I heartily concur with the praise for Juliana Towns and Skinner Box. Correspondance with Sam Rosenthal of Projekt, who used her vocal talents on a Black Tape for a Blue Girl album (not a fan, couldn't tell you) was unaware of anything else Juliana had done recently. I do believe, though, that Projekt:Darkwave was carrying the sole Skinner Box CD, also available through Toxic Shock records in Tuscon (I've no idea about that address). Aside from being an amazingly talented multi-instrumentalist, Towns wins my laurel for best capturing a fever dream melancholic surrealism in lyric. In fact, I think hers are the only surrealistic lyrics I've heard that aren't unintentionally embarrassing... I have to disagree about the first album being over produced. However, the tracks without contributions of (Peter Erskine, is it) of Savage Republic fare best. Here's hoping that there's more to look forward to from her. What else can I say? If you like the Crane's quieter moments (who's recent album is growing on me a lot. Harder, and more of a piece, than Forever.) , or World of Skin, I suggest you hunt down Skinner Box. Truly a singular CD, and one which I'm going to have to listen to has soon as I get home. Tuscon, Arizona, is really a wellspring of interesting bands... -- Darryl Stephen Roy [email protected] @>-`--,-- @>-`--,-- @>-`--,-- @>-`--,-- @>-`--,-- @>-`--,-- Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.- Picasso
>any luck finding this book in NYC? > >I couldn't find it anywhere! > >-eddie > > Unfortunately, no :-( I mean, no one on the list emailed me saying so. I am going to a couple of bookstores downtown (I go to NYU) and see what they say... --Brendon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Brendon Macaraeg "One Life One Love Let's Get Together It'll Be Alright" [email protected] 72241,1735 [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
Date Sun, 6 Nov 1994 22:08:33 TZ
From Darrell Craig
Subject LSD?
I just found out about this list while poking around the WWW (and came across www.evo.org and the dcd home page) and subscribed yesterday. Excuse my ignorance, but who is LSD? I'm afraid I missed the fabled LSD vs DCD debate, but I have been a huge DCD fan for four or five years and this sounds intriguing. thanks, darrell
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 01:14:52 -0500
From Whippingboy
Subject OK, OK, twist my arm, here's an opinion
Nov 7, 94 01:04:19 am Rumor has it that nothing Moxie has done post-YMG is that great. Apparently he produced a band named Lois recently, and not too well at that. I heard this second-hand, though, so I must admit that this is not a true step into the flame-ring. Though I wish to God I could be subject to countless personal attacks. Well, maybe when I decide to reveal DCD to be the diluted yodeling rip-offs they truly are. Really, Christopher Plummer and Julie Andrews did it so much better...:) ==Xavier [email protected]
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 02:00:00 LCL
From HEMENT GOPAL <[email protected]>
Subject towards the within
well, just about everybody else put in their 2 cents worth regarding deez release...so here goes. On friday i *finaly* had the opurtunity of hearing it ....telephonically from 20 miles away (i kid you not) and my initial reaction was...DISAPPOINTMENT. But i thought : "lets not get too hasty " so i borrowed the said item. it kinda helps to be in the same room as the music to make any good judgement, but alas the disappointment is still here. Firstly, the selection of songs sucks....i wasn't at the gig (no kidding) so i don't know what they played..i guess i was just expecting some of the better unreleased stuff from Dark Christmas to be included. Secondly, i don't know if it's just me or what but don't the songs all sound a little slow, almost as if the guy doing the master hit a wrong switch??? anyway, after all this, i still think Don't Fade Away is fantabulous!! Right now though, i'm retreating into my cocoon, tightly clutching my copy of Within the Realm of a Dying Sun and softly crying myself to sleep..... cheerio and regarding REM and Belly, well all i have to say is that Salvador Monkhouse kick asss!!! (heehee) tata sttaw __________________________________________________ ! ! ! All those moments will be lost ! ! ...in time ! ! ...like tears ! ! ...in rain. ! ! Time...to die! ! ! ! ! ROY BATTY ! !________________________________________________!
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 09:50:05 +0100
From Christophe Gourraud
Subject Re: French 4AD stuff
Sat, 5 Nov 1994 15:22:00 CDT |>Maybe I can help with some of the confusion with these so-called "French" 4AD |>releases. As far as I know, "French" means only that they were made |>in France. |>A fair amount of the 4AD stuff released around 1986 was manufactured |>by MPO, a |>French firm (i.e., "Medusa" and "The Moon And The Melodies"). It seems to me |>that as long as they have those CAD catalog numbers, there from 4AD UK no |>matter where they were made. Now there are some genuine "French" 4AD relases |>(i.e., the PIXIES CD single box), but these are, to my knowledge, |>exceptional. |>Just go by the official catalog number to determine "which" 4AD released it. |> |>- Jeff I don't think there are genuine French 4AD releases. All 4AD releases I know in France were actually distributed by Virgin France. This means that the catalog numbers are from Virgin, and NEVER from 4AD. For instance, the Pixies CD single box has the following reference: Virgin/4AD PM 616 30456. I also think that a "classical" 4AD catalog number (e.g. CAD something) means that this is a UK release, no matter where the record was made (for instance, many European records are made in Germany). BTW, it seems that Japanese records are "pure" 4AD releases, but with some special catalog numbers (e.g. COCY-78080 for Trompe Le Monde). Christophe
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 02:00:00 LCL
From HEMENT GOPAL <[email protected]>
Subject FSOL video
I don't even know where to begin.....there's just got to be an afterlife.....and if there is one, i sure hope it looks like the FSOL Lifeforms video. I'm sitting here dazed and euphoric as i write this....i've just spent the last 15 mins in the audio-visual library watching said item and....WOW!!!!!!!! The best computer generated 3D animation i've ever seen....my only regret is that i had no lysergics firing away at my neurons while watching the video......then again, in FSOL's case i wonder if it really is neccessary. it's only 12 minutes long but it's my VIDEO OF THE YEAR awtts__________________________________________________ ! ! ! All those moments will be lost ! ! ...in time ! ! ...like tears ! ! ...in rain. ! ! Time...to die! ! ! ! ! ROY BATTY ! !________________________________________________!
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 10:54:32 +0000
From "A.J. Norman"
Subject What about that new Grenadine a
> How is that Flying Saucer Attack 7" too? I just missed hearing it on > the radio.."And that was the brand new Flying Saucer attack single.. > Next we have..." "Land Beyond the Sun" / "Everywhere Was Everything", 500 copies (supposedly) on Domino records, 7" only. I think it's slightly disappointing, but I can't put my finger on why. On the other hand, I have been glued to the new FSA compilation all weekend. "Distance" has all the stuff prior to "Land Beyond the Sun" - those obscure 7" singles and a couple of other tracks which weren't on the self-titled album. There's quiet stuff ("Oceans", "Instrumental Wish"), a track which sounds like industrial machinery ("Distance"), and some of those REALLY noisy songs which make the Jesus and Mary Chain sound like Abba ("Crystal Shade", "Standing Stone", "Soaring High"). I prefer it to the "proper" album, despite the apologetic sleeve notes explaining that the songs weren't intended to be heard together, it makes a very satisfying whole. 40 minutes long, too - don't be fooled by the "mini-album" label, 40 minutes used to be the normal length for an album before the introduction of the CDs that FSA profess to hate. (This album *is* available on CD, with the legend "cds destroy music" on the spine). Talking about messages on the spine, Lisa Germano's new album must surely be the only 4AD release to have the words "FUCK OFF" on it. (dark lettering behind the name of the album). -- Andrew Norman, Leicester, England | Jedermann sein eigner Fussball [email protected] |
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 10:46:15 +0000
From "A.J. Norman"
Subject Re: Andrew Thorn and Shaun D Morrow
Nov 5, 94 02:50:56 am > > Take a look at these two addresses: > > From: Andrew Thorn> From: Shaun D Morrow > This is what happens when you allow former technical colleges to call themselves Universities. This pair seem to have mistaken the 4AD list for a talker or IRC. I tried E-mailing them privately, but it seems that their system admin is just as clueless as they are. -- Andrew Norman, Leicester, England | Jedermann sein eigner Fussball [email protected] |
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 13:11:15 GMT
From Shaun D Morrow
Subject Did you do it man?
Well, did you manage to get off the 4ad mailing list? Picking daises and watching Goldfish is just no substitute for 4ad you know, ah well...
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 13:16:56 GMT
From Shaun D Morrow
Subject I'm Alright (really)
Well, well. It seems some people were a bit unhappy about Andy and I's little discussion last week. Maybe we should have kept it off the list but hey, it was only some fun. Lighten up people. Anyway if you want to have a meaningfull discussion on any topic you wish, I can do that too. ** Spreading the news around the world ** ML. Gore
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 07:52:38 -0500
From Tim Earp
Subject unsubscribe
06 Nov 1994 23:12:05 -0500" <[email protected]> Will, Try sending your unsubscribe message to [email protected]
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 09:59:17 -0500
Subject 4AD-FAQ please?
Could someone please send me the 4AD-Faq again? My brother wants to subscribe to the list, but I forgot how, and I already accidently got rid of my FAQ. Pretty please? -jOHN
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 15:03:48 GMT
From Andrew Thorn
Subject Re: Andrew Thorn and Shaun D Morrow
Shaun and I did not mistake 4AD for a talker at all. We just wanted to stir up boring farts who take life a little too seriously. Im sorry that you did not see the funny side of Fridays banter. There is nothing wrong with our sytem here at RGU. You obviously don't know how to use your E-mail tool correctly. Whats so special about Leicester anway - must be a bit of downer livin' in england Watch The Skies, Andy
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 10:08:56 -0500
From SCSI Master tm
Subject DCD vid/CD box set?
where in the US is the DCD box set for 'Towards the Within' available? i've not been able to find it... thanks, Keith ************ NOTE NEW ADDRESS ************ ************************************* Keith Richmond [email protected] A/V Technician US Geological Survey Reston, VA "What the HELL is this FLORAL MAJORITY crap?" - G *************************************
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 09:59:33 -0600
From CZ
Subject skinner box
My copy of skinner box's CD was much cherished until it was stolen along with the rest of my CD collection. The sound was very haunting in places and suitably thislisty (i.e. beautiful female vox, atmospheric-kindajazzy-pop, unique). The drawings by Beardsly and band-name added to the haunting quality. (By the way does anyone know what happened to B. F. Skinner's daughter? Is she totally deranged or "normal"?) But the question i really wanted to ask was: Is there another album forthcoming????? Any information would be appreciated. -cz
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 09:55:57 -0800
From Jens Alfke
Subject Derivative / "sucks"
John A. Fotheringham writes: >Is it only me, or do I remember correctly that the Cocteau Twins were once >dismissed as Siouxsie and the Banshees rip-offs. I remember those days ... don't forget, Liz has a Siouxsie tattoo on her upper arm, which is why you never see her wearing sleeveless dresses. >I guess my point is this; first time you hear a band you are more likely to >recognise what other bands they sound like, rather than pick up on how they >are unique (assuming they are). You should only really call a band derivative >if they still sound exactly like someone else after several listens. Exactly. My own example is that when I first heard Lush (I bought "Scar" in, um, summer 1990) I found them an intriguing blend of Throwing Muses, the Pixies and the Primitives, with bits of early Cocteau Twins thrown in. Now I just think they're a cross between the Cocteaux and Abba ;-) Theo's opinion: >when >someone says"that sucks"it is just as valid an opinion as "i dont like >it because they are a rip-off,cant play,negative talent etc. It may be a valid _feeling_ on their part, but if they choose to _express_ it as nothing but "____ sucks!" it's a total waste of everyone's time. Someone who chooses to write something like that to hundreds of people that is just masturbating in public; there's no purpose to their post but to boast that their opinion is better than yours without stating why. A mailing list is a collective writing and it's up to all of us to keep it interesting to read. A lot of the fools who've signed on to this list in the last day or two don't have a clue about this. Jens Alfke ........ OpenDoc Geometer ........ [email protected] "One does not seriously attack the expertise of a scientist, using the undefined phrase 'butt-head.'"
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 10:19:57 -0800
From Brant Nelson
Subject Aberdeen/Henry's Dress/Ropers/Boyracer
At Jabberjaw tonight for $5: Aberdeen Henry's Dress The Ropers Boyracer Be there. brant
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 13:28:28 -0500
From Another Reason to Cut Off an Ear
Subject Re: LSD song titles
All I was inferring was that there exists a certain linguistic and aesthetic similarity in their song titles (LSD versus Cocteau Twins and Dead Can Dance). No need to get scholarly; I was aware of their origins. Furthermore, I don't recall ever using the term "rip-off" in my post regar- ding this subject. My apologies if I DID. As I recall, the tone of the my message was rather benign. Poor Love Spirals Downwards....let's hope "Ardor" puts to reset this squabbling and allows them to stand independently of their influences. By the way, what's the current response to this recording? I have not heard it yet... Mike "Choose carefully your words, for in the shadows others lurk, who await your imminent stutter." (me) P.S. Is anyone in the Boston area going to the Lisa Germano/Pale Saints show tonight at the Middle East? I can't wait. Let me know if you'll be attending.
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 14:02:42 -0500
From Whippingboy
Subject New Fanzine "Whirlpool"
Nov 7, 94 10:19:57 am Hey all. In the newest Dec. issue of Alternative Press, there is mention of a new fanzine coming out of Arizona called "Whirlpool" (named after Chapterhouse's good album) which caters to the shoegazer/atmospheric/dreamy/pop connoisseur. From the cover of the first issue, I see talk of the following bands (for example): Heavenly, Flying Saucer Attack, Nick Cave, Swirlies, Swervedriver, East River Pipe, Bark Psychosis, Secretshine...and live reviews of the Cocteau's, Ocean Blue, Slowdive, Adorable, Half String, Polvo, Superchunk, Lois, Alison's Halo, Low, Medicine...personally, it sounds like a 'zine up most of us listers' alleys. It is reported to have a glossy cover (mmm nice) and newsprint interior. I am going to take the plunge and order the first issue. Who's with me? Send $2 to WHIRLPOOL PO BOX 616 TEMPE, AZ 85280 This has been a public service announcment. --Xavier [email protected]
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 14:25:42 -0500
From Steve Willett
Subject Re: New Fanzine "Whirlpool"
07 Nov 94 14:02:42 EST." <[email protected]> > I am going to take the plunge and order the first issue. Who's with me? > Send $2 to > > WHIRLPOOL > PO BOX 616 > TEMPE, AZ 85280 > I'll throw in a good word for this new rag ........ great selection of bands in the reviews (both live and recorded). Extremely impressive for their first issue. steve
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 13:05:34 MST
From Dave Gingerich
Subject Volume Eleven
Nov 5, 94 4:48 pm Hi -- Have any of you seen Volume Eleven somewhere for sale, yet? I've only seen 8, 9 & 10 in stores (8 & 9 were ~$12 while 10 was ~$13). Is 11 even out yet? BTW, I managed to finally find AVAM in Best Buy last week and picked up a copy for $11.88. They had a few others there if anybody around Denver is looking for a copy. -- Dave Gingerich [email protected]
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 13:27:13 -0800
From Jens Alfke
Subject Seefeel remix
This may be old news to some, but Autechre's "Basscad,EP" -- five remixes of their track "Basscadet" -- includes a Seefeel mix, which is quite tasty and should appeal to any Seefeel fans. The rest of the remixes are pretty nice too. The EP is on Warp, distributed by Wax Trax! / TVT in the US. Jens Alfke ........ OpenDoc Geometer ........ [email protected] "One does not seriously attack the expertise of a scientist, using the undefined phrase 'butt-head.'"
Date Tue, 8 Nov 1994 15:34:33 -0500
following senders discarded.From the new alternateen craze
Subject Re: Volume Eleven
7 Nov 1994 13:05:34 MST > Hi -- > Have any of you seen Volume Eleven somewhere for > sale, yet? I've only seen 8, 9 & 10 in stores (8 & 9 > were ~$12 while 10 was ~$13). Is 11 even out ye eleven has been out for over a month, as i have had it that long. look in your finer record shops for it (and a big k-j =P ppppbbbbsttt for you. . .i got mine for $10 wholesale hee hee!) -joanna- sorry i am a stressbasket
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 16:45:46 EST
From Johnny Cat
Subject cds for sale (4ad and related)
------- Forwarded Message Follows -------Date Mon, 07 Nov 1994 16:30:32 -0400 (EDT)
From "John T.Robicheau"
Subject cds for sale (4ad and related)
From [email protected]
Date 6 Nov 94 18:27:43 EDT
cds for sale. kristen hersh: hips and makers 8.00 throwing muses: red heaven 7.00 throwing muses: house tornado 7.00 pale saints: in ribbons 7.00 wolfgang press: standing up straight 10.00 insides : euphoria promo 7.00 (remix) 7.00 sisters of mercy: hits/"..overbombing..." 7.00 thanx postage 1.05 for upt to 4 cds. John Robicheau [email protected] lemon curry? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ John T. Robicheau [email protected] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 21:24:09 +0000
From "K. Bruner"
Subject Chains Changed
Can anyone tell me where I can get a copy of Throwing Muses's _Chains Changed_? It was only released on vinyl and cassette, right? So I guess I'd want the vinyl. -- You've never been out of college. You don't know what it's like out there. I've worked in the private sector. They expect results. --Ghostbusters
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 17:36:14 -0500
Once again, could someone please send me the 4AD-FAQ? I need the "how to subscribe info off of it... My twee lil brother-grimm wants to subscribe... Just imagine... another yOCHIM on the list, such bliss. -jOHN
Date Tue, 30 Aug 1994 17:22:46 -0500
From Lee Graham Bridges
Subject Info sought about 4ad albums
I'm becoming a big fan of the Cocteau Twins and Dead Can Dance. I have a couple of albums from each one. I was wondering if someone could give me some feedback about their albums, perhaps tell which ones are strongest and which are weakest, 'cause I plan on collecting all of them. Also info on albums by His Name Is Alive, Xymox, Lush, and This Mortal Coil would be appreciated. Thank you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- shadowfire '94 |"I thought I'd found a reason to live [email protected] | Just like before when I was a child -----------------------------| Only to find that dreams made of sand "We are descendents of love."| Would just fall apart and slip through my hands." -- "Mornixuur", BEL CANTO | -- "Spirit", DEAD CAN DANCE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 18:21:43 -0500
From Erikas Aras Napjus
Subject Re: HELP PLEASE!
Excerpts from internet.listserv.4ad-l: 7-Nov-94 HELP PLEASE! by jOHN [email protected] > Once again, could someone please send me the 4AD-FAQ? I need the "how to > subscribe info off of it... My twee lil brother-grimm wants to subscribe... > Just imagine... another yOCHIM on the list, such bliss. Strangely enough, this information is accidentally available on WWW because of my experimental 4ad-l archive. If you have access to a web viewer, try connecting to: and that should show you the FAQ along with some other junk. You should be able to save it. Eventually, I'll try to make it available in a neater form somewhere on www.evo.org. . . --- Erikas
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 18:32:29 -0500
Satyrday was JAMC and MAZZY at the Agora in Cleveland. Let me just start out by saying that the crowd consisted of 98% Assholes, 1% real people, and 1% dust particles and smelly smoke. If anyone knows the people who felt compelled to slam dance during "fade into you", light up their lighters during "Halah", and stage dive the entire set, please send them my cooldest FUCK YOU! Especially to the bitch who kicked me 2x in the face. I pulled her down and asked her "where am I? Am I at a Pearl Jam show? Am I at a PHISH concert?"... She then felt compelled to punch me square in the face 2x, and then 4-5 of her buddies helped her out by punching me and nearly sending me to the floor. What a bunch of shit. I was told by someone else that I was in the "Party Section" and to "calm down" after I asked some really loud guy (I couldn't even hear Hope sing) to "shut up". And finally, all the joints being passed around convinced me that I was in the wrong building... But noone mentioned the Grateful Dead at the door. I couldn't even blame the band for playing a 25 minute set, and then RUNNING off stage. JAMC was really good, but I decieded to stand by the Sound board this time. I have the song list (not now though) and will post it later. William was smiling the whole time, and even sang a song! Very cool. Too bad about all the Frat/ Sorority people, though. -jOHN
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 15:43:47 -0800
From vilexile
Subject Seefeel/Autechre
On Mon, 7 Nov 1994, Jens Alfke wrote: > This may be old news to some, but Autechre's "Basscad,EP" -- five remixes of > their track "Basscadet" -- includes a Seefeel mix, which is quite tasty and > should appeal to any Seefeel fans. The rest of the remixes are pretty nice > too. > The EP is on Warp, distributed by Wax Trax! / TVT in the US. I'll raise you a quarter and say that the Autechre album itself is pretty tasty. In fact it's wonderful and better than the single...but the Seefeel mix is definitely brilliant, as is the recent version of Charlotte's Mouth on Excursions in Ambience 3 (which otherwise, for lack of a more well considered opinion, is crap except for the very depressing but nice Aphex Twin track.)
Date Tue, 8 Nov 1994 18:22:20 -0500
following senders discarded.From the new alternateen craze
Subject Re: Info sought about 4ad albums
30 Aug 1994 17:22:46 -0500 > I was wondering if someone could give me some feedback > about their albums, perhaps tell which ones are > strongest and which are weakest, 'cause I plan on > collecting all of them. no offense, but if you're planning to collect all of them anyway, why do you care which ones are strongest etc.? -joanna- sorry i'm a stressbasket
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 16:21:39 -0800
From vilexile
Subject Re: Info sought about 4ad albums
Apologies to those who have read my babble on these subjects numerous times... On Tue, 30 Aug 1994, Lee Graham Bridges wrote: > I'm becoming a big fan of the Cocteau Twins and Dead Can Dance. I have a > couple of albums from each one. I was wondering if someone could give me > some feedback about their albums, perhaps tell which ones are strongest and > which are weakest, 'cause I plan on collecting all of them. Also info on > albums by His Name Is Alive, Xymox, Lush, and This Mortal Coil would be > appreciated. Thank you. I'd say in the case of the Cocteaus, Head Over Heels is the best, tho if you want a diversity of styles, you want Garlands and Treasure, which are at almost opposite ends of the spectrum. Dead Can Dance's Within the Realm of a Dying Sun is probably my favorite album of theirs, strong on atmosphere and ambience but also entirely made up of well constructed, gorgeous songs, half Lisa and half Brendan, and I think both are at their best on the album. The Serpent's Egg has an odd flavor to it and a lot of gratuitous chanting and so forth, but probably fits together most perfectly as an album. The songs are wonderful and weird, and totally original, even for DCD. Their other good album is Spleen and Ideal. The rest of their albums I wouldn't really recommend except for specific tracks. His Name Is Alive's best album is Home Is in Your Head. Long, dark, and musical with a lot of emotion and disturbing ambience. Livonia is primarily noise collage; good if you enjoy that kind of thing...while Mouth by Mouth would be their best album except that fully half the songs on the album are total shit. Lush's best work is on Gala, which is pretty diversified. I'd recommend looking in the notes first and seeing what order the ep's compiled came out in, then listening in that order. Split is also a great album. Spooky is too syruppy for me and a lot of other folks. This Mortal Coil's best album is Filigree and Shadow. It'll End in Tears is obnoxious while Blood is kind of broken up and a few songs on it spoil things for me. it's a good album, but Filigree is much better in the same vein. Tears is just ether-mush, imo. Clan of Xymox' two albums on 4AD are great, tho Medusa is the better of the two and my favorite 4AD release of all time. Heavy, dark atmosphere, a lot of lush electronics, quirky disco beats with interlaced percussion for truly moving and original rhythms, a lot of great effects and strummed acoustic guitar, three nice voices and the kind of brilliant, well thought out songwriting design that just builds these incredible musical fabrics. Few people on 4AD or even at all have come close to it, and even the self titled Clan album fades in comparison. As for the Xymox albums with the Clan-of deleted, they kind of lost their touch towards the end of their 4AD stint, and all these Xymox records are pretty lazy and stupid, though somewhat enjoyable. Is there anyone on this list who dislikes Medusa? I'm just curious. I've never heard anything bad about it, Treasure, HIYH, Within the Realm, and a few others. e
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 16:25:03 -0800
From vilexile
Subject Re: Info sought about 4ad albums
On Tue, 8 Nov 1994, the new alternateen craze wrote: > no offense, but if you're planning to collect all of them anyway, why do you > care which ones are strongest etc.? Maybe he hasn't yet decided whether or not to buy them all at once. Some people are weird that way. :) e
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 19:52:09 -0500
From Matt Krom
Subject Re: Info sought about 4ad albums
>> I was wondering if someone could give me some feedback >> about their albums, perhaps tell which ones are >> strongest and which are weakest, 'cause I plan on >> collecting all of them. > >no offense, but if you're planning to collect all of them anyway, why do you >care which ones are strongest etc.? >-joanna- >sorry i'm a stressbasket Remember when *you* were collecting them all? You were probably just plain curious, and probably bought them in a certain order (but maybe not :) [email protected]
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 16:56:32 -0800
From Fun Gus
Subject Re: Info sought about 4ad albums
On Tue, 30 Aug 1994, Lee Graham Bridges wrote: > I'm becoming a big fan of the Cocteau Twins and Dead Can Dance. I have a > couple of albums from each one. I was wondering if someone could give me > some feedback about their albums, perhaps tell which ones are strongest and > which are weakest, 'cause I plan on collecting all of them. Also info on > albums by His Name Is Alive, Xymox, Lush, and This Mortal Coil would be > appreciated. Thank you. Cocteau Twins -- If you're going to get all of them, definitely get the singles/EPs box set - I think it has some of their best stuff. As far as the LPs go, I think the best ones are Treasure (lots of variety on that one), Head Over Heels (sorta dark, more militaristic drums with lots of reverb), Blue Bell Knoll is also very good... Garlands, their first, is cool, though with less effects and Liz's voice is a little rougher (but still great)... Heaven or Las Vegas is nice, has some great stuff on it but also some weaker stuff.. Four-Calendar Cafe is the newest one, and is their least impressive LP (but I still like it a lot)... Oh, and Victorialand is really cool, it's very quiet and there is little bass and nearly no percussion throughout... In short, they're all good and you should get them all. Dead Can Dance -- I like Within the Realm of a Dying Sun and The Serpent's Egg a lot, although I haven't heard the first one (self titled) or Spleen & Ideal... Aion is pretty good, although I don't like some of it... A Passage in Time is sorta a "best of" album, although you're probably better off getting the individual albums. Into the Labyrinth is their latest studio LP, and I don't like it much in comparison to the other stuff. Lisa's singing on several tracks is horrid (IMHO). Towards the Within, which was just released and is a live album, is very good too... Lush -- Hmm... Gala is great (maybe their best), Spooky is produced by Robin Guthrie (of the Cocteau Twins) and has a very Cocteauesque sound to it, Split (their latest) is also very good, and has some variety on it... hope that helps sw
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 16:56:48 PST
From Jason Schmit
Subject Ivy (Seed NOT Sarah)
Does anyone have any info on when the _Realistic_ album is going to be released? I've heard the advance cassette and it has definite appeal to 4AD-Lers. The _Lately_ EP has been out for awhile and is extraordinary earcandy. Just ask hk. :) Susan Curran had some info on this awhile back but I don't recall what the street date is on the full-length Ivy LP. Jason --------------------------------------------------------- | Jason Schmit | 5405 Alton Pkwy. | | TEL/FAX: +1 714 733-2924/3767 | Ste. 295 | | INTERNET: [email protected] | Irvine, CA 92714-7585 | | [email protected] | U.S.A. | ---------------------------------------------------------
Date Tue, 8 Nov 1994 12:16:27 +1100
From Matthew Kirkcaldie
Subject Dif Juz = "diffuse"
Well, I *am* embarrassed. Someone on alt.music.alternative the other day imparted the information that the band I've called "Dif Juz" with a hard "j" is actually pronounced "diffuse" - i.e. the "j" has a "y" sound, as in central European languages. I've changed my ways, but I thought I'd share it. *Surely* there is someone out there who's made the same mistake! Matthew. (Should that be "Matthjew"?)
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 21:01:15 -0500
From Alexander Jeremy Wolfson
Subject Re: JAMC and MAZZY STAR
Whoa! I think I'll be steering clear of Cleveland. Some observations/responses. The Morrisey show in NYC at the Limelight was cut short because of a rowdy audience. Meanwhile (watching from the bleachers) the crowd at Clutch in Newark was 1000x worse. The Ramones at Columbia U. was the friendliest mosh pit I've been at in my life. The Chili Peppers at Penn cut the show short for obvious reasons, which led the crowd to start ripping the seats out of Irvine auditorium and throwing them into the orchestra pit. So the rule of thumb is, bearing forward expectations can make for unpleasant experiences. Dope, smoke, and some rowdiness should be expecting for almost anything. On another note, I saw JAMC on letterman and the seemed totally boring (I'm a psychocandy man). Still worth seeing. AW ***************************************************************************** * CITI * 809 Uris Hall * NYC 10027 * phone 212 854 4222 * fax 212 932 7816 *
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 21:56:28 -0500
From Jan Hanford
Subject New Xymox Remix CD
I just saw a CD for the first time of Xymox remixes from the Headclouds era. Although it says "remixes", some are "US only", some are "new mix", they all sound like the originals to me. There are a lot of tracks on the CD, like 20. I am a total Xymox fan but am tired of spending $22.99 for compilations of stuff I already have. Does anyone know if these really are remixes or just yet another pricy import compilation? Many thanks.
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 21:59:47 -0500
From Roger Dominick
Subject Re: JAMC and MAZZY STAR
Nov 7, 94 06:32:29 pm > Satyrday was JAMC and MAZZY at the Agora in Cleveland. Let me just start > out by saying that the crowd consisted of 98% Assholes, 1% real people, and > 1% dust particles and smelly smoke. ...bah. I saw Mazzy Star here in Cincinnati at Bogart's earlier this year (three days after I saw Cocteau Twins at the same place; my ears were still ringing). The opening band was a last-minute sub of a local band named "Lazy" (who just released their first CD on Roadrunner -- "Crush" is a great song), and there were maybe 20 people there during their whole set. I still think that about ten minutes into Mazzy Star's set they started letting people in for free because suddenly the room was full of talking, smoking, drinking people -- I got burnt by a cigarette -- such that I couldn't really see the candle-lit stage, much less Mazzy Star. I ended up pushing my way up by the stage and elbowing anyone who spoke. Then again, I've come to the conclusion that Bogart's isn't a really cool place to see someone, though they get a lot of cool bands. (Frente! is on the 11th... sigh.) People didn't even give Milla a chance when she opened for Crash Test Dummies, and it was just as loud as the Mazzy Star crowd noise -- which pissed me off because I had bought the tix to see Milla! All that said, the crowd for the Cocteaus was really cool, so sometimes it can be all right. Whoa. I should really learn to eat before I write. Sigh. -- "He's being stalked by Depeche Mode!" [email protected]
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 17:40:48 -0600
From bob k
Subject Re: *Xymox*
In article, you wrote: > Does anyone have a decent discography of Xymox since Phoenix? CdEurope (telne > cdeurope.com) lists several titles with which I'm not familiar... For those who really aren't interested, the following includes a brief review of each song off of Headclouds by XYMOX. Another message will appear summarizing a review of Metamorphosis. And please.... remember that this is only my opinion.... While not a decent discography, the two after Phoenix are: METAMORPHOSIS 1992 Mogull Entertainment (BMG subsidiary) HEADCLOUDS 1993 ZOK Records ZCDXY004 HEADCLOUDS- REVIEW My personal warning: Overall I would say that this is not *really* XYMOX, but rather Ronny Moorings ego gone ape ;'). In some ways this CD does seem to be a progression from what they have been doing since Twist Of Shadows, I am still stuck longing for more of Michelle and No Human Can Drown. That said, If you enjoyed Love Thy Neighbor, you might enjoy this CD, if you are looking for the 4AD XYMOX, do not look here. An attempt at a description: Spritual High 4.37 Fairly decent song, not the best but not the worst. Kinda dancy, female "howling" along with ronny's vocals. In some ways, this reminds me of Love Thy Neighbor, but better. It's Your Life 4.25 Sounds like something that woulda been released between Twist Of Shadows and Phoenix, but never quite happened. prophecy 3.49 Techno-ish sounding with male aboriginal howling in harmony with the keyboard. Very synthesized, in fact, nothing is played on this cd so far but synthesizers and the occasional guitar. wild in the wind 5.14 A woman sings a duet with ronny, no mention of her in the sleeve though. Kinda sappy actually. Bad keyboards, making this worse than it should be. This song could be a spin-off of Written In The Stars and/or At The End Of A Day. Also, too long for this listener's ears. a single day 4.44 This could fit in as an opener on a more ambient Twist Of Shadows, mixed with Love Thy Neighbor. Overall, it leaves no real impression on me. love thrills 4.35 Fast paced drumbeat and synthesizers, with airy keyboards. No vocals. Kinda generic. the beginning 4.53 AH, this is the song where Ronny attempts to rip off the Lords of Acid's I Must Increase My Bust. Sample's "I Am Not A Number" from BBC Tel's Prisoner series. Overall, try as I may, I don't really think this is a good song. As I listen to this, it even steals the bassline from Love Thy Neighbor. reaching out 3.58 Hmmm, what can I say about this one ? It opens with a synthesized guitar chord. Ronny sings a little, and someone raps. Poppy, and the chorus seems influenced by the old Manchester thing. headclouds 4.02 Fuzzy guitar. Slower. Vocals actually sound ok ( similar to Twist Days). Dronier than the rest of the album, but still has elements of it. I could like this song. january 6.03 Though this song is 6 minutes long, there really is no song here . The only things that I can use as reference are: a) Murder by New Order b) A Final Sound by The Cure c) the intro of Invisible Sun by The Police. d) the outro of Pornography by The Cure Actually, a very good song !! It is the most interesting one on this disc.
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 18:32:34 -0600
From bob k
Subject *Xymox*
Review # 2 - Metamorphosis Twist and Phoenix (esp. Phoenix/ ATEOTD rmxs) it can now be concluded that XYMOX was Ronny's band all along ! If you enjoy dancier type music, you may enjoy this, but I have heard better from this genre. Sedated Nothing much to say about this song. Dream On If there were ever a hit on this release it would be this song. It has the background female voice classic to XYMOX. The song is upbeat yet laid back. This is the old Ronny singing here. Tightrope Walker Percussive, and reminiscient of the Manchester scene. Relaxed. B Who U Wanna Be I'll be darned if I haven't heard this song somewhere before. Was turned off by the way he wrote the title so I did have a prejudice here. Anyway, it is an ok song, it could have been on Phoenix. XDD Techno/House in a serious way! Reminds me of T99 or Vice Versa. Revolve Ambient House, with some older sounding synthesizer thrown in for good measure. Chorus = Love Will Hold It. Female aboriginal type howling in the background. More rapping than singing with a the assistance of a computer generated voice every now and then. Love Me This song is more of the ambient howling type of background. Who is the person doing the rapping and singing though ??? The "Love Me" chorus sounds like a distant ZOOROPA Bono Vocal. Instruments are all generally flanged. Awakening Vocals sound like Written In The Stars. Song itself sounds like the instruments were sampled from a video game. *Sigh*. Real 70's style funk mixed with a standard house progression. I could hear this as a Pet Shop Boys song actually (no pun intended). High and Low "Bubbles" are sampled. What is that called when you play each note in a chord.. arpeggio ? Well anyway, that is how the first 1.5 minutes of this song is. Then it breaks into a house beat.
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 19:10:18 -0600
From bob k
Subject *Xymox*
Now that I have babbled on and given fairly substantial reviews of 2 releases, hopefully someone can answer some of my queries. 1) What has become of Anka Wolbert ? It seems that the few songs that she was given credit for were actually some of my favorite XYMOX songs. 2) Is Pieter up to anything, or has he been playin with House like Ronny ? 3) Does anyone remeber the song Twisted, which was played live during during the Phoenix tour ? In Chicago, it was right before Phoenix. 4) By the Phoenix tour, were XYMOX even playing their instruments ? During Craving, I could swear Anka put her bass down, yet the bass was still playing. 5) If anybody is interested, I do have a few shows and Peel Sessions by them, including the Chicago show from Phoenix Tour and Twist Of Shadows Tour. Would prefer to trade, but willing to do dubs, contact me for more info. 6) Finally, I do have a promo 12" for Phoenix that was the result of a remix contest. I have never seen it since I originally bought it... and it is on Wing Records so it is a legit release, anybody have any further info on it ? Thanks for your time.......... Bob [email protected] [email protected]
Date Mon, 7 Nov 1994 20:46:01 -0800
From David Mccallum
Subject Cocteau's Christmas
After the "Snow" single last year, a friend told me that the Cocteau Twins planned on doing such a project each year. Has anyone heard if anything is happening this year? If this was just a wild rumor, let me apologize for bringing it to this list. Take care all.
[email protected], last updated by Eyesore Automation on 11-7-1994