email protected])
Subject: Re: twinlights lyrics please...
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 13:13:19 GMT
From: Ian McCausland ([email protected])
Subject: driving music
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 10:57:12 -0500
From: "tOM." ([email protected])
Subject: Re: driving music
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 11:30:59 CST
From: Steven W Hill ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Re. Sound files and decent computers
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 20:12:03 GMT
From: Paul Spirito ([email protected])
Subject: Reality Pocket Review Redux
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 12:09:27 -0800
From: Brian Keeley ([email protected])
Subject: Reality Pocket Review Redux
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 15:42:11 -0500
From: Andrew Massey ([email protected])
Subject: Re: driving music
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 13:09:06 -0800
From: Robert Pietrusko ([email protected])
Subject: Re: driving music
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 11:51:44 -0700
From: Russell Martin ([email protected])
Subject: Re: driving music
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 17:14:16 -0500
From: Me Me Me ([email protected])
Subject: Re: thelovesliescrushingwar
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 16:03:48 -0500
From: "[spiral]" ([email protected])
Subject: Re: your mail
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 15:59:34 -0500
From: "[spiral]" ([email protected])
Subject: ack! how could i forget...
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 16:39:51 -0600
From: "i am the egg-nog, i am the egg-nog,
Subject: Thanatos show
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 17:41:05 -0500
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: driving music
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 16:35:27 -0600
From: "i am the egg-nog, i am the egg-nog,
Subject: milk and kisses
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 17:33:27 CST
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: td's legend on cd, ein halp vangelis
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 17:32:49 -0600
From: Martin Wagner ([email protected])
Subject: Re: driving music
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 1995 00:55:19 +0100
From: snailhead ([email protected])
Subject: e vs llc/k-j and some guy named Richard/Ride split
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 18:58:59 -0500
From: "I love Beethoven, especially the poems" ([email protected])
Subject: Re: milk and kisses
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 17:44:48 -0700
From: ".mark." ([email protected])
Subject: Re: driving music
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 1995 00:52:48 GMT
From: Paul Spirito ([email protected])
Subject: k-j and the Richard guy!
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 17:23:41 -0800
From: Nadim Baki-Zada ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Re. decent computers [NON 4AD]
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 18:32:33 -0700
From: Russell Martin ([email protected])
Subject: Re: the"LLC"war [NON 4AD]
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 18:32:38 -0700
From: Russell Martin ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Heat Soundtrack.
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 22:20:26 -0500
From: Creig Jacobson ([email protected])

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 13:56:37 EST
From: David Boughey ([email protected])
Subject: The Amps Plus

Oh Yay Oh Yay

Finally a 4AD band comes within my reach.  Yes, the Amps will be playing on the
Gold Coast while I'm in Brisbane.  But there's more.  That's right, not only do
I have to pay for the Amps, my purchase will also go towards performances by the
Beastie Boys, Pavement and Beck.  Sigh, is it worth it?

Charismatic Megafauna .. David
Surfing for Christmas
Hoping Russell cheers up soon

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 01:11:41 -0500
From: Brendon Macaraeg ([email protected]) e wrote: Christ almighty. The whole point of the review and the followup message was that lovesliescrushing's music is undesigned, random rubbish. I would never send something like it to any record label and seriously doubt you would either. I believe they are hiding bad music and bad performances behind walls of sound, and I will gladly eat my words when they let us actually hear what they have written and played. e ===== jeeze, I think Ryan's point was that it takes effort to create music. if it's so easy to do e, why aren't you releasing albums and touring behind them? it's easy to throw stones when you don't live in a glass house etc. etc. I accept the fact that you think LLC are shit. fine, you don't like them. I happen to like their music a lot (and no it doesn't make itself, someone has to play it). let me know when you put your first album out so I can hear how briliant it is.....we're all waiting (well, maybe we're not). -B ===================================================== Brendon Macaraeg http://www.itp.tsoa.nyu.edu/~brendonm "Paranoia is often an extreme hightened awareness"

Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 22:37:17 -0800
From: einexile the meek ([email protected])
Subject: td's legend on cd, ein halp vangelis

Tangerine Dream, that is. Perhaps everyone knew this, but I only found
out a week ago when I saw it in a record store. There was, I believe,
some discussion of this on both the lists I've sent this message to. Does
anyone know what held it up for so long?

The artwork has been altered from the cassette release, probably for the
better. Devil picture on the front which is kind of lame, but there's a
nice conceptual painting of Mia Sara's character on the back. The order
of the songs is unchanged. Brian Ferry's song is an enduring cool song
even though it is eighties power rokk, and the track featuring Jon
Anderson isn't nearly as corny as it could have been. (In fact I don't
think it's corny at all.)

Anyway, I know there are a number of fans around so I thought I'd mention
it just in case. For the uninitiated, Legend is the only great fantasy
movie of the 1980s and is Ridley Scott's best film. It came out in 1986
and was a tragic flop. (Even I didn't go to see it.) The score is easily
Tangerine Dream's best work and towers over all their other soundtracks
save parts of Shy People and Three O'Clock High (a bad movie and a great
movie). Tho I admit I haven't seen Wavelength or Firestarter.

While we're on the topic of schlocky new age music, someone once defended
Vangelis as occasionally brilliant, citing a specific album of his: "as
good as 76 14". Does anyone remember writing/reading this? I'd be
interested to hear whatever it is, since I've grown to intensely revere
the aforementions Global Communication record, but based on what I've
heard from him (Opera Sauvage and various soundtrack pieces) I'm sure as
hell not going to blindbuy any of his stuff soon. Help?



ps merry twentieth and twentyfirst

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 09:13:02 +0000
From: Andrew Norman ([email protected])
Subject: Re: shit guitar(TM)/schizophrenia/sound file attachments

              especially the poems" at Dec 20, 95 08:58:38 pm

"I love Beethoven, especially the poems"  wrote:
> >1. can you post messages with sound attachments to the list?
> >2. which type of sound file (AU, wav, etc) would be most prefered by the
> >listers?
> I don't know about everyone else, but .wavs would be nice, since you would
> be able to put them in your Windows directory and use them instead of all
> the default bells and whistles...

Some of us use proper computers that don't run King Bill's software.
Posting sound attachments is a BAD idea - they will be huge.  Better to
post a message asking people to E-mail you privately if they want a
sound file sent to them, or find someone who's willing to put them on an
FTP or web site.

Can you play sound files with vi?

Andrew Norman, Leicester, England // [email protected] // 21/12/95
On my walkman this morning : Massive Attack - No Protection
Of human misery; we

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 02:32:21 -0700
From: Russell Martin ([email protected])
Subject: Re: The Amps Plus

>Charismatic Megafauna .. David
>Surfing for Christmas
>Hoping Russell cheers up soon

This isn't a reference to me, is it?

 ==================== =======================================================
|                    |  "When the rainy season comes I hang my head          |
|  Liz or Russ       |   For all the things that I have seen and done        |
|  russellm@         |   and sung and said                                   |
|  xmission.com      |   And when my tears are dry, I hold my head up high   |
|                    |   and feel the rain"      -Rainy Season, Roddy Frame  |
 ==================== =======================================================

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 06:36:31 -0500
From: Andrew Massey ([email protected])
Subject: Re. Sound files and decent computers

>Some of us use proper computers that don't run King Bill's software.


I suppose that seeing as there are so many designers on the list (re. posts
a few months ago), for once, we strange people with our superior Macs may
not be in the minority. Also another reason why there may be more Macs than
the average here, is that indie/alternative listeners are usually people
who like to make up their own minds and not be mindless lemmings who follow
the crowd and go out and buy crap (be it records or computers).


Seriously though, I do agree with Andrew's comment about files being huge -
it *would* be better to e-mail them privately. Nice idea swapping sound
files though...


PS. Leicester Uni are obviously paying you too much Andrew. I was in
Habitat yesterday and if you can buy all those records/CDs and still be
able to buy a Habitat suite AND buy your own house you must be the VC...

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 04:59:18 -0800
From: einexile the meek ([email protected])
Subject: new bel canto songs

yay yay yay yay yay...though one more false start yay from these people
and i'm going to start to get a little upset...

  e, who has discovered a dreamfish track on an old comp and is in love

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 23:52:45 -0500
Subject: new BC sinlge

hello fellow BC listoids!  i've got 2 bits of new info for you all:

1)  i am currently listening to the new single "rumor."  i was wondering if
anyone else has been lucky enough to hear it?  i got it off atlantic's "1st
quarter sampler."  it is a great song (i think) -- much more of a funky
sound.  it even has guitar in it.  her voice is still as beautiful and
heavenly as usual.  the only thing is that it does not sound very much like
the songs on their previous albums (especially not the first 2).  however, it
 still has a "belcantoish" sound to it.

i hope this is new news to everyone.  i have been out of the loop for a few
weeks so i apologize if you already talked about it.  i'm curious if anyone
else has heard the song.

2)  Atlantic has put out a christman album, where BC does their rendition of
"agnus dei."  has anyone heard?  i think the compilation is called "winter
fire and snow - songs for the holoday season."

happy holidays and all that stuff........

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 22:59:40 +0900
From: Masaya Toyokawa ([email protected])
Subject: Re: japan stores

nao already may have done detailed recommendation.
I'll add a few. You may have only a few days, so
my suggestion is restricted to Shinjuku & Shibuya area.

At Nishi-Shinjuku (north west of Shinjuku station)
1. Vinyl Japan 1,2&3 (tel 3365-0910 etc.)
    Their branch in Japan. Used, Import and their label.
2. Rough Trade (tel 5330-3171)
    Their branch in Japan. Import only. Their 7" collection
is worth to check.
3. Like a Edison (tel 3369-3119, fax 3366-7699)
    Hardcore. Alternative. Domestic & Import. Used & New.
4. Los Apson (fax 3369-9619)
    Though I don't know very well, postpunk-MLers (in Japan)
often visit this shop.

There are many shops around this area because of the presence
of the most famous live house "Loft" is there. Some small shops
in office buildings have unique characters and specialized tastes.

At Higashi-Shinjuku (east of Shinjuku station)
1. Disk Union
    All genre. New & Used. Whenever I go to Tokyo I check there
for the price are unexpensive. (Most unexpensive in Tokyo I think)
A lot of findings in thier used cd & vinyl floor. (7F)

1. DMS
2. ZEST (fax 3770-5146)
    Guitar Pop

FYI, if you'd like to call them from overseas, you must add (81-3)
to the tel & fax number. 81 is country code and 3 is city code.

BTW, there must be a person from Russia who were looking for
fax number & email address of record shops in Japan.
Are you still on this list ?
Masaya Toyokawa
Nansei,Mie, Japan
[email protected]

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 13:13:19 GMT
From: Ian McCausland ([email protected])
Subject: Re: twinlights lyrics please...

the posting address is [email protected] (i think...)

i'm not sure about the majordomo/listserv thingy...


NO NO tell me more tell  more!!!.....

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 10:57:12 -0500
From: "tOM." ([email protected])
Subject: driving music

              94!)" (Dec 18,  1:01pm)

I've finally caved in and bought a CD player for my car, one of those
six-changers that fit in the trunk.  No one has posed this question recently,
so does anyone have their suggestions for the best 6 cd's to drive by? (Road
trip or city driving).  Now personally, I think driving music is almost in its
own "category" in a way; there's some music that just deserves to be listened
to with the window's down, the sunroof open, and the volume up (please, no rap
suggestions - nothing against it, just not my cup of tea) and ideally no
traffic to get in the way either.

Ho Ho Ho, there's not enough snow yet...

- and feeling depressed he doesn't live LA to see all the good show's

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 11:30:59 CST
From: Steven W Hill ([email protected])
Subject: Re: driving music

              95 10:57 am

> so does anyone have their suggestions for the best 6 cd's to drive by? (Road

It's not 4AD, but one of my favorites to hear while driving is the album
"T.V. Sky" by THE YOUNG GODS. The whole album is great, but for driving
especially the song "Gasoline Man" which of course is about driving (in one

[][]  [][] Steve Hill, Network Communications Specialist, 708-925-6273
[]  []  [] Harper College, 1200 W Algonquin Rd, Palatine IL 60067-7398
           [email protected]://www.harper.cc.il.us----
[]  []  []                  "Lousy Smarch weather!"
[][]  [][]       personal:(http://www.idis.com/shill/index.htm)

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 20:12:03 GMT
From: Paul Spirito ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Re. Sound files and decent computers

On Thu, 21 Dec 1995 06:36:31 -0500, Andie wrote:

>>Some of us use proper computers that don't run King Bill's software.
>I suppose that seeing as there are so many designers on the list (re. posts
>a few months ago), for once, we strange people with our superior Macs may
>not be in the minority. Also another reason why there may be more Macs than
>the average here, is that indie/alternative listeners are usually people
>who like to make up their own minds and not be mindless lemmings who follow
>the crowd and go out and buy crap (be it records or computers).

Just to defend Windows users: I don't computers for political reasons
and I don't have an unlimited budget. I buy the best machine I can
afford. Because of Apple's stupidity in the past in not licensing
clones, this meant a Windows machine. And with Win95 they've more or
less (ok, maybe less) caught up with Mac anyway.

Also, I agree: I'd be interested in hearing about sound files people
have, but sending them over the list would be a mistake. They'd be so
huge they would probably get us kicked off the listserv.


Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 12:09:27 -0800
From: Brian Keeley ([email protected])
Subject: Reality Pocket Review Redux

Somehow my McCarthy review got run through my Burroughs' cut-up
program.  Here's the readable version:

McCarthy- _Banking, violence and the inner life today_ [Midnight]
Tim Gane's pre-Stereolab incarnation.  This album pretty much
features all the members of the 'lab, except in slightly different
positions (Laetitia only sings back up on two or three tracks).
McCarthy is also much more clearly political in its lyrics (I wonder
whether they meant Eugene or Joseph?)  Titles include: "the well-fed
point of view", "use a bank i'd rather die", "the drinking song of
the merchant bankers" and they are all translated into three european
languages for your edification.  Anyway, a pleasant enough album
with upbeat melodies and some catchy lyrics though not as experimental
or as synth-driven as the 'lab.  For some reason it reminds me of
a political version of the inestimable (and criminally overlooked)

Yes, I know your life wouldn't have be complete without this...


Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 15:42:11 -0500
From: Andrew Massey ([email protected]) This was on the Sylvian Digest (140) today: >> Was watching an excellent film last night, 'Heat', a new release with Robert >> de Niro, Al Pacino, and Val Kilmer. There's a bunch of Eno tracks that form >> part of the sound track, plus: Ultramarine of Michael Brook's Cobalt Blue >> album. > > > I have to agree, the music used in the film was sensational. Michael >Mann of Miami Vice fame wrote and directed this very good film. But >the music and score were exceptional. A lot of Eno, some tracks >from Lisa Gerrard, and Moby. The ending music was especially >powerful and surprizing. Anyone know anything more about this? Sounds interesting... Andie

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 13:09:06 -0800
From: Robert Pietrusko ([email protected])
Subject: Re: driving music

>to with the window's down, the sunroof open, and the volume up
(please, no rap
>suggestions - nothing against it, just not my cup of tea) and ideally
>traffic to get in the way either.

i found that  "souvlaki" -slowdive,  "against perfection" -adorable,
and "whirlpool" -chapterhouse are the best on those types of driving
days. in the order listed here aswell.


Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 11:51:44 -0700
From: Russell Martin ([email protected])
Subject: Re: driving music

>> so does anyone have their suggestions for the best 6 cd's to drive by? (Road
>It's not 4AD, but one of my favorites to hear while driving is the album
>"T.V. Sky" by THE YOUNG GODS. The whole album is great, but for driving
>especially the song "Gasoline Man" which of course is about driving (in one

Totally agree about the Young Gods, here are a few more suggestions:

Goo Goo Dolls - Superstar Carwash
Buffalo Tom - Let Me Come Over
JAMC - Automatic
Sisters of Mercy - Vision Thing
Nitzer Ebb - Showtime

...And there's just something about listening to CT "Pink Orange Red" while
driving around on a lazy autumn afternoon.

 ==================== =======================================================
|                    |  "When the rainy season comes I hang my head          |
|  Liz or Russ       |   For all the things that I have seen and done        |
|  russellm@         |   and sung and said                                   |
|  xmission.com      |   And when my tears are dry, I hold my head up high   |
|                    |   and feel the rain"      -Rainy Season, Roddy Frame  |
 ==================== =======================================================

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 17:14:16 -0500
From: Me Me Me ([email protected])
Subject: Re: driving music

My all-time fave driving disc is Unrest's "Perfect Teeth."  There's just
something about those strum-and-drone guitars that perfectly compliments a
long-distance jaunt.

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 16:03:48 -0500
From: "[spiral]" ([email protected])
Subject: Re: thelovesliescrushingwar

On Thu, 21 Dec 1995, Brendon Macaraeg wrote:

> e wrote:
> was that lovesliescrushing's music is undesigned, random rubbish. I would

brendon sez:
> jeeze, I think Ryan's point was that it takes effort to create music.


> if it's so easy to do e, why aren't you releasing albums and touring
> behind them?

because its not talent that gets you a record contract and
a tour... you dont really see llc doing any tours outside
of maybe the capitol building (lansing mi..). one would have to
admit that there is alot of shite that gets on rekkid labels
for some reason... luck, right place, who you know etc....
and sometimes actually talent.for this very reason we will
never see another beatles. because like most things, the true art
has been exploited and beuracracy sets in with its little slimy fingers.
i guess in llc case it comes down to "who did what first".. one
of those deals when you look at it and say: oh yea! i could have
done that. but you didnt.

> I accept the fact that you think LLC are shit. fine, you don't like them.

meee too. but i love them! it IS all just noise and stuff and
i could probably make equal "music" or better "real music"
than bloweyelashwish... but that isnt what llc are about. they are
about their noise and i couldnt make noise like they do.
e was saying how he could leave his gui and it could write on
his own and be better than llc.. (i hope i got that right) well
probably. in e's way. its differnt. and sam might not like what
e does. i sure the hell dont.. (just kidding). i could write a
special little accoustic dabbling and send it to sammy r. but
he would probably toss it... (in the garbage mind you) but
that doesnt mean that it is more or less music than llc.. or
that my talents are inferior to scott's (cortez from llc)
(oh and sam rosenthal is the guy from projekt)..

> I happen to like their music a lot

me too. but im sure there are bands that do waht they do
equal or better. take for example my bloody valentine...
(i can already feel the devout mbv saints at my door.)
they are nothing that special. they make some super sounds,
but kevin shields is no superior songwriter. thats why
it irks me to hear people say that the lilys are crap cause
they copy. ill take the lilys over mbv anyday... (plus i get
to hear new material by the lilys every so often.. ;)
so its back to the "who did it first thingy.

> (and no it doesn't make itself, someone
> has to play it).

youd be suprised at what kind of perpetual noise you could make.

> let me know when you put your first album out
> so I can hear how briliant it is.....we're all waiting
> (well, maybe we're not).

it wouldnt be brilliant to you because you are already
making the challenge with a wall to his talent.
eye of the beholder etc..


                ---> [spiral]
                [email protected]

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 15:59:34 -0500
From: "[spiral]" ([email protected])
Subject: Re: your mail

i never did understand why people put "your mail"
in a sub. line....

On Thu, 21 Dec 1995, Brendon Macaraeg wrote:

> e wrote:
> was that lovesliescrushing's music is undesigned, random rubbish. I would

brendon sez:
> jeeze, I think Ryan's point was that it takes effort to create music.


> if it's so easy to do e, why aren't you releasing albums and touring
> behind them?

because its not talent that gets you a record contract and
a tour... you dont really see llc doing any tours outside
of maybe the capitol building (lansing mi..). one would have to
admit that there is alot of shite that gets on rekkid labels
for some reason... luck, right place, who you know etc....
and sometimes actually talent.for this very reason we will
never see another beatles. because like most things, the true art
has been exploited and beuracracy sets in with its little slimy fingers.
i guess in llc case it comes down to "who did what first".. one
of those deals when you look at it and say: oh yea! i could have
done that. but you didnt.

> I accept the fact that you think LLC are shit. fine, you don't like them.

meee too. but i love them! it IS all just noise and stuff and
i could probably make equal "music" or better "real music"
than bloweyelashwish... but that isnt what llc are about. they are
about their noise and i couldnt make noise like they do.
e was saying how he could leave his gui and it could write on
his own and be better than llc.. (i hope i got that right) well
probably. in e's way. its differnt. and sam might not like what
e does. i sure the hell dont.. (just kidding). i could write a
special little accoustic dabbling and send it to sammy r. but
he would probably toss it... (in the garbage mind you) but
that doesnt mean that it is more or less music than llc.. or
that my talents are inferior to scott's (cortez from llc)
(oh and sam rosenthal is the guy from projekt)..

> I happen to like their music a lot

me too. but im sure there are bands that do waht they do
equal or better. take for example my bloody valentine...
(i can already feel the devout mbv saints at my door.)
they are nothing that special. they make some super sounds,
but kevin shields is no superior songwriter. thats why
it irks me to hear people say that the lilys are crap cause
they copy. ill take the lilys over mbv anyday... (plus i get
to hear new material by the lilys every so often.. ;)
so its back to the "who did it first thingy.

> (and no it doesn't make itself, someone
> has to play it).

youd be suprised at what kind of perpetual noise you could make.

> let me know when you put your first album out
> so I can hear how briliant it is.....we're all waiting
> (well, maybe we're not).

it wouldnt be brilliant to you because you are already
making the challenge with a wall to his talent.
eye of the beholder etc..


                ---> [spiral]
                [email protected]

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 16:39:51 -0600
From: "i am the egg-nog, i am the egg-nog, i am the walrus koo koo ka choo"
Subject: ack! how could i forget...

swwervedriver! aruguably the best music for driving at high speeds down
empty american backroads.

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 17:41:05 -0500
From: [email protected]
Subject: Thanatos show

Projekt artists Thanatos will be performing live in Chicago with Chris
Connley.  They will come on at 8:30 sharp at Shcubas, 3159 N. Southport (at

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 16:35:27 -0600
From: "i am the egg-nog, i am the egg-nog, i am the walrus koo koo ka choo"
Subject: Re: driving music

my list is more of artists than specific cd's although there are a couple
specifics close to my driving heart:
during the day or driving at high speeds:
sonic youth
just about any breakbeat or jungle
carl cox FACT 2xcd set (hard trance)
early ride
late beatles
chemical brothers - the new one
slowdive - souvlaki

at night or on thinking drives:
bowery electric
slowdive - blue day ep
scorn ellipsis remixes
aphex twin - sawii (the engine contributes to the music)
cure - carnage visors

unfortunately, i only have a tape player in my car, so listening to
something while driving requires the prethought of having to tape it first.
anyone want to buy me 300 xlii-90's so i can give a more comprehensive
summary? ;)
driving home tomorrow; what should i listen to?

[email protected]          now open and text-friendly:
andover '94                             http://ccwf.cc.utexas.edu/~joanna
'any girl can be glamorous...
all you have to do is stand still and look stupid.'     - hedy lamarr

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 17:33:27 CST
From: [email protected]
Subject: milk and kisses

hi everyone,

i received my promo copy of the latest cocteau twins album, i would just like
to report that it's very good, in my humble opinion, of course. i wish i had
the album in front of me, so i could comment on specific songs, but it's out
in the car (it has been good driving music for the grey, cold days...)

in any case, has anyone else heard this album? i would love to hear some
feedback, or other perspectives please.

thank you very much,
janice ariane

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 17:32:49 -0600
From: Martin Wagner ([email protected])
Subject: Re: td's legend on cd, ein halp vangelis

On Wed, 20 Dec 1995, einexile the meek wrote:

> Anyway, I know there are a number of fans around so I thought I'd mention
> it just in case. For the uninitiated, Legend is the only great fantasy
> movie of the 1980s and is Ridley Scott's best film. It came out in 1986

Damn. Just when I thought e's opinions were trustworthy again.

Bah Humbug

Date: Fri, 22 Dec 1995 00:55:19 +0100
From: snailhead ([email protected])
Subject: Re: driving music

I guess Cranes are quite great in a car too.


Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 18:58:59 -0500
From: "I love Beethoven, especially the poems" ([email protected])
Subject: e vs llc/k-j and some guy named Richard/Ride split

e wrote
>I believe they [Lovesliescrushing] are hiding bad music and bad performances
>behind walls of sound, and I will gladly eat my words when they let us
>actually hear what they have written and played.

I wouldn't be that harsh, but there is one that is abundantly clear from
their recordings: Scott absolutely cannot sing! He's got one of those
forever wavering, on-the-verge-of-breaking voices like the kid who's always
working the minimum-wage jobs on The Simpsons ("Here's your moist towelette,

k-j wrote
>ok, richard is this guy. he knows elysium and honeywater and that dog.
>  he actually *is* that dog's biggest fan. he talks to me at shows
>  when he sees me. he sort of persued me for a year and a half, but he's
>  not really my type at all. just a nice guy. he has his own "group",
>  him reciting poetry while his friend plays guitar. i forget what they
>  call themselves.

Yeah...AND??? SO??? What about this guy, other than it's his birthday?

Andrew wrote
>Ride's Mark Gardener has left the group, according to today's NME, and
>the other three will not continue as Ride.

But are they going to continue under another name for the new album? Does
this mean Andy Bell and his retro sensibilities  will have
free rein, or is it true that the other band members hate him, as I've been
informed by reliable sources?


Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 17:44:48 -0700
From: ".mark." ([email protected])
Subject: Re: milk and kisses

On Thu, 21 Dec 1995 [email protected] wrote:

> hi everyone,


> i received my promo copy of the latest cocteau twins album, i would just like
> to report that it's very good, in my humble opinion, of course. i wish i had
> the album in front of me, so i could comment on specific songs, but it's out
> in the car (it has been good driving music for the grey, cold days...)
> in any case, has anyone else heard this album? i would love to hear some
> feedback, or other perspectives please.

nope, and none of us will hear it until march.  basically you are teasing
us, and it's not fair!! *pout*  (disclaimer:  i am just being silly)
so...it is your duty to give us a complete and faithful full
review...preferably before christmas.  if you do not fulfill your duty,
i'll sic einexile and/or [spiral] on you.  (2nd disclaimer:  i am still
just being silly, and i don't actually claim to have the ability to make
e. or [s] do anything that they don't want to.)

please post a nice review, a bunch of us would appreciate it.  thanks! :)


Date: Fri, 22 Dec 1995 00:52:48 GMT
From: Paul Spirito ([email protected])
Subject: Re: driving music

Top 6, divided into three sections:

Van Halen I (sorry)
JAMC -- Automatic

Cocteau Twins -- The Pink Opaque
The Sundays' two albums (fits on one tape)

Henry & June Soundtrack
Leonard Cohen -- The Future


Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 17:23:41 -0800
From: Nadim Baki-Zada ([email protected])
Subject: k-j and the Richard guy!

Some dude wrote:
k-j wrote
>ok, richard is this guy. he knows elysium and honeywater and that dog.
>  he actually *is* that dog's biggest fan. he talks to me at shows
>  when he sees me. he sort of persued me for a year and a half, but he's
>  not really my type at all. just a nice guy. he has his own "group",
>  him reciting poetry while his friend plays guitar. i forget what they
>  call themselves.

Yeah...AND??? SO??? What about this guy, other than it's his birthday?

I don't know why this person is so upset. But I actually asked k-j who Richard
was and she was telling me. Gotta problem with that buddy?


Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 18:32:33 -0700
From: Russell Martin ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Re. decent computers [NON 4AD]


>Just to defend Windows users: I don't computers for political reasons
>and I don't have an unlimited budget. I buy the best machine I can
>afford. Because of Apple's stupidity in the past in not licensing
>clones, this meant a Windows machine. And with Win95 they've more or
>less (ok, maybe less) caught up with Mac anyway.

Since, I've probably earned a bad reputation for posting non-relevant
arguments too frequently, I'm not going to say much about this. Just that
DOS 7 & Windows 4.x are not even close to the Mac, even if they are
marketed under the name Win'95. If you would like to argue with me about
this privately, please don't. Just check out Apple's Web site, there's
nothing that I could say that's not said there already and probably better.

URL = http://www.apple.com/

 ==================== =======================================================
|                    |  "When the rainy season comes I hang my head          |
|  Liz or Russ       |   For all the things that I have seen and done        |
|  russellm@         |   and sung and said                                   |
|  xmission.com      |   And when my tears are dry, I hold my head up high   |
|                    |   and feel the rain"      -Rainy Season, Roddy Frame  |
 ==================== =======================================================

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 18:32:38 -0700
From: Russell Martin ([email protected])
Subject: Re: the"LLC"war [NON 4AD]


>because its not talent that gets you a record contract and
>a tour... you dont really see llc doing any tours outside
>of maybe the capitol building (lansing mi..). one would have to
>admit that there is alot of shite that gets on rekkid labels
>for some reason... luck, right place, who you know etc....
>and sometimes actually talent.for this very reason we will
>never see another beatles. because like most things, the true art
>has been exploited and beuracracy sets in with its little slimy fingers.
>i guess in llc case it comes down to "who did what first".. one
>of those deals when you look at it and say: oh yea! i could have
>done that. but you didnt.

The thing that I take issue with right here is the sentiment that we'll
never have another Beatles. To me, that says that the somehow the Beatles
will never be topped, that nothing else as good or better will ever be
allowed to surface. But, I also sensed in you writing the idea that music's
value is completely objective to each and every individual listener. If
that's the case, it is meaningless to say that one music or one band's
music is "better" than another's.

Since music's value is graded by each individual listener in a completely
subjective manner, we can't say that one is better than another. We can
only say which one we like more.

To you, there might not ever be another band that you like more  (hence,
"better" to you) than the Beatles, but remember that that is not true for
everyone. I like the Beatles, they had some great moments, but to me there
are plenty of other artists who are "better" (in other words, artists who I
like more.)

>eye of the beholder etc..

enough said.

 ==================== =======================================================
|                    |  "When the rainy season comes I hang my head          |
|  Liz or Russ       |   For all the things that I have seen and done        |
|  russellm@         |   and sung and said                                   |
|  xmission.com      |   And when my tears are dry, I hold my head up high   |
|                    |   and feel the rain"      -Rainy Season, Roddy Frame  |
 ==================== =======================================================

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 22:20:26 -0500
From: Creig Jacobson ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Heat Soundtrack.

The Heat soundtrack features 2 tracks by Lisa Gerrard...both from the album,
but one is an edited version.
The Michael Brook track is from Cobalt Blue...I believe it's the album
version, too.

[email protected], last updated by Eyesore Automation on 12-21-1995