Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 01:04:01 -0400
28, 11:38pm)
On May 28, 11:38pm, dreambeing wrote:
> Subject: Re: the great 4AD tape swap?????
> my aversion to making such a tape for someone is not a legal one..
> but one rather -- what if they dont like it ? :)? sure.. i think
> of myself as a very good judge of music.. but never know where others
> affections might lie. . and would feel bad if they weren't pleased
> withit.. anyway..
well if they don't like it, then they don't like it.. it's a SWAP! no one
loses anything (except maybe their reputation.. heh heh..well hopefully
not).. no one has the exact same tastes anyway, and they should expect/know
that. I've done a tape swap, and i'm pretty sure there were some songs on
there that i love, that the person on the other side was not too impressed by
(maybe even pissed).. this is a cliche, but if everyone had the same taste
and the same affections and whatever, then the world would be really boring
(aaahh! i sound like my mother)... it's for fun, anyway. (and who cares about
the legal implications??)
Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 22:13:38 -0700
I can dig it. Even though I never actually get around to sending anyone
anything I agree to send them, I can dig it. Just to clear up the legal
question, I hereby admit to having made mixed and even dubbed the odd
album for a friend or two. Now if in a week or so I am still here and
have not been arrested and charged, it's prolly safe to say we can get
away with the dirty deed.
May I suggest?
- mixes are better than whole albums (also legaler)
- people who hate their tapes can trade (be nice)
- no one reads or replies to this message (shhhhhh)
Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 09:53:19 +0100
> > Isn't this highly illegal??
> > Tob >
> you mean to tell me that you have never dubbed a tape for a friend?
> that's like saying that you ALWAYS go 35 mph no matter what....
It *is* illegal (at least over here in Land of Brits), but there would
be *so* much work involved with cracking down on *every*
little dubbed recording, they don't bother getting anyone for one-
offs. HOWEVER, if Kanga.. puts up "THE GREAT 4AD TAPE SWAP!!", it's
considered "worth their while", and you could have a bit of trouble,
though probably not more than a fine..
On the other hand (steps off moral pedestal), the cops don't know
what the Internet *is*, let alone use it, so there's little or no
chance that anyone'd get spotted.
Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 11:27:30 GMT
I just signed up with this listserv yesterday afternoon and already happy to
have found it on the WWW.
Does this list recquire introductions of whomever signs on or can I just
enigmatically appear?
In reading my mail this morning, I am very interested in getting involved
with tape swapping with anyone out there.
"Don't take life to seriously,
you don't get out alive."
Bugs Bunny
Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 15:11:10 -0400
it's not illegal... it is illegal... it's not...
W H O C A R E S? ? ?
Now who has what to swap?
... and Tob Tob Tob... there ARE internet police, but they aren't going to be
banging down your door because you made someone a cassette tape. FYI:
there's a movement to censor e-mail brought to us by the friendly and the
paranoid. AKA the government. Just how paranoid YOU choose to be is up to
you, but swapping tapes doesn't seem to be a high one on the list of internet
crimes... even if it is illegal... so I say again...
Who has what to swap? I would be happy to pay for the cost of the tape if
someone is kind enough to send one to me...
Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 14:45:31 +0000
how about this.. if someone send me a request by email i'll send a
list of all my cds and tape compilations.. whoever can pick and
choose a handful of 'i want that' and whatever is left on the tape
i'll use my best judgement...
i'd be happy to make anyone a tape of what i have..
i dont have any blank tapes to send anyone so that i might get a tape
[email protected]
Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 16:43:26 -0400
...are those rare tape chain one and two tapes still going around? I never
recieved anything... was wondering if they just ended without getting to
me... disappeared off the face of the planet, or what?
any ideas anyone...
rebecca fagan: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 22:36:08 +0100
Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 17:22:57 -0500
i personally don't care one way or the other, someone asked me to post this.....
USA - it is not illegal to dub something as long as you do not sell it for
profit or distribute it for others to sell as profit. this is called
The Home Use Exception.
UK - it IS illegal to reproduce something from one format to another, period.
it is NOT illegal to reproduce something from the same format to the same
format, e.g., tape to tape, cd to cd. one of the reasons for this is archiving.
brought to you by lisa's family, all of whom are lawyers.
Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 17:30:26 -0500
ok, this is really beautiful. the group is called rachel's, the album is
called handwriting. the plastic package outside the actual album packaging
bore a sticker which read, "this record package is entirely hand made and has
a cool 16 page color book. Basically, this sums up 4 years of soul renching
obsession..." it IS beautiful, and the music matches. It is a bit like
jazzy chamber music, and i really could do nothing else while i was listening
to this but gape in amazement. the piano work is a bit remanescent of
michael nyman's stuff, but is completely different. for those of you who care,
it is comprised of ex members of various indie bands. you won't be sorry.
it is regular priced and would be worth it for the package alone.
Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 17:34:24 -0500
just a note to all those who haven't made up your minds yet, you must
let me know if you are going to participate by 2 june. on that friday, i
will send everybody their people to swap with, ok?
thanks, lisa