4ad-l Mail for 05-10-1995

Mail in Archive

Subject: verve, jazz, and i a humble shoegazer
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 01:37:45 -0500
Subject: Re: Early (1980) 4AD mispresses.
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 00:43:17 -0500
From: Jeremy L Orr (jeremy@GXL.WOODTECH.COM)
Subject: Tricky
Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 22:47:20 PDT
From: Zach Mainen (zach@SALK.EDU)
Subject: Re: while we're not on the subject...
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 02:11:37 -0500
From: cz (ckemnitz@STUDENTS.WISC.EDU)
Subject: Re: Early (1980) 4AD mispresses.
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 03:15:24 -0400
From: Julie Estrada (SORTRADA@DELPHI.COM)
Subject: Re: verve, jazz, and i a humble shoegazer
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 01:01:36 -0700
From: Brian Lyons (brianlyo@GODFATHER.CYBERQUEST.COM)
Subject: Early (1980) 4AD mispresses.
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 08:36:12 GMT
From: Simon Hughes (tcssph@AIE.LREG.CO.UK)
Subject: Re: Early (1980) 4AD mispresses.
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 06:07:11 -0400
From: Julie Estrada (SORTRADA@DELPHI.COM)
Subject: Re: Early (1980) 4AD mispresses.
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 09:23:35 -0600
From: Literati (literati@PRAIRIENET.ORG)
Subject: Re: while we're not on the subject...
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 10:52:00 EST
From: "rex c. arthur" (arthur@3SIXTY.VOYAGERCO.COM)
Subject: Bel Canto at TMV - festival (Trondheim)
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 18:34:53 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Thomas Rinnan (thomasr@nvg.unit.no)
Subject: Re: addresses
Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 18:27:09 MET
From: Huite Rietveld (huite@PIAS.XS4ALL.NL)
Subject: Re: Lori Carson & Golden Palominos
Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 18:29:13 MET
From: Huite Rietveld (huite@PIAS.XS4ALL.NL)
Subject: Re[2]: Early (1980) 4AD mispresses.
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 11:53:49 CST
Subject: Re[2]: addresses
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 11:48:36 CST
Subject: FW: FW: laugh of the day
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 12:53:22 EDT
From: "(Gay Church)" (LGC2C@DMT03.MCC.VIRGINIA.EDU)
Subject: 4AD e-mail
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 12:23:57 -0500
From: King of the Monsters! (eewittme@STUDENTS.WISC.EDU)
Subject: Re: Re[2]: addresses
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 13:34:12 -0400
From: Another Reason to Cut Off an Ear (ICEBLINK@DELPHI.COM)
Subject: full of vinegar, piss, and ???'s
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 13:59:12 -0400
From: Jason Bryant (Srilank@AOL.COM)
Subject: eric vs einexile
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 20:33:57 +0200
From: Matthias Walzner (umw17@RZSERV2.FH-LUENEBURG.DE)
Subject: Re: cranes satre ep.
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 12:24:04 -0700
From: Robert Pietrusko (cantique@IX.NETCOM.COM)
Subject: Re: Swirl
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 12:17:08 -0700
From: Robert Pietrusko (cantique@IX.NETCOM.COM)
Subject: Re: Reply to Slowdive, Verve, Ancient Krell Music
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 12:21:35 -0700
From: Robert Pietrusko (cantique@IX.NETCOM.COM)
Subject: Re: ...dress me up in Stussy...
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 13:17:00 M
From: Jacob Paul Leonard (JLeonard@ST.CEU.EDU)
Subject: Re: Re[2]: addresses
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 12:53:25 -0700
From: Robert Pietrusko (cantique@IX.NETCOM.COM)
Subject: Re: Slowdive, Verve, Ancient Krell Music
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 14:27:20 -0600
From: mesocyclone (soon@UNM.EDU)
Subject: Re: CT and DCD
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 17:22:58 -0400
From: Milan Pejnovich (mxp9@PSU.EDU)
Subject: A Message From Creation
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 18:11:47 -0600
From: "Elaun L. Cable" (cable@FREENET.CALGARY.AB.CA)
Subject: _Trip Hop Test_
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 19:50:42 EDT
From: "Christopher C. Schachte" (Christopher.C.Schachte@DARTMOUTH.EDU)
Subject: If you asked for The Sensualists...
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 18:42:50 -0600
From: Elaun (ecable@ACS.UCALGARY.CA)
Subject: Re[2]: addresses
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 23:11:11 -0400
From: rebecca fagan (rfagan@TIAC.NET)
Subject: Liquorice 7" & Liz Fraser
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 23:06:49 -0400
From: Jim Napiorkowski (BluBelKnol@AOL.COM)
Subject: tweefest '95 in nyc!!!
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 23:12:48 -0400
From: Maura Smale (mas5815@IS2.NYU.EDU)
Subject: Wire and Elastica
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 23:34:59 -0600
From: King of the Monsters! (eewittme@STUDENTS.WISC.EDU)

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 01:37:45 -0500
Subject: verve, jazz, and i a humble shoegazer


    i still call verve, verve and not the verve...i think with that pesky
article tacked on it loses something...like at that farce lollapalooza, yes
i went strictly for verve...ok geo clinton too...but i felt
more comfortable screaming  "verve fucking rules...no come down...ahhhhh"
as opposed to an added "the" to lose its romantic flavorin...anyway
i must defend verve records because i do love jazz, i also love that kids inthe
e hall sketch....anyway...the point i'm trying to make is that jazz
is in fact dead and those folks are gonna need all the money they can get...
just think of verve records as a washed up child actor....as tom wolfe
put it "a great height to view the world from,...a great height from which to
fall"  take pity on them, dont hate them...i guess i see why there's a ruckus
though, im still quite pissed about this london suede shit...

oh by the way someone unsubscribe my dumb ass...im going home for the summer

"come with me now...it's your time"



Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 00:43:17 -0500
From: Jeremy L Orr (jeremy@GXL.WOODTECH.COM)
Subject: Re: Early (1980) 4AD mispresses.

--from Mike the Iceblinker:

> Speaking of Mispresses....
> Did anyone ever have anything odd occur with their CT Box Set?  When I
> first got it, I popped in Peppermint Pig and out came some rapper
> yelling, "I like PUSSY!..."   And I thought, "Well, this is obviously
> NOT Liz..." :)

Oh well, it was a nice story, even if it was a joke.  :G)  On a similar
theme, although not truly 4AD-related (of course, what recent threads
*have* been?)...

I bought a copy of Main's _Hydra-Calm_ CD for a friend about a year ago
from Parasol.  Whenever it came, I took it right over to his place, and
he put it on.  The first few seconds passed, and the music coming from
the speakers was decidedly different from that found on my disc of the
same album.  Then a choir of children and adults..."okay, something is
obviously wrong here".  It wasn't until we heard a rather choirboyish
voice ask "please sir, may I have another?" that we realized that the
soundtrack to the "Oliver!" musical had been mispressed onto the disc by
mistake.  Not quite what we were expecting!

---Jeremy  Oh great...now we get to go through
                                    the great "analog vs digital" debate
                                    on Dreampop-L, too.  

Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 22:47:20 PDT
From: Zach Mainen (zach@SALK.EDU)
Subject: Tricky

>       I know that there are quite a few Portishead fans on
>       this list so I was wondering if anyone was a fan of, or
>       had any info on Tricky or Massive Attack...both Tricky
>       and Massive Attack are in the same "Trip-Hop" sounding
>       vein as Portishead...I have a little bit of info but I

Tricky are quite reminiscent of Portishead, but I'd dare say better.
The album (name escapes me) was released domestically fairly recently
and it's on Island so it should be easy to find.

If you like P-head it's a pretty good bet you'll like Tricky.  They
have the same extensive sampling at P-head.  They even do one of the
same songs (complete with build in scratches and pops), revealing just
how much both versions owe to the original.  The female vocals are
fairly similar, with a lot of variety from song to song--perhaps a
little less "character" with Tricky.  They're even more
all-over-the-place stylistically (noisy, straight ahead, jazzy,
trippy, dancy, etc).  They tend to sound a bit more hip-hoppy and a
lot less spy-movie sound-tracky/tacky then P-head.  Great atmosphere.

I've listened to the disc a half dozen times and it's still growing on
me; a good sign.  Definitely worth checking out.


Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 02:11:37 -0500
From: cz (ckemnitz@STUDENTS.WISC.EDU)
Subject: Re: while we're not on the subject...

>Does anyone know anything about what The Lilac Time is up to?  Or how
>about Bel Canto?  I'd ask thislisty questions, but I've been gleaning my
>answers from just reading postings to this list.

I consider Bel Canto pretty thislisty myself.  Anyway, they supposedly Bel
Canto have an album recorded and are just waiting to try to get the perfect
record contract.  I think they could do quite well ($wise) but wonder why
they haven't.  Is the public not ready for them?  Did the record companies
underhype them?  Who knows.  All i know is that i WANT that new album.


"By wheel or sail, just take me anywhere far from here where mud is made of
our tears!"         -Charles Baudelaire

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 03:15:24 -0400
From: Julie Estrada (SORTRADA@DELPHI.COM)
Subject: Re: Early (1980) 4AD mispresses.

    When the CT box set came out domestically (US), I was
working in a
record store; we had a few returns because of incorrect

You're not alone.


Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 01:01:36 -0700
From: Brian Lyons (brianlyo@GODFATHER.CYBERQUEST.COM)
Subject: Re: verve, jazz, and i a humble shoegazer

  No disrespect, but if you think jazz is dead.... you should check your
head. Also, if you put 10 or 15 years of your blood and sweat into
establishing and running a respectable label, you'd probably be concerned
about someone coming in from leftfield and using your name right? That
said, the fact still remains you can call them what you want.:^)
Later, Brian.

On Wed, 10 May 1995, Bryan M wrote:

> hey
>     i still call verve, verve and not the verve...i think with that pesky
> article tacked on it loses something...like at that farce lollapalooza, yes
> i went strictly for verve...ok geo clinton too...but i felt
> more comfortable screaming  "verve fucking rules...no come down...ahhhhh"
> as opposed to an added "the" to lose its romantic flavorin...anyway
> i must defend verve records because i do love jazz, i also love that kids inth

> e hall sketch....anyway...the point i'm trying to make is that jazz
> is in fact dead and those folks are gonna need all the money they can get...
> just think of verve records as a washed up child actor....as tom wolfe
> put it "a great height to view the world from,...a great height from which to
> fall"  take pity on them, dont hate them...i guess i see why there's a ruckus
> though, im still quite pissed about this london suede shit...
> oh by the way someone unsubscribe my dumb ass...im going home for the summer
> "come with me now...it's your time"
>                                         suede
> bye
> zhivago

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 08:36:12 GMT
From: Simon Hughes (tcssph@AIE.LREG.CO.UK)
Subject: Early (1980) 4AD mispresses.

Literati wrote:

>This isn't even REMOTELY 4AD related, but I bought a Led Zeppelin tape once
>that only had a leader, no actual TAPE in it! I played it, and 5 seconds
>later, it stopped.

Jammy sod, you coulda hadda listen to Staircase to Heaven.  A lot more than
5 seconds, I can tell you.

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 06:07:11 -0400
From: Julie Estrada (SORTRADA@DELPHI.COM)
Subject: Re: Early (1980) 4AD mispresses.

>you could of had a listen to staircase to heaven
>alot more than 5 seconds,i can tell you.


Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 09:23:35 -0600
From: Literati (literati@PRAIRIENET.ORG)
Subject: Re: Early (1980) 4AD mispresses.

Simon waved his big hair around and moaned:

>Literati wrote:
>>This isn't even REMOTELY 4AD related, but I bought a Led Zeppelin tape once
>>that only had a leader, no actual TAPE in it! I played it, and 5 seconds
>>later, it stopped.
>Jammy sod, you coulda hadda listen to Staircase to Heaven.  A lot more than
>5 seconds, I can tell you.

Call it youthful indescretion. I didn't inhale, and all that...


//  \\ ()  Iffin' you really care for me, Don't comb your hair for me
\_/ // ()  Iffin' you want to make me weak and weepy,
   //      Then act real weird and wild and creepy        --Dame Darcy
  /                    -- literati@prairienet.org --

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 10:52:00 EST
From: "rex c. arthur" (arthur@3SIXTY.VOYAGERCO.COM)
Subject: Re: while we're not on the subject...

ahhhh. bel canto. a band that's not mentioned enough. well..... you could
check out their www address.

i think that there's some mention of a new album there.

>...of 4AD bands:
>Does anyone know anything about what The Lilac Time is up to?  Or how
>about Bel Canto?  I'd ask thislisty questions, but I've been gleaning my
>answers from just reading postings to this list.
>Thanks muchly!

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 08:22:03 -0700
From: Candice A Mack (mackc@WATNXT02.UCR.EDU)
Subject: Bel Canto at TMV - festival (Trondheim) (fwd)

this is in response to elaun's question about bel canto, and this is really
surprising because i heard that anneli is pregnant! maybe she's pulling a
bjork (who was on stage even while 9 months pregnant). :)

take care,
                        | "we shall board our imagined ship and wildly sail
Candice A. Mack         |  among sacred islands of the mad till death
mackc@watmail.ucr.edu   |  shatters the fabulous stars and makes us real."
                        |       -sylvia plath, "tale of a tub"

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 18:34:53 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Thomas Rinnan (thomasr@nvg.unit.no)
Subject: Bel Canto at TMV - festival (Trondheim)

Hi all,

Last Wednesday our local newspaper printed an article about this summers
music festivals. They said that Bel Cantos new project "Music Channel"
will have its premiere (sp?) at the TMV - festival (Trondheim - Norway
June 5. - 10.)
They are going to perform together with israeli and palestine musicians.


Thomas Rinnan                        e-mail: Thomas.Rinnan@nvg.unit.no
Ragnhilds gate 6                      voice: +47-9014 8536
N-7030 Trondhjem
Norway                                                     "FORTY-TWO"

Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 18:27:09 MET
From: Huite Rietveld (huite@PIAS.XS4ALL.NL)
Subject: Re: addresses

-=- Vinny -=-  writes:

> Hi,
> I have been mostly lurking on this list, but now I have a question
> for you all:
>     - Does anyone of you have the postal (and/or Email) address for
>         4AD. I need this address for a project I have to do for
>         school. It is a project about the history of 4AD, what 4AD
>         stands for now, why they contracted the artists they have now,
>         etc.
> If you can help me with this, please send me the information!

15 Alma Rd
London SW18 1AA
United Kingdom

I doubt if they'll be replying. They never do.

Veel geluk!

Huite Rietveld
Play It Again Sam

Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 18:29:13 MET
From: Huite Rietveld (huite@PIAS.XS4ALL.NL)
Subject: Re: Lori Carson & Golden Palominos

Donald Chin  writes:

> I saw that there was a new album by Lori Carson. Is this the same Lori Carson
> who is in the Golden Palominos?

Yes, indeed she is.

> If she is the same, what does the album sound
> like.

A little introspective. Beautiful voice, produced bu Anton Fier.

> I can't remember the name of the album.

Where it goes.

> I have the last two albums by
> the Golden Palominos. That is all I have by them. I quite enjoy their style
> of music. Someone told me that The Golden Palominos have been around for a
> while. Does anyone know what their earlier material sound like?

They are around quite some time right now. It's a project by Anton Fier
(producer, drummer) with changing cast. I have:

- Blast of silence
- A dead horse
- Drunk with passion
- Prison of the rhythm
- Pure
- This is how it feels
- Visions of excess

But there's still more! I really like 'Drunk with passion' the most.
Some early albums (CD) are hard to find, but there are now two compilations
with the early work.



Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 11:53:49 CST
Subject: Re[2]: Early (1980) 4AD mispresses.


     >  This isn't even REMOTELY 4AD related, but I bought a Led Zeppelin
     >  tape once that only had a leader, no actual TAPE in it! I played
     >  it, and 5 seconds later, it stopped.

     Still not 4AD-related...I once heard a Venezuelan pressing of Led Zep
     II which had the intro to Black Dog (the scritchy-scratchy sound
     before the singing starts) TWICE

     L a r r y

     "If you want to know what populism means, look in the dictionary."
     -Pfft! Looking in a dictionary - that's *so* elitist!

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 11:48:36 CST
Subject: Re[2]: addresses

     >  postal (and/or Email) address for 4AD. I need this address for a
     >  project I have to do for school.

     That sounds like a neat idea..."Today for my presentation I've brought
     all my 4AD CDs and as you can see, I'm wearing my Cocteaux T-shirt"...

     >  I doubt if they'll be replying. They never do.

     Probably not. Why oh why are (smaller) record labels so bad at
     answering mail? I've written to Creation and even Duophonic and
     they've never replied. Only Flying Nun has ever had the decency to
     write back - 2 fat envelopes full of cool stuff.


     PS ook veel geluk

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 12:53:22 EDT
From: "(Gay Church)" (LGC2C@DMT03.MCC.VIRGINIA.EDU)
Subject: FW: FW: laugh of the day


in the missionary position.  Check out primate mating positions for reference.
Some missionary just got lonely looking the other way and made it up.

Gay Church of the Piedmont

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 12:23:57 -0500
From: King of the Monsters! (eewittme@STUDENTS.WISC.EDU)
Subject: 4AD e-mail

I don't know if this is a well-guarded secret, if I was misinformed, or
what, but I saw an e-mail address for 4AD posted on www.

It is:  bulletin@fourad.daemon.co.uk

Does anyone know who takes care of this?  I wrote it twice, and once I got
a reply from some guy named Cliff W.  Any additional info would be nice
(btw, guy doing the project for school, did that address work for you?)

Thanks a bunch,

Eric E. Wittmershaus

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 13:34:12 -0400
From: Another Reason to Cut Off an Ear (ICEBLINK@DELPHI.COM)
Subject: Re: Re[2]: addresses

Well, I received email from Creation a couple of days ago.  They acknowledged
the fact that I had sent mail to them before (actually, I sent mail to Slow-
dive), and explained that if I wanted to get placed on their mailing list
to receive regular updates as well as free merchandise, I had to send a
post card with my snail mail address on it to them in London.  I don't have
their address, but it's listed on most Creation CD's.

Their email address is:  CREMKTG@cityscape.co.uk

Since My Bloody Valentine, Adorable, and now Slowdive are no longer on the
Creation roster, I don't much care for the label anyway. (And YES, I KNOW
Adorable simply disbanded...)  And Ride are too far gone IMO to even listen
to anymore, except for some of Smile and a couple of tracks from Going Blank


Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 13:59:12 -0400
From: Jason Bryant (Srilank@AOL.COM)
Subject: full of vinegar, piss, and ???'s

Someone just has to know the answer to these inquiries:

1)Is the new Belly (uk) single for "Seal my Fate", and if so what's the cat.

2)Did 4AD (uk) release The Glee Club's _Mine_, or was it on Setanta there,
and licensed to 4AD in the US?

3)How obscure, or rather, difficult is it to obtain MBV-_S/T_ US release on

4)I saw yesterday, a Frank Black release entitled _the Black Sessions_, which
was *suprise* in a black jewel case, with a 'Made in Holland' sticker on it.
 I'm assuming that this is his last release to be affiliated with 4AD, and
elektra, yes?



                     "Rutherford B. Hayes, a Triceratops, was 87 feet long
                      and was just damn near our longest president ever."

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 20:33:57 +0200
From: Matthias Walzner (umw17@RZSERV2.FH-LUENEBURG.DE)
Subject: eric vs einexile

>>Yes, this is a big joke. You're a real fucking funny guy. First a
>>cowardly accusation buried in a tongue in cheek statement, then a
>>flippant anti-apology because you haven't the guts to actually apologize
>>like a normal, reasonable person who has just maligned (pretended not to
>>malign, whatever) someone they don't know. Why don't you take your advice
>>and your sorry apology and get on your horse and ride the hell out of
>>town? I'm sure this list has nothing to gain from your presence.
>>Thank you.
>> einexile
>Listen, for Christsake!  I learned my fucking lesson about sticking my nose
>in where it's not fucking wanted about an hour ago.  I hope you do the same
>(maybe you won't have to get flamed from someone just waiting for you to
>screw up before she tries to eat you the fuck alive).  For your (and
>everyone else who's listening) fucking information, I'd already sent a
>personal apology to *k-j* apologizing for jumping the gun, etc.  In fact, I
>received her reply before I received your batch of daily insults.  If you
>don't believe me, then that's too fucking bad for you.  Now get off my ass
>and go back to your fights with the rekkidstore guys.  Maybe I shouldn't
>have said that, but I believe I have the right to after what you've put me
>Like I said, I learned my lesson about jumping to conclusions.  I hope you
>learned yours.

Both of you: Is this the style here or what?

To einexile: Actually I got more information out of Erics` letters than from
your daily insults....so I am quite sure whose presence is needed here!
Maybe you should look out for a different mailing list or open up one, like:

To Eric: Next time, just be more careful. You apologized and I guess that is
just fine...pobably the last word has to be spoken by *k-j*.

Thanks for taking time to read this statement,

"Accident in puncto, quod non speratur in anno."

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 12:24:04 -0700
From: Robert Pietrusko (cantique@IX.NETCOM.COM)
Subject: Re: cranes satre ep.

>the reason why this hasn't been released isn't really the cranes'
>but actually they're waiting for copyright premission from the estate
>jean-paul sartre.  i guess we can hope to see it this summer....

yeah, i heard it was supposed to be released around the time "loved"
was but..... WASN"T!  i hope they do get permission....
i mean, Alison speaking french!! it doesn't get much better :)

                        thank you.


Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 12:17:08 -0700
From: Robert Pietrusko (cantique@IX.NETCOM.COM)
Subject: Re: Swirl

>on this topic has also mentioned "that voice" as a fault of Swirl.
>person recommended them, however, and I'd probably buy "Unicorn" if
>anything, supposed to be the most "professional of their albums."
>ironically enough, they're on the Dirt label.

thanks for the info. i'll try to check them out! who knows, if the
music is good, it could overpower his voice.:)


Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 12:21:35 -0700
From: Robert Pietrusko (cantique@IX.NETCOM.COM)
Subject: Re: Reply to Slowdive, Verve, Ancient Krell Music

You wrote:
>>what do you think of "Ardor"....
>>just wondering, i think it is as
>>beautiful as the first! others aren't
>>so impressed...
>I have Idylls and Ardour and to me they are
>indistinguisib... indistinguisable... the same.
>Maybe after listening to them alot more they
>will sound dissimilar, but since I bought them
>close together (in time)...

that could be why (close together) that they sound similar to you! i
bought both when each came out and by time Ardor came out, it struck as
moving in a totally differnt direction... before that they always
struck me as sort of "ethnic" i'm not even sure if that's it the word.
but now it seems alot more... i don't know! just something different,
like the use of English for one thing hehe :)  both are still great
albums though.


Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 13:17:00 M
From: Jacob Paul Leonard (JLeonard@ST.CEU.EDU)
Subject: Re: ...dress me up in Stussy...

>Well, some info on Tricky would include that he hates being termed
>I suppose I can see a case for lumping them together simply as a means of
>presenting them as bands who are attempting something different, but that
>gets twisted around to mean that they're all doing the same thing (as each
>other) which is far from the case.

         well I wouldn't say that far from the case...Tricky's
         song "Hell Is 'Round The Corner" is almost an exact
         copy of the last song on Portisheads' "Dummy". Also
         ...Tricky just re-used two of the songs off of Massive
         Attacks "Protection" and put them on his album with him
         either rapping a little differently or having Martine
         sing instead...he turned "Karmacoma" into "Hell Is 'Round
         the Corner", and the first song off of "Maxinquaye" is
         another song off of "Protection" that I can't remember.
         They do all have their subtle differences but, they do
         all sound pretty much the same...

                                     -Jacob Paul Leonard

          ...I was a girl too...

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 12:53:25 -0700
From: Robert Pietrusko (cantique@IX.NETCOM.COM)
Subject: Re: Re[2]: addresses

>     Huite:
>     >  I doubt if they'll be replying. They never do.
>     Probably not. Why oh why are (smaller) record labels so bad at
>     answering mail? I've written to Creation and even Duophonic and
>     they've never replied. Only Flying Nun has ever had the decency
>     write back - 2 fat envelopes full of cool stuff.

yeah some are nice.

    everytime i write Sam from BTFABG/projekt he writes me back, with
long letters too! Also, before "of these Reminders" came out he sent me
the art proofs for it!  a nice guy indeed.


Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 14:27:20 -0600
From: mesocyclone (soon@UNM.EDU)
Subject: Re: Slowdive, Verve, Ancient Krell Music

What do I think of the new LSD?  NOt as good as the first.  I sampled it
at a local record store and while their were some interesting pieces
there, it was nothing like the first one "Idylls".  Oh well, I guess we
can just explain it as the usual sophomore effort jinx.

On Tue, 9 May 1995,
Robert Pietrusko wrote:

> >                         W I L L  Y O U  F A D E
> >
> >
>                     " .... and i grow dizzy...."
> what do you think of "Ardor"....
> just wondering, i think it is as
> beautiful as the first! others aren't
> so impressed...
>                                     -robert.

Amber   ......broadcasting from the edge of the madding crowd......     Storm
Waves            Will Coucheron-Aamot a.k.a. soon@unm.edu               In The
 Of                    "the most beautiful noise"                       Ocean
Noise                      my bloody valentine                           Sky

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 17:22:58 -0400
From: Milan Pejnovich (mxp9@PSU.EDU)
Subject: Re: CT and DCD

I know I'm getting to this rather late, but with ... hell, you all don't care.

Anyway, King of the Monsters!  wrote:
>I don't own anything by DCD and am looking for a place to start ...

People have already suggested A Passage in Time, which is an okay sampler
of their previous work.  It's got its moments, but it omits many songs that
are much better, IMO.  My favorite non-compilation album is Within the
Realm of a Dying Sun, which has three *great* songs by Brendan and four
-=>***GREAT***<=- musical epics by Lisa.

>Pretty much the same with CT, I own Blue Bell Knoll (alright, but it's
>not one of my faves).  How's Treasure?  Any others you can recommend?

Treasure starts out ... uhm, musically "dense" I guess you could call it.
I haven't really gotten a similar response out of fellow CT fans here (all
two of them), but to me, the first four songs have an edge to them -- Liz's
voice is harsh at times, she almost wails at others, and the accompanying
sounds are very rock-y, at least to me.  That said, they are infinitely
more accessible than anything off of Garlands (their first), but I really
didn't see much of a progression from Head Over Heels (their second and the
album prior to Treasure).  Also, starting with the fifth song, Pandora,
they enter a realm of fairy-tale, fragile, beautiful music.  It's almost
like two different albums to me.

Anyway, neither Treasure nor BBK are my favorites.  That honor goes to
Victorialand, which is basically (to my ears) a continuation of the
fairy-tale landscape they composed at the end of Treasure, but they got rid
of the drums and just went crazy with the texture and layers.  I worship

Of course, you probably don't understand anything I've just written and
everyone who does probably thinks I'm babbling gibberish.  Failing a
semester brings out the critic in me, I guess.

- Milan

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 18:11:47 -0600
From: "Elaun L. Cable" (cable@FREENET.CALGARY.AB.CA)
Subject: Creation snail mail info

It's funny you should have asked for Creation's new address.  A friend of
mine forwarded this info to me mere days ago.  I hope it helps.



---------- Forwarded message ----------

Subject: A Message From Creation

"A message from Creation Records"

Thank you to everyone that has mailed in to Creation, since our launch on
the Web at the beginning of February.  We are sorry to have taken so long
in responding to you, but we have been inundated with requests.

We are now putting together our mailing list for all fans of Creation to
receive the latest news relating to the label and its artists.  In order
to process this we require from you confirmation in writing (a postcard
will do) of your name and full postal address.

In return we will send you initially a Teenage Fan Club sticker and
poster, and will continue to include you in any "freebie" mail outs in
the future.

Thanks for visiting the Creation pages, and check back soon to get all
the latest news on the Boo Radleys, Oasis, Teenage Fan Club and many
others.  We will also have some more IRC for you again in the near future.

Don't forget the URL

Send your details to our new address

Creation Records
109X Regents Park Road

Please send any replies to cremktg@cityscape.co.uk.  Please DO NOT mail
www@www.ph.kcl.ac.uk (message originator).  Thank you.

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 19:50:42 EDT
From: "Christopher C. Schachte" (Christopher.C.Schachte@DARTMOUTH.EDU)
Subject: _Trip Hop Test_

I like my copy a lot, but I stole it so I didn't have any high expectations
of it to earn out the money I spent on it.  Overall, it's a LOT more
techno influenced than Portishead and not terribly listy.  Most of the
songs are faster and less jazzy than Portishead and Massive Attack.
That said, the Portishead remix of Paul Weller's "Wild Wood" so
incredibly good that I like it better than most of the songs on _Sour_!
The St. Etienne song is also quite good, with the vocalist from "Calico"
and a Jah-Wobble-by-way-of-the-Orb sample.  Skylab's "Seashell"
and Tranquility Bass's "They Came in Peace" are moderately listy by
way of their noise level, slowness, jazzyness, melodic content, and
general weirdness, I suppose, but the rest of the album is pretty
much slightly slow acid techno/house with moderate breakbeats.
That said, some of that is mighty good too, if you're into it.
Specifically check out the The Dust Brothers' (now known as the
Chemical Brothers instead of The Dust Brothers UK after some legal
hassle with the original hiphop Dust Brothers of Beasties fame) song,
"My Mercury Mouth," Step Disk's "Boing Dragon," and The Crystal
Method's "Dubiliscious Groove.  Overall, since I don't know your taste
(Jacob Paul Leonard, the man with three first names), I'd recommend
that you listen to it before purchasing, if possible.


Chris Schachte

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 18:42:50 -0600
From: Elaun (ecable@ACS.UCALGARY.CA)
Subject: If you asked for The Sensualists...

...be prepared to get a CD from another one of my favorite local Calgary
bands known as Lemonjade.  The Sensualists CD's, Lovesongs of Chaos and
Desire, were mailed out (to everyone who asked for a copy for their campus
station) a few weeks back so they should be arriving now.  Please let me know
when you receive (received?) your copy (and what you thought of the album).
The Lemonjade CD will be mailed out next week (after the much famed MusicWest
festival is over).

If anyone else knows of campus radio stations that play good
pop/electronic music let me know and we'll add you to our ever growing
mailing list.

For anyone else who is interested in getting copies for yourself let me
know and I'll get back to you with prices.



Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 23:11:11 -0400
From: rebecca fagan (rfagan@TIAC.NET)
Subject: Re[2]: addresses

>     Vinny:
>     >  postal (and/or Email) address for 4AD. I need this address for a
>     >  project I have to do for school.
>     That sounds like a neat idea..."Today for my presentation I've brought
>     all my 4AD CDs and as you can see, I'm wearing my Cocteaux T-shirt"...
>     Huite:
>     >  I doubt if they'll be replying. They never do.
>     Probably not. Why oh why are (smaller) record labels so bad at
>     answering mail? I've written to Creation and even Duophonic and
>     they've never replied. Only Flying Nun has ever had the decency to
>     write back - 2 fat envelopes full of cool stuff.
>     Larry
>     PS ook veel geluk

I once wrote a letter to the LA 4AD office and actually got a postcard
back... so maybe not all hope is lost.

rebecca fagan: rfagan@tiac.net

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 23:06:49 -0400
From: Jim Napiorkowski (BluBelKnol@AOL.COM)
Subject: Liquorice 7" & Liz Fraser

Has anyone else out there managed to get a copy of the Liquorice 7" on the
Simple Machines label?

It features 3 songs, "Stalls", "Artifacts", and "Squawk of the town".

The last town has what appears to be a 'sample' of Elizabeth Fraser.  It is
unmistakeably Liz, and since there is no credit to her doing baking vocals on
the 45 sleeve, i can only assume these vocals are sampled.  However, I cannot
place which song it is they are sampled from.

It is, nonetheless, a very beautiful song... for those of you who haven't
heard Liquorice yet, you're in for a treat!!

"from the flagstones"...

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 23:12:48 -0400
From: Maura Smale (mas5815@IS2.NYU.EDU)
Subject: tweefest '95 in nyc!!!


i just wanted to announce a fun fun fun concert in nyc sponsored by

tweefest '95!  twee as fuck!

the current list of bands stands as:

Magnetic Fields
The Legendary Jim Ruiz Group
Slow Children Playing
Coloring Book

the show is on Saturday, May 20, 1995.  it starts at 7pm, and is at
westbeth theatre music hall, located at 151 bank st. (1 block north of 11th
st. just west of hudson st.) in the west village.  tickets are $7 at the
door.  we hope to have cool t-shirts for sale as well as some other

so show up!  you know you want to!  all the twee you can eat!

for more info., email me!


"i have broccoli in my socks"

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 23:34:59 -0600
From: King of the Monsters! (eewittme@STUDENTS.WISC.EDU)
Subject: Wire and Elastica

Well, Wire is sort of thislisty.  Has anyone out there noticed the
similarities between Elastica's "Connection" single and "Three Girl Rhumba"
by Wire?  It's one of the most blatant rip-offs I've ever heard.  A friend
of mine showed it to me the other day -- sick!!!

tired and worn out,

Eric E. Wittmershaus