4ad-l Mail for 08-03-1995

Mail in Archive

Subject: Re: latest release schedule
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 1995 23:56:02 -0500
From: [email protected]
Subject: Guy Fixsen
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 1995 23:25:09 -0700
From: Noah Slankard ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Lonely an Eyesore: Still Rare?
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 00:21:27 -0700
From: "K. Bruner" ([email protected])
Subject: pass me my PC Lawgiver Judge Frazier......
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 09:43:59 +0100
From: Graham Anderson ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Dallas
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 09:47:09 CDT
From: Ryan Mak ([email protected])
Subject: Xymox
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 10:39:38 -0500
From: eric ([email protected])
Subject: 4AD Poster Set, Calendar for sale (bid update)
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 14:50:38 BST
From: Simon Hughes ([email protected])
Subject: Re: latest release schedule
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 14:09:56 -0400
From: Heather Elizabeth Phares ([email protected])
Subject: ...now I think I'm getting the hang of it!
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 11:13:01 -0700
From: Ivo Lorelei -{Gothique Extraordinaire}- ([email protected])
Subject: Re: 4AD Mailing List...I want It!
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 15:35:11 -0400
From: Michael Warren Medley ([email protected])
Subject: Re: ...now I think I'm getting the hang of it!
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 14:59:20 -0500
From: YOUNG GRASSHOPPER ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Slowdive first EP where?
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 16:07:13 -0400
From: Drarg ([email protected])
Subject: TWP promo sale
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 13:19:01 -0700
From: Brant Dewdrops ([email protected])
Subject: Re: ...now I think I'm getting the hang of it!
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 13:49:13 -0700
From: euphonic k ([email protected])
Subject: Re: ...now I think I'm getting the hang of it!
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 13:42:48 -0700
From: Ivo Lorelei -{Gothique Extraordinaire}- ([email protected])
Subject: Air Miami
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 16:52:27 -0500
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Pale Saints/Cocteau trades?
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 1995 21:19:40 -0500
From: "Michael R. M. Cheselka" ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Majesty Crush?
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 1995 01:53:41 +0200
From: Frank Brinkhuis ([email protected])
Subject: Do you have Pale Saints bootlegs?
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 19:10:16 PDT
From: John Majka ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Non-4AD Brain Teaser...
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 21:08:07 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: unsubscription
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 23:43:26 -0400
From: [email protected]

Date: Wed, 2 Aug 1995 23:56:02 -0500
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: latest release schedule

Can you (someone) tell me what else (other than the new Air
 album) has been produced by GUY FIXSEN?  thanks for
the info


Date: Wed, 2 Aug 1995 23:25:09 -0700
From: Noah Slankard ([email protected])
Subject: Guy Fixsen

On Wed, 2 Aug 1995 [email protected] wrote:

> Can you (someone) tell me what else (other than the new Air
>  album) has been produced by GUY FIXSEN?  thanks for
> the info
> mike

        Here's a partial list of the bands that Fixsen has worked with:
The Breeders, My Bloody Valentine, Throwing Muses,Ecstasy Of St. Theresa,
Rollerskate Skinny, Moonshake, and Dog Faced Hermans. It should also be
noted that Fixsen and his Laika co-hort, Margaret Fiedler, have done
re-mixes for The Wolfgang Press, God Is My Co-Pilot, and will also be
working with Stereolab. He did a really wonderful job on the Air Miami

                                                ([email protected])

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 00:21:27 -0700
From: "K. Bruner" ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Lonely an Eyesore: Still Rare?

In mlist.4ad-l you write:

>Are people still having trouble locating this disc?  I could swear I saw it
>recently in the bin at Tower alongside the run-of-the-mill stuff...

It might be hard to find in a record store, but since I just ordered a
copy from 4AD a couple of months ago, and have since seen a copy in a
neighborhood record store, it's sure not impossible to find.

The Official Great Goddess To Whom You Do Beg of Dogbert's New Ruling Class
I nominate Annaliese for... (turns) What did you want to run for, again?
                                        --a frosh

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 09:43:59 +0100
From: Graham Anderson ([email protected])
Subject: pass me my PC Lawgiver Judge Frazier......

>It's a pity those Belly T-shirts were so small....They were quite
>tasteful. I imagine I looked quite a hom buying one...I probably
>looked even sillier taking it back.

>C'mon Tanya-babe you have lad fans as well.

My dear boy, if you did look like a hom buying one, I'm sure it would have
been a great improvement.

My guess is you look like all the other straight middle class boys
staggering out of the Poly discos on a Saturday night, unable to be as
popular with the girls as the course queer in the feather boa, snazzy
threads and right dance moves.

I do despair of the younger generation sometimes.....

graham x!x!x!

* _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ *

Graham Paul Anderson, grsc                   MRC PET Methodology Group

                     " I ain't your S&M Eliza Doolittle Honey! "

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 09:47:09 CDT
From: Ryan Mak ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Dallas

>Nah. But you can have ZZ Top.
>You Chicagoins sure can't take the heat.

We definitely can take the heat.
Do you know it has been over a hundred degrees here
in the last week or two? ;-)


Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 10:39:38 -0500
From: eric ([email protected])
Subject: Xymox

Did anyone else hear the rumor that Xymox had to change their name because
there is already an acne medication of the same name?

Just kidding!

I place my bet on Lush as the 80's band on 4AD to survive the longest.
Initialboy, let me know the release date on that ESP vinyl.



"Oh my, I must be dreaming.  My arms and legs are screaming."
        -The Boo Radleys "Martin, Doom It's Seven O'Clock"

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 14:50:38 BST
From: Simon Hughes ([email protected])
Subject: 4AD Poster Set, Calendar for sale (bid update)

          [email protected], [email protected],
          [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
          [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
          [email protected]

An update on the bidding for the 4AD calendar and poster sets.

The current highest bids are:

Poster set:  $237 (approximately equivalent to 150 UK pounds)
             Brendan McCarthy 


Please note that the currency conversion calculations include an element to
take account of commission charges (it costs me 8 pounds = $12 to convert a
cheque in US dollars to UK pounds).

All further bids should be sent to [email protected].  From now on, I
will only email updates to the people who currently hold the highest bids
and anybody who outbids them.

More instructions are appended after my signature.

Simon Hughes

I am selling the following 4AD items.

1. Calendar, 1990, XAD0001.  Excellent condition except that cover has a
little physical damage (probably due to someone using the calendar as a
base for writing a note or two! --- there is no ink as such on the

2. Poster set (15 in all), 1986, WAD23.  Eight of the posters are in mint
condition.  Seven have, at one time or another, been blu-tacked (blu-tack
is a sort of sticky plasticy substance that is not supposed to damage
either poster or wall) to walls.  Hence they have a few minor creases,
slightly worn corners and blu-tack discolouration on the back (not the
front).  Overall I'd give it a "very good", rather than an "excellent".

I am holding an open (bids and bidders will be made public) auction for
these items.  When making your bids, you may like to note the following.

1. I will not charge extra for postage and packing.  Bidders from outside
Western Europe should note that unless they specify otherwise with their
bid, I will send by airmail.

2. Bids should be in U.K. pounds sterling or U.S. dollars.  Those who bid
in dollars should note that I will accept payment only in cash (not
recommended!!) or by cheque, which will cost me about eight pounds to
convert.  This cost of conversion and current exchange rates will be taken
into account in deciding the winning bids.

Bids should be sent to [email protected].  Any bids not sent to that
address may not be seen by me.  Every few days, I will post an update
giving details of the winning bids to date and the relevant bidders.
Bidding will close at 12pm (noon) GMT on Monday 7 August (bids have to be
received by me by that time).  That same day, I will post notification of
the winning bids and bidders and attempt to swap snail mail addresses with
the winning bidders.

Hope all the above makes sense.

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 14:09:56 -0400
From: Heather Elizabeth Phares ([email protected])
Subject: Re: latest release schedule

yes, it was produced by guy fixsen

On Wed, 2 Aug 1995 [email protected] wrote:

> Can you (someone) tell me what else (other than the new Air
>  album) has been produced by GUY FIXSEN?  thanks for
> the info
> mike

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 11:13:01 -0700
From: Ivo Lorelei -{Gothique Extraordinaire}- ([email protected])
Subject: ...now I think I'm getting the hang of it!

If memory serves me correctly, this is the newest (Fall '95, I assume)
sampler from 4AD.  It includes songs by Lisa Germano, Heidi Berry, Air
Miami, Tarnation, Liquorice, Lisa Gerrard and others.  I only saw this
for a few brief moments at my friend's house last night, so I can't give
any particulars on it.  I'll see if I can get my hands on it (or get my
own copy) and post more if possible...


from _Cher's Guide For the Chronically Clueless_ :

boink fest (boynk fest),n. 1. Have sex in quantity. 2. doing it big time.
hy men ally chal lenged (hi men al e chaleng d), adj. 1. a virgin.
wig (wig), v., wiggin' or wigged 1. become irrational, freak out. 2. go postal.
wo man (wu man), n. 1. your boyfriend's name for you.

                                                         [email protected]

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 15:35:11 -0400
From: Michael Warren Medley ([email protected])
Subject: Re: 4AD Mailing List...I want It!

Greetings Fine Lades and Gentles,
        I would simply like to be put on your 4AD Mailing list if it is
at all possible.  Thank you for your consideration.

                                        Michael Medley

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 14:59:20 -0500
From: YOUNG GRASSHOPPER ([email protected])
Subject: Re: ...now I think I'm getting the hang of it!

Sorry to scoop Ivo, but here's the information on "...think I'm getting the
hang of it"

selections from current and forthcoming albums on 4AD

Lisa Gerrard    Sanvean                 (Gerrard/Claxton)
                                        from the album The Mirror Pool
                                        release date 8/22/95

Air Miami       Dolphin Expressway      (Cross/Robinson)
                                        from the album Me Me Me
                                        release date 9/12/95

Liquorice       Cheap Cuts              (Liquorice)
                                        from the album Listening Cap

Heidi Berry     Miracle                 (H. Berry)
                                        New album September 1995

scheer          Sometimes               (scheer)
                                        New album January 1996

Wolfgang Press  Christianity            (Allen/Gray) remixed by P. Steir
                (Wicked Man remix)      original from Funky Little Demons

Tarnation       The Well                (P. Frazer)
                                        from the album Gentle Creatures
                                        release date 8/22/95

Kendra Smith    Valley of the           (K. Smith/A. Phillip Uberman)
                Morning Sun             from the album 5 Ways of Disappearing

Red House       Cabezon                 (M. Kozelek)
Painters                                from the album Ocean Beach



What's "THE BODY SHOP"?  It appears on the actual disk, too,  with the 4AD logo.


                                        [email protected]

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 16:07:13 -0400
From: Drarg ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Slowdive first EP where?

On Wed, 2 Aug 1995, David Stack wrote:
> I don't see the Slowdive EP anywhere except in peoples collections.  Are
> you looking for a copy?   The one I have is still for sale.  I'll let
> you have it for $15+$1.50 (shipping and Mailer).  Let me if you are
> interested in it.  Also do you have the Blue flexi with the songs Take me
> down and Beach song on it?  I have that still if you are interested.
> I'll talk to you soon.

Hmmm, is it still up for bids or is $15 the final price?  And how much is
that flexi?  Sorry, I seemed to have lost the original message
with the prices somewhere.....I'm very interested, but I'm still thinking
about it...(i need to just come up with money)...but I will have a
definate answer for you by tomorrow....The EP is in cd format right?

thanks for your offer...and please send the address for your slowdive page

I have an answer soon.....

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 13:19:01 -0700
From: Brant Dewdrops ([email protected])
Subject: TWP promo sale

So far the current bid for this item is $40 + postage
from Ralf Henneking. I'll take bids for a couple more days.

>I have a The Wolfgang Press promo item that could be yours:

>Warner Bros. PRO-A-7174, VINYL!
>Going South (@440 mix)
>11 Years (sabres main mix)
>Executioner (Adamson mix)
>Going South (country style)

>This item is up for bids. Convince me that I don't want to hang on to it.

Sleeve (white die-cut with promo sticker) and record are in
mint condition.

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 13:49:13 -0700
From: euphonic k ([email protected])
Subject: Re: ...now I think I'm getting the hang of it!

  the body shop is a store that caters to bath oils and soap and
  nice things along those lines. purrty smelling stuff for your
  body. :) maybe the disc is available with purchase from the
  store? like no balls was with urban outfitters...

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 13:42:48 -0700
From: Ivo Lorelei -{Gothique Extraordinaire}- ([email protected])
Subject: Re: ...now I think I'm getting the hang of it!

> What's "THE BODY SHOP"?  It appears on the actual disk, too,  with the 4AD log
       It's a strip joint in L.A..... Vaughan's a perv ;)

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 16:52:27 -0500
From: [email protected]
Subject: Air Miami

can someone repost the track listing for the upcoming Air Miami album.
You can send it directly to me    [email protected]


Date: Wed, 2 Aug 1995 21:19:40 -0500
From: "Michael R. M. Cheselka" ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Pale Saints/Cocteau trades?

It's back in print or otherwise available again...every record store
in town has 1 or 2 on display for the regular price, about 65$ or so.
I am looking for the UK version, though.  Anybody know somebody or
somewhere I could buy it from?

Date: Fri, 4 Aug 1995 01:53:41 +0200
From: Frank Brinkhuis ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Majesty Crush?

> Vulva Records

Great name for a record label!


[email protected]

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 19:10:16 PDT
From: John Majka ([email protected])
Subject: Do you have Pale Saints bootlegs?

Hello Everyone:

Allow me to clarify my earlier posting.  I already have all official releases fr
m Pale
Saints, Spoonfed Hybrid, and Cocteau Twins.  I am desperately seeking anyone who
might have live tapes or other bootleg tapes of these bands.  Please note that I
no interest in the horrible travesty  that Pale Saints became after Ian Masters 
eft, so I
guess I'm talking about material from before 1994.  Somebody out there must be a
of these bands!  I'm sure such tapes must exist somehwere.  I already have 2 Coc
Twins bootlegs but no Pale Saints/Spoonfed Hybrid bootlegs.  If you're intereste
trading for other tapes, I have about 230 tapes of various bands (Dinosaur Jr., 
Hawkwind, R.E.M., Thin White Rope, Slowdive and many others).

[email protected]
  John Majka

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 21:08:07 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Non-4AD Brain Teaser...

> Any other nominees?

How about the Romantics?

( What I like about you, remember?)

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 23:43:26 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: unsubscription

please take me off the mailing list. obviously I'm [email protected]


[email protected], last updated by Eyesore Automation on 8-3-1995